Sennheiser HD 600 Impressions Thread
Dec 27, 2014 at 5:23 PM Post #9,691 of 23,553
  If you can't wait, I'd bet that a good automotive body shop can restyle your pair.

Even better. 
But it would be really cool to have something officially from Sennheiser.
Dec 27, 2014 at 5:24 PM Post #9,692 of 23,553
It's the angled drivers that would be the biggest benefit for me. If anything, I would take them apart and plastidip matte black over the granite. This would also act as a small barrier to block scratches or rub marks. 
Dec 27, 2014 at 5:25 PM Post #9,693 of 23,553
I like where this is going... maybe both, Linus and Massdrop...

On a side note... I remember when Linus staryed going the Head-Fi way when he reviewed the Asus Essense One way back...
Dec 27, 2014 at 5:33 PM Post #9,694 of 23,553
I like where this is going... maybe both, Linus and Massdrop...

On a side note... I remember when Linus staryed going the Head-Fi way when he reviewed the Asus Essense One way back...

Interesting username. Did you toss that together?
Dec 29, 2014 at 1:02 AM Post #9,698 of 23,553
My setup is MacBook Pro streaming Pandora Premium > Crack > HD600-


Since I am not using an external DAC at the moment, I'm wondering what's the optimal volume settings on analog output from laptop vs. Crack for best SQ? 


Set max volume on source (laptop or software), playing amp (Crack) volume as you need.
Dec 29, 2014 at 1:19 AM Post #9,699 of 23,553
  My setup is MacBook Pro streaming Pandora Premium > Crack > HD600-
  Since I am not using an external DAC at the moment, I'm wondering what's the optimal volume settings on analog output from laptop vs. Crack for best SQ? 


Set max volume on source (laptop or software), playing amp (Crack) volume as you need.

Thanks. That's what I thought but someone told me that is true only when the output signal is digital. He said in my case, in which output from laptop headphone jack is actually analog, that I should set laptop volume 40%-70% and adjust amp volume from there. Wanted to see if others had heard that too
Dec 29, 2014 at 1:25 AM Post #9,700 of 23,553
  Thanks. That's what I thought but someone told me that is true only when the output signal is digital. He said in my case, in which output from laptop headphone jack is actually analog, that I should set laptop volume 40%-70% and adjust amp volume from there. Wanted to see if others had heard that too

just mess around with it and see what sounds best to you
Dec 29, 2014 at 1:39 AM Post #9,701 of 23,553
  Thanks. That's what I thought but someone told me that is true only when the output signal is digital. He said in my case, in which output from laptop headphone jack is actually analog, that I should set laptop volume 40%-70% and adjust amp volume from there. Wanted to see if others had heard that too

With analog output on your laptop, don't set it higher than 70-80%, otherwise it could be distorted. Digital has to be set to 100% at all times.
Dec 29, 2014 at 11:55 AM Post #9,702 of 23,553
Reading this thread is akin to going to an HD600 convention. No escaping the love, except for the fact that I have recently sold my Lyr and await the Valhalla 2 restock. (This NuForce U-DAC 2 just ain't cutting it.) Is there any other amp that I should be seriously considering over the Schiit? I would like to maintain my "stack" (w/Bifrost USB Uber) but am open to reasonable suggestions. Wait... that is a question for another thread. Carry on, friends!
Dec 29, 2014 at 12:27 PM Post #9,703 of 23,553
  Thanks. That's what I thought but someone told me that is true only when the output signal is digital. He said in my case, in which output from laptop headphone jack is actually analog, that I should set laptop volume 40%-70% and adjust amp volume from there. Wanted to see if others had heard that too

I've always wondered about connecting an analog headphone-out to a line-in to so that the signal gets amped again. Doesn't the double-amping result in lower sound quality? I'm sure I could find the answer by googling. Something for me to do later on today when I get some free time.
Dec 29, 2014 at 1:19 PM Post #9,704 of 23,553
I've always wondered about connecting an analog headphone-out to a line-in to so that the signal gets amped again. Doesn't the double-amping result in lower sound quality? I'm sure I could find the answer by googling. Something for me to do later on today when I get some free time.

If the distortion at the headphone out is below perception, that's probably not an issue.The other concern is if it's noisy, you're going to amplify the noise and add that to the noise of the amp. Among my toys is an iPod Touch 5G, it's distortion and noise are low enough not to be an issue. So it depends on the articular toys.

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