Sennheiser HD 600 Impressions Thread
Feb 6, 2011 at 8:39 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 23,553


1000+ Head-Fier
Dec 4, 2010
I was looking for the Sennheiser HD 600 appreciation thread and couldn't find it, so here it is. 

When recently listening to some of the current flagship headphones (at time of writing this includes the Sennheiser HD 800 and Beyerdynamic T1), each of the stockists I went to had the HD 600 on hand. Having never heard the HD 600 before, I decided to try them. Whilst the flagships 'wowed' me in many ways and microscopically revealed details I'd never before heard in music that I'd listened to for years, I found myself coming back to the neutral-sounding presentation of the HD 600, which worked really well with every recording I heard through them and have since heard through them since purchasing them. For me, there's little to fault with the HD 600.
I love the HD 600 - they're awesome! 
Feb 6, 2011 at 9:26 PM Post #2 of 23,553
I agree, they are great.  I too found some really significant details in music I'd listened to many time previously.  Revelation of these new aspects of the music made me really understand why I paid more for these headphones.  They are really special.
Feb 6, 2011 at 10:58 PM Post #3 of 23,553
I love my HD600 and will never sell them!! They are my first step into the upper hi-fi league and I have so many fond memories of them, though they need new pads as the current ones are completely flat! Truly these are my goto relax headphones for after a long tiring day at work. I am probably the only person who will use these for portable use from time to time.
Man I remember I got the HD595 then a week later I bought these and was like "holy crap these are far better". Even from a Zune and amped by a CMOY they outdo the HD595 in every aspect! Man on of my favorite phones ever.
Feb 7, 2011 at 10:56 AM Post #4 of 23,553
When I listened to a friends 600 a few weeks back, I just had to order one immediately.
I've been using it ever since, and haven't even touched the Beyers anymore.
It's great for almost all types of music, everyone should have this one in his collection :)
What would be the best upgrade for the stock cable? Or are the difference minimal?
Feb 7, 2011 at 12:53 PM Post #5 of 23,553
I think there's a good reason why the HD600 is used by many Amp Manufacturers to Tune and Benchmark their amps. They are still considered the Reference mark. After all, the physical Design is from the same gene pool as the legendary HE90.  From all the way back to the HD580, the HD600 and the HD650, this basic design has had the longest production run from Sennheiser, and has not been discontinued (at least till now, although the grapevine is ripe with rumour...)
These are well on the way to becoming True Classics, in a decade or two. I won't be surprised if they are still in production.
Feb 8, 2011 at 11:08 PM Post #11 of 23,553
They beat the living daylights out of my HD448's. I don't think I can imagine a violent enough action for how badly they destroy anything I have owned. If the cans I owned were human I could possibly begin by saying that The HD600's removed every drop of bone marrow from my other 'phones still conscious bodies. From there.... I can't even imagine.
I think what I find the best, over my RE0's mostly, is the soundstage. Not that is THE BEST EVER, but it is a HUGE step up. I only have an E7, as mentioned, but an E9 is visible in the future.
Feb 8, 2011 at 11:10 PM Post #12 of 23,553

They beat the living daylights out of my HD448's. I don't think I can imagine a violent enough action for how badly they destroy anything I have owned. If the cans I owned were human I could possibly begin by saying that The HD600's removed every drop of bone marrow from my other 'phones were still conscious bodies. From there.... I can't even imagine.
I think what I find the best, over my RE0's mostly, is the soundstage. Not that is THE BEST EVER, but it is a HUGE step up. I only have an E7, as mentioned, but an E9 is visible in the future.

You will be able to try them on my setup at the Bay Area meet if you attend.
Drop Stay updated on Drop at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Feb 8, 2011 at 11:15 PM Post #13 of 23,553
Ooooooh sounds wonderful! I am actually audiogasming. Weezer is bearable! It's not a muddy mess! I will probably listen for a few extra HOURS tonight.
EDIT: Also, I listened to some of the Inception OST earlier. Speechless.

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