Sennheiser HD 600 Impressions Thread
Sep 17, 2013 at 11:57 AM Post #4,201 of 23,499
Ummmmm.....see post #4190, a few before yours.

Your amp has plenty of power to drive the HD600s to ear-splitting volume. But isn't not just about volume. In my experience (confirmed by many, many others), the HD600s (and HD580s and HD650s) sound radically different out of an OTL tube amp as compared to a solid state amp. The HD600s will sound very good out of your current amp. But if you want them to sound their best, build a Bottlehead Crack. It's that simple. I know I sound like a shill or a broken record, but I have tried my HD600s with literally dozens of amps at every price point imaginable: the Bottlehead Crack is the best, hands down. Considering the fact that it is also fairly cheap as high-end amps go, I think anyone who buys a pair of HD600s should pair it with a Crack.

FWIW, I currently have the following amps, among others:

Schiit Mjolnir
Audio-Gd Roc SA
Decware Taboo Mk II
Little Dot Mk VI+
Violectric V181
Brocksieper Earmax
Eddie Current Laconic EC-01

I also have a ton of headphones. 95% of my listening time is with my HD800s and my Bottlehead Crack. If I didn't have HD800s, I would probably be spending 95% of my time with my HD600s and the Crack.

Best regards,
Sep 17, 2013 at 12:06 PM Post #4,202 of 23,499
I agree that a Cmoy will power them decently.  


I'm all in favor of budget gear when it performs well. No need to spend big money on something more expensive, if there is a perfectly adequate budget substitute available. It is about the sound, not the bling. But I have to disagree with the statement above. In my experience, the cMoy sounds very muffled and lacks resolution. I would rather listen to my HD600s direct from my ipod, than through a cMoy. It's not just about volume, but control and resolution, which I found the cMoy to be wholly lacking.

I've had very, very good experiences using my HD600s with my Neco Soundlab v2 and v3 portables (Neco just released v4, which looks awesome -- check Facebook for more info) and with the JDSLabs c421.

Best regards,
Sep 17, 2013 at 12:33 PM Post #4,203 of 23,499
I agree that a Cmoy will power them decently.  


I'm all in favor of budget gear when it performs well. No need to spend big money on something more expensive, if there is a perfectly adequate budget substitute available. It is about the sound, not the bling. But I have to disagree with the statement above. In my experience, the cMoy sounds very muffled and lacks resolution. I would rather listen to my HD600s direct from my ipod, than through a cMoy. It's not just about volume, but control and resolution, which I found the cMoy to be wholly lacking.

I've had very, very good experiences using my HD600s with my Neco Soundlab v2 and v3 portables (Neco just released v4, which looks awesome -- check Facebook for more info) and with the JDSLabs c421.

Best regards,

I disagree with you.  It's a bit of an arrogant statement to generalize that all Cmoys sound the same and that your ears speak for everyone else just because you own a lot of gear.  I stand by my experience with a Cmoy and how it sounds to me.  I was happy using mine until I purchased  a Lyr.  Not everyone like the same sound signature.
Sep 17, 2013 at 1:10 PM Post #4,204 of 23,499
"It's a bit of an arrogant statement to generalize that ... your ears speak for everyone else just because you own a lot of gear."

What part of "IN MY EXPERIENCE" and "I WOULD RATHER LISTEN" led you to the statement above? In what way was I arrogant, and how did I suggest that I was speaking for everyone? I think I was clear that I was referring to my experiences and my preferences. Don't try to put words in my mouth just because you disagree with me.
Sep 17, 2013 at 1:20 PM Post #4,205 of 23,499
You have posts listing your gear or stating to look at what you have as if you must know what's best or what isn't. You certainly know what is best for you.  There isn't a "this is the best don't waste your time" for audio.  It's very subjective as far as sound goes.  We all have many different tastes including me.  If you can't see how you come off in some your posts then you have blinders on.
Sep 17, 2013 at 2:01 PM Post #4,207 of 23,499
Can someone advise if they are able to be driven adequately from my Audio Gd 15.32 or iBasso PB2s?

I had the PB1 and it didn't have any issues driving them if output power and distortion are concerned, but I sold it anyway because the overall set-up (diyMod 60gb, PB-1) was a bit dark to me - some vocals are borderline nasal - compared to the Meier Cantate.2 (using USB input). Of course it was likely the iPod, but I haven't tried the PB-1 or 2 on a wider variety of sources to be more certain.
Sep 17, 2013 at 2:10 PM Post #4,208 of 23,499
It's very subjective. That's why I said, "in my experience" and described what MY listening preferences are.

Check how you come across in your posts.

How about we agree that we both like music and that's what it is all about anyway?  

Sep 17, 2013 at 2:31 PM Post #4,209 of 23,499
how much more of an experience am I going to get between these and the hd 598s?


I had a pair of HD598s and compared them to the HD600s. The HD600s are significantly better. The HD580s are better, too. The Sennheiser numbering system doesn't necessarily make sense. I had a friend who was a big HD598 fan, and when he finally got a pair of HD580s, he was surprised at how big the difference was.

Sep 17, 2013 at 4:15 PM Post #4,210 of 23,499
I had the PB1 and it didn't have any issues driving them if output power and distortion are concerned, but I sold it anyway because the overall set-up (diyMod 60gb, PB-1) was a bit dark to me - some vocals are borderline nasal - compared to the Meier Cantate.2 (using USB input). Of course it was likely the iPod, but I haven't tried the PB-1 or 2 on a wider variety of sources to be more certain.

Are the Hd600 considered a dark can? Because I think my mad dogs are quite dark which is why they pair so well with my PB2s. The PB2 is quite neutral so it balances out the darkness
Sep 17, 2013 at 4:27 PM Post #4,211 of 23,499
Are the Hd600 considered a dark can? Because I think my mad dogs are quite dark which is why they pair so well with my PB2s. The PB2 is quite neutral so it balances out the darkness

I don't think the HD600 is that dark, more like neutral with a slight treble roll-off. I find that signature pleasing to the ears especially with bright recordings which would otherwise sound too sharp in other headphones. 
Sep 17, 2013 at 5:41 PM Post #4,213 of 23,499
I don't think the HD600 is that dark, more like neutral with a slight treble roll-off. I find that signature pleasing to the ears especially with bright recordings which would otherwise sound too sharp in other headphones. 

Because of the treble roll off it would be better to match it with an amp that's on the bright side of neutral?

My Audio Gd 15.32 is warmish and the PB2s are brightish so you'd think it'd be better paired with the PB2s
Sep 17, 2013 at 5:48 PM Post #4,214 of 23,499
Will the HD 600 work well with the Cambridge Audio DacMagic+? I am planning on buying them for just under US$300 :)

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