Sennheiser HD 600 Impressions Thread
Aug 15, 2012 at 4:43 PM Post #1,621 of 23,501
but isn't the ah-d2000 a closed or semi-closed headphone meaning wont it sound a bit worse than an open headphone?
Aug 15, 2012 at 5:00 PM Post #1,622 of 23,501
Have you compared the mid-bass any? Maybe try to see which one has the fuller sounding mids.
On my E9 I can't spot any difference between the HD-650 and HD-600 cable. Even with my HRT DAC.
I was watching LOTR: The Two Towers the other day with my E9 using an HD-650 cable. Sounded fine..switched to my Micro Amp and there was clearly more mid-bass and more forward mids. Almost to the point of being annoying. The whole sound was much "thicker" and fuller. Didn't prefer that though.
I switched back to stock cable and everything was perfect and back to normal. The Micro Amp I have isn't very colored, so that wasn't it. I wonder why I didn't hear this on the E9?
Some say the 600 and 650 cable use the same grade of cable and are the same gauge inside. I don't think this is true.
My DHC cable seems closer in sound to the HD-650 cable. I don't use that any more. Has anyone tried an HD-600 cable on the HD-650? No i'm not joking. I'm one of the few who prefer the stock cable on the HD-600. There must be a reason Sennheiser uses this cable. Not to keep costs down..
I've mentioned this before, but attaching an HD-650 cable to the 598 is amusing to say the least

Also..I loved the Asgard with the HD-600, but it's my least favorite amp. I'm more into the AKG sound and the Asgard is awful with the K702 and K601 IMO. Asgard was also great with the D2000, but it hated the ATH-AD2000. Asgard must be slightly colored. I guess they call it "musical"

I'm now a believer the HRT MSII has slightly forward mids and somewhat edgy treble. Most will only notice this on specific headphones with extra treble and forward upper mids (perfect on HD-600). Mostly on very bad recordings. My HRT has a small soundstage too, but I didn't want to believe that at first. It's bigger on my full sized CD player.

you said you loved the asgard on the hd600 but its your least favorite amp, is there a better one in the same price range or will it fit perfectly with the HD600?
Aug 15, 2012 at 6:27 PM Post #1,623 of 23,501
Do you think the HD600 is good for rock and pop rock? Thats the genre I mostly listen to. Which genre do you think it sounds best at?

I use my HD600 for blues, rock, and music with alot of guitarwork. Get this headphone before it's gone. To me, a headphone person should have one.
Aug 15, 2012 at 6:31 PM Post #1,624 of 23,501
The Asgard is very good with the HD600.  You won't find better than $180 (for a used one) to drive the HD600s.
Aug 15, 2012 at 6:54 PM Post #1,625 of 23,501
Why is the HD600 considered laid back? Im asking this to have a more clear idea of what it sounds like and if will sound laid back for me. Is there a specific thing in the sound signature which makes it laid back? Is it because the highs aren't bright enough, is it because it sounds dark rather than bright, etc. I know it can't be the mids because everyone says the mids are very forward.
Aug 15, 2012 at 8:02 PM Post #1,627 of 23,501
Why is the HD600 considered laid back? Im asking this to have a more clear idea of what it sounds like and if will sound laid back for me. Is there a specific thing in the sound signature which makes it laid back? Is it because the highs aren't bright enough, is it because it sounds dark rather than bright, etc. I know it can't be the mids because everyone says the mids are very forward.

Daniel, if you want a green crayon, ask for help finding a green crayon. The HD 600 is orange. No matter how many times, in how many ways you ask, it will not change to green... 

Seriously, I owned the HD 600 and sold it because it wasn't as dynamic as I wanted. It is a neutral, smooth, soft on detail headphone that is neither bright on top nor authoritative down below. It's about as middle-of-the-road as you can get. It's lovely and people covet them, but it's not what you're looking for.
The Denon D2000 is what you want. No DAC. No amp. Plug it right into your iPod and you'll be in heaven.
Aug 15, 2012 at 8:28 PM Post #1,628 of 23,501
Don't waste your breath. He knew what he was getting before he even posted here. He's just looking for reassurances.

I just want to get different opinions since they vary a lot. It's hard for me to pick cans because I don't have a place to try it out and I'm not planning in upgrading for a long time. One person says the hd600 is perfect for me while you say the denon d2000 is the one I should get. Guess I'll have to search a bit more :wink:
Aug 15, 2012 at 8:35 PM Post #1,629 of 23,501
I just want to get different opinions since they vary a lot. It's hard for me to pick cans because I don't have a place to try it out and I'm not planning in upgrading for a long time. One person says the hd600 is perfect for me while you say the denon d2000 is the one I should get. Guess I'll have to search a bit more :wink:

No two people in the forums will tell you the same thing because everyone has different hearing, different upstream gear, and most importantly, different expectations and biases.
One thing that most people who have owned the HD600 tend to agree on (in general terms) is that the HD 600 is a terrific, Jack-of-all-trades but master of none headphone. That's actually the HD600's appeal - unlike 99% of the headphones out there, the HD600 has no real faults.
It's an easy listen, not an "exciting" listen.
Aug 15, 2012 at 8:39 PM Post #1,630 of 23,501
No two people in the forums will tell you the same thing because everyone has different hearing, different upstream gear, and most importantly, different expectations and biases.
One thing that most people who have owned the HD600 tend to agree on (in general terms) is that the HD 600 is a terrific, Jack-of-all-trades but master of none headphone. That's actually the HD600's appeal - unlike 99% of the headphones out there, the HD600 has no real faults.
It's an easy listen, not an "exciting" listen.

It sounds pretty exciting to me after listening to a m50 .....
Aug 15, 2012 at 8:41 PM Post #1,631 of 23,501
No two people in the forums will tell you the same thing because everyone has different hearing, different upstream gear, and most importantly, different expectations and biases.
One thing that most people who have owned the HD600 tend to agree on (in general terms) is that the HD 600 is a terrific, Jack-of-all-trades but master of none headphone. That's actually the HD600's appeal - unlike 99% of the headphones out there, the HD600 has no real faults.
It's an easy listen, not an "exciting" listen.

I see, do you think the denons will be a great can for rock and pop rock? Also, I know N0sferato kinda answered this but since the d2000 is a semi open design rather than open (I'm not sure, prove me if I'm wrong) so will it have a less airy sound than an open headphone? (I'm a noob at this)
Aug 15, 2012 at 8:50 PM Post #1,632 of 23,501
X2, with one exception. Exciting is relative. I get excited when I hear music that sounds natural and real to me, as if you're two rows back from the stage in a small venue.

No two people in the forums will tell you the same thing because everyone has different hearing, different upstream gear, and most importantly, different expectations and biases.

One thing that most people who have owned the HD600 tend to agree on (in general terms) is that the HD 600 is a terrific, Jack-of-all-trades but master of none headphone. That's actually the HD600's appeal - unlike 99% of the headphones out there, the HD600 has no real faults.

It's an easy listen, not an "exciting" listen.
Aug 15, 2012 at 8:53 PM Post #1,633 of 23,501
I see, do you think the denons will be a great can for rock and pop rock? Also, I know N0sferato kinda answered this but since the d2000 is a semi open design rather than open (I'm not sure, prove me if I'm wrong) so will it have a less airy sound than an open headphone? (I'm a noob at this)

You'll get many people who disagree on this topic, but in my opinion, the design of a headphone (open or closed) is not necessarily a predictor of whether a headphone is airy/spacious sounding or not.
I've heard plenty of open headphones that sounded dark and closed-in, and in the case of the Denons (I own D7000's and my daughter owns D2000's), they sound nice and open and spacious to me.
Aug 15, 2012 at 8:56 PM Post #1,634 of 23,501
i think u wont go wrong with the hd600....the mids are definitely more forward vs the d2000...since u said u are looking for forward mids.
The bite on the asgard will add more grit to the sound of the the moment my hybrid LYR is doing great on the hd600. i like a little tubey organic flavor to my music.
hd600 is never will faithfully play u the music that u have. u can add silver rca cables if u need more sparkle in your setup..
just tune it further to suit your taste.

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