Sennheiser HD 280 Pro's - Need some advise.
Jul 5, 2011 at 1:50 PM Thread Starter Post #1 of 6


Jul 5, 2011
Hey guys, i just recently purchased a set of Sennheiser HD 280 Pro cans - I have a few questions regarding these.
I listen to music on my PC (Deathcore, Metal, Rock, Dubstep) - I have an ASUStek P5Q SE2 motherboard with onboard sound, im looking at buying a Sound Card, but first off i need to know if a Sound Card such as a Asus Xonar DX (Which is in my price range) Will improve the bass and overall sound quality of my HD 280 pros - and if so by how much? Is it worth it?
Would a headphone amp improve the bass + sound quality also - Also would like a comparison with the HD448 in sound quality, as these HD280 pros are real headclamps - I don't know if i will ever get used to them.
Feedback would be great guys and gals :)
Jul 5, 2011 at 2:32 PM Post #2 of 6
HD280 has a relatively neutral response with some treble emphasis. I would play with the EQ first before buying a sound card. FWIW I didn't think it improved much with a better source when I had it.
Jul 5, 2011 at 3:14 PM Post #3 of 6
Well i dont think you'll have a big improvement using the onboard, the sound quality on them is poor IME. 
The 280's benefit from a good amp. 
Jul 5, 2011 at 5:34 PM Post #4 of 6

Hey guys, i just recently purchased a set of Sennheiser HD 280 Pro cans - I have a few questions regarding these.
I listen to music on my PC (Deathcore, Metal, Rock, Dubstep) - I have an ASUStek P5Q SE2 motherboard with onboard sound, im looking at buying a Sound Card, but first off i need to know if a Sound Card such as a Asus Xonar DX (Which is in my price range) Will improve the bass and overall sound quality of my HD 280 pros - and if so by how much? Is it worth it?
Would a headphone amp improve the bass + sound quality also - Also would like a comparison with the HD448 in sound quality, as these HD280 pros are real headclamps - I don't know if i will ever get used to them.
Feedback would be great guys and gals :)

I've listened to both the HD280 Pro and the HD448's. 280 Pro's were uncomfortable, they clamp hard, it never will end. Makes listening long hard. HD448's do not clamp at all, they will slide off your head in fact. HD448's sound great, excellent detail. Great for acoustic, rock, indie, folk, jazz, etc. Bass is good, but they're not basshead cans. They can do bass though--I amped them and the bass hit low pretty well. You could get an Asus Xonar DG ($35) and it will get amped. And then just play with the EQ to make it do whatever you want to do so long as it doesn't start clipping. I think the 448's would probably serve you a bit better than the 280's simply based on comfort. I think the 280's will probably ultimately do bass better (especially when amped) simply because of the clamped headband (it will isolate more, which will allow a deeper tighter bass). I think at the end of the day though, you should get something else, like the BeyerDynamic DT770 Pro 80's with an amplifier like the Xonar (any, DG, DX, etc). It will blow both headphones out of the water for bass and still has good highs (mids are a tad recessed--this is a basshead can). The DT770 Pro is going to do your dubstep like a champ. Not so much for rock/metal. Those are better on something with more forward mids.
What's your budget?
Very best,
Jul 6, 2011 at 6:15 AM Post #5 of 6
Thanks for the replys guys - Im going to sell my HD280 Pros and purchase HD448s purely for comfort, i tryed on HD448s at JBhifi on my break at work today and they are far more comfortable, i suffer from tension headaches as is, so these dont do much justice - Now im not an audiophile at all, so maybe somebody could explain to me how to mess around with the EQ? I open my mixer and it just says Speakers and System sounds, i messed up my front headphone port by accident, so im using the onboard Green jack at the back.
So now about the HD448s what would benefit these cans the most, sound card? headphone amp? if so which sound card or headphone amp? i live n New Zealand so prices are a bit diff, and electronics are dirt cheap in US - Ive got about $150-$180 to spend.
I have only recently started cranking dubstep - But my main music listening Rock/Metal - Im all about vocals, guitar and double kicks - Bands like, In Flames, Breaking Benjamin, A Day to Remember, Tool etc so best Headphone Amp/Sound Card combo or 1 or the other in my price range opinions would be great 

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