Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers
Oct 5, 2017 at 7:40 PM Post #14,284 of 23,500
Thêre is still a quad WE on ebay for $150, I linked it earlier in the thread, if your interested.

Thanks for the tip, my replacement single arrived today. Want warning everyone, how it is easy shortened this type of tubes, even your equipment it is powered off, due to discharging output capacitors.

I have chance listened that JW Western Electric tubes couple of hours before on my DAC. Thick, sounding tubes with best details on bass frequencies. Forgiving for bad recordings. Best for jazz and classical music.
Oct 5, 2017 at 7:52 PM Post #14,285 of 23,500
They are incredible tubes imo, they pair real well with the CBS 5670 square getters in the dac or amp. These mega cheap Reflektors already sound better than burned in 74 and 75 Reflektor SWGP SS 6N23P`s. Excellent detail and think the bass is going to be top notch burned in.

Thanks Sammy for sending me that Reflektor pair bro, appreciated!
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Oct 5, 2017 at 8:19 PM Post #14,286 of 23,500
Not sure if you are looking for the Heerlen sound sig or not but I can let go a Pinched waist pair and the freebie in my sig for $150 if you do paypal gift. what kind of sound sig are you looking for in a tube, they all sound quite different wether it be USA, Holland, Germany etc in a 6922 tube, also the 396A, 5670, 2C51 variants are quite good for the best bang for your buck. They require an adapter though. I suggest buying an adapter first as they can take quite a long time in shipping from China. Think they use boats that require an oar to move. Save on the gas I guess.

This is a good place to start reading about 6922 variants and how they sound.

Funny about the non PM. :)
I appreciate the feedback.
As for the sound I'm looking for? I'm pretty open. I guess with some of my headphones that are on the brighter side, I'd venture to guess something that tames the treble, is thick/full/smooth with great bass extension. The mids need to be smooth and not in the background.
Anyway, I'm searching for a sound. As I stated, never had/heard tubes before so I'm pretty open at this point to experiment. Running with the Jot, it's pretty aggressive and a little bright, especially pairing with some of my HP's. So I guess something smoother, liquidy, punchy & deep with good mids is what I'm probably looking for.
That's a gracious offer so I'll think about it. I'll need to look up where to get a pair of adapters to run them.
Thanks man!
Oct 5, 2017 at 9:12 PM Post #14,288 of 23,500
So these just take the place of the socket saver, thus being able to use tubes that wouldn't normally be compatible with the Lyr. Correct?
Oct 5, 2017 at 9:22 PM Post #14,289 of 23,500
Check out the prices for pinched waist 6922’s on eBay (no adapters necessary!). Plus a pair of Holland E88CC’s! You will NEVER see a deal like this for the rest of your life. Take TK up on the offer before he sobers up.
Oct 5, 2017 at 9:33 PM Post #14,290 of 23,500
Check out the prices for pinched waist 6922’s on eBay (no adapters necessary!). Plus a pair of Holland E88CC’s! You will NEVER see a deal like this for the rest of your life. Take TK up on the offer before he sobers up.
Totally agree, though technically they're both Holland E88CCs... :wink: Seriously, when I snagged those '57 Heerlen PWs for $150, I could hardly believe my luck. That's a sick deal. Sell your kids, wife, car, crappiest cans... I knew I'd find it :D
Oct 5, 2017 at 11:34 PM Post #14,293 of 23,500
Sounds good. I've been lurking in this thread for a couple weeks now and you guys got your act together. I know I'm gonna get a lot of out this thread and you guys too!
REALLY looking forward to those tubes man!
Oct 5, 2017 at 11:48 PM Post #14,294 of 23,500
Ya'll are both crazy. Put them babies on da eBay and gets paid

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