I've got the CAIG kit Bob mentioned, and it's definitely worth it. The soaker cups are pretty handy for the D25 (? the liquid that isn't the Gold). Give non-gold-pinned tubes a 6-8 hour soak, then clean with a swab (I like the cosmetic swabs that have two different shapes on the end; you can really get in-between the pins with the pointy cone tip). Once that runs out, and it will, even if you manage to get most of it back in the bottle, you can use the really strong isopropyl alcohol (http://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00BWYNIDO) and swabs with wood shafts (http://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00841Z8JA). I've been doing this for the past few months and it works great. Sometimes they come back black, even from gold pins, sometimes the pins are clean. It's worth doing regardless of how clean the pins look.
The alcohol on a swab is a great way to clean up dirty tube glass, too. The three CV2492s I got recently were filthy. Took a few swabs, but they look much better now.
Once you're happy with the cleaning of the pins, brush on the DeoxIT Gold, let it sit a few minutes (I usually give it 10-15), then use the lint-free squares in the kit to wipe off the excess. Don't let the excess Gold sit on the pins, as I've ready stories about it clogging the receptacles in socket savers and sockets. I've used this method on every pair I've put in my Lyr and never had a problem. The only reason I haven't bought the kit again is because the isopropyl alcohol + wooden swabs works great, and the small bottle of Gold is still going strong.
CAIG doesn't offer too much detail on proper use, but common sense will serve you well.