Schiit Lyr Tube Rollers

Jan 12, 2015 at 5:13 AM Post #4,576 of 23,504
  Hey Guys, I'm running a Schiit Lyr, Music Streamer II DAC, and HD600's. Any suggestions for the best tubes? I have the Orange Globes right now, but does anyone think they know a better tube for this specific setup? Something even warmer, more liquid sounding? Just looking for tips...I'm new here. Thanks, all!

Many of the guys on the thread have shared a lot of experience: @rb2013, @satwilson, @thurstonx, and many others.  Here are some posts to get you rolling quickly:
First post to get you oriented:
Reviews on specific tubes in the following posts (only some of many):
Reflektors SWGP by @rb2013:
Russian Rockets by @rb2013:
List of top 5 by @satwilson:
List of tubes that work in Lyr/Lyr2 by @ThurstonX:
There is a bit of a fan club for Russian tubes going over the past couple of weeks, but you will find a lot of good suggestions for different tubes through a search in the thread.
Happy hunting

Jan 12, 2015 at 5:20 AM Post #4,578 of 23,504
Was on the Upscale Audio page.  Is there a big difference in his gold and platinum tubes?  And what about cryo treating, does it make a difference in SQ?
Jan 12, 2015 at 5:32 AM Post #4,579 of 23,504
  Awesome. Just awesome. Thanks so much for such a thorough reply. Cheers!

No problem - it helps to know what sound you like as an individual: deep base, analytical or detailed, liquid, and so on. This will help you match tubes sounds signatures to what you like. My experience remains limited as I have tried the stock tubes and the 75 gray shields so far, but I spent quite a bit of time with both to know what I like and what I dislike.
Anywho....good luck and let us know what you end up going with, just because we are a curious bunch 

Jan 12, 2015 at 7:52 PM Post #4,581 of 23,504
Hey Guys,
Thanks for all the sharing on Tubes and accessories ... I'm interested in the Tube Savers such as the Novib but am curious if the Saver stays in the Amp or does it stay attached to the tube when you plug/remove the tubes from the amp?

If it stays in the Amp ... how do you remove it (if there is a need to) at all? <- this is my main worry
Any insights would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!
Jan 12, 2015 at 7:54 PM Post #4,582 of 23,504
  Hey Guys,
Thanks for all the sharing on Tubes and accessories ... I'm interested in the Tube Savers such as the Novib but am curious if the Saver stays in the Amp or does it stay attached to the tube when you plug/remove the tubes from the amp?

If it stays in the Amp ... how do you remove it (if there is a need to) at all? <- this is my main worry
Any insights would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

I just got mine in the mail today. I got the cheap ones from tubedepot. When I remove a tube in the saver, the entire saver comes out of the Lyr with the tube. It comes out way way way easier than without them because you can actually get your fingers around the tube to pull up. Highly recommended for anyone who plans on rolling.
Jan 12, 2015 at 8:04 PM Post #4,583 of 23,504
The trick to keeping the socket savers in place - and it's recommended you do so, as their purpose is to preserve the sockets inside the Lyr - is to use something non-metallic (e.g., a popsicle stick, tongue depressor, or the like) to hold the saver in place while removing the tube.  Yes, the savers themselves can be a PITA to remove, but under normal circumstances you won't want to.  If you need to, you can try a tube that seats tightly, then remove the tube.  Hopefully the saver will come out, too.
Jan 12, 2015 at 8:11 PM Post #4,584 of 23,504
I need to get some socket savers, they seem like a nifty device, that protects the sockets of the host amp and raise the tubes, so one can admire the glow of the tubes, while sipping some scotch.:)
Jan 12, 2015 at 8:25 PM Post #4,585 of 23,504
Thanks for the reply guys ... looks like to serve the purpose of saving the original socket ... the saver has to stay inside the Amp. Well then lets leave the PITA to the moment I need to switch out the savers :P

Just to confirm that this below is the right Socket Saver to order (as there are 3 listed on Tubemonger):
I am just assuming this more premium one would be better constructed and not impart any undesirable sonic properties to the Lyr as compared to no savers :D
Jan 12, 2015 at 8:26 PM Post #4,586 of 23,504
  Hey Guys,
Thanks for all the sharing on Tubes and accessories ... I'm interested in the Tube Savers such as the Novib but am curious if the Saver stays in the Amp or does it stay attached to the tube when you plug/remove the tubes from the amp?

If it stays in the Amp ... how do you remove it (if there is a need to) at all? <- this is my main worry
Any insights would be greatly appreciated! Thanks!

Yeah, what ThurstonX said or..
Hit Starbucks and steal some coffee stirrers. That is what I did!
Jan 13, 2015 at 9:37 AM Post #4,590 of 23,504
  They look SO much better imo when the tubes are lifted up by the socket savers. They didnt seem to affect the sound either from what I can tell. Super happy with the buy. I highly suggest springing $50 for a pair :)

I totally agree. Besides, pulling the tubes without the savers is a pain. I was leaving shaving from the top of my nails. Free manicure!

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