Schiit Gungnir DAC
Nov 6, 2012 at 12:03 PM Post #691 of 7,264
Pray the problem is software since that's all Schiit can help change. Mac's don't have a driver as far as I know so nothing to change there.  
In the meantime, what I haven't heard is 'iTunes screeches!'.  C-Media doesn't test their hardware against audiophile niche products.  Don't expect them to rework a chipset for obscure software so that Schiit can replace a handful of boards :p
Not to be rough but I get the impression people think Schiit builds the USB>SPDIF chipset or has something to do with the driver... they don't.  You should be bugging C-Media.

And it's still only affected a few % of Gungnir/Bifrost owners. Nothing is conclusive as to why it happens or how to fix it.
Nov 6, 2012 at 2:26 PM Post #692 of 7,264
I went ahead and purchased a V-Link 192.  It beats out the Gungnir's onboard USB in that it is less edgy.  Also, I have yet to encounter the screeching defect with the V-link using PureMusic.  However, I still prefer the optical out on the mac over the v-link.  The USB just sounds choppy in comparison to the soft, smooth sound of the optical.

Interesting observation! thanks
Nov 6, 2012 at 4:17 PM Post #693 of 7,264
I went ahead and purchased a V-Link 192.  It beats out the Gungnir's onboard USB in that it is less edgy.  Also, I have yet to encounter the screeching defect with the V-link using PureMusic.  However, I still prefer the optical out on the mac over the v-link.  The USB just sounds choppy in comparison to the soft, smooth sound of the optical.

Have you tried the Audirvana Plus beta with integer/direct mode?  I feel it beats the optical of my macbook.
Nov 6, 2012 at 6:51 PM Post #694 of 7,264
The screeching also occurs when running iTunes by itself. I mainly use optical from my MBP but I'm listening via usb at the moment. I've only observed the screeching from my Gungnir once before but it has just occurred a number of times in the last 10 minutes.
Nov 6, 2012 at 7:20 PM Post #695 of 7,264
Do you hear any sonic differences between the two inputs? I've read USB is grainier, but I've also read optical in MBPs are sub-par. I don't think my rMBP will be an exception if this is true, but it'd be nice to free up a USB port since I only have two.
The screeching also occurs when running iTunes by itself. I mainly use optical from my MBP but I'm listening via usb at the moment. I've only observed the screeching from my Gungnir once before but it has just occurred a number of times in the last 10 minutes.

Nov 6, 2012 at 8:31 PM Post #696 of 7,264
It's sub-par in the sense that OSX limits optical out to 24/96, but if you load up windows in bootcamp, you can output 24/192. I don't have many 192khz recordings that aren't audiophile specific, which is usually not the type of music I listen to, so for me.. no big deal. I'm not aware of it being subar on any other level. Maybe schiit could comment on any issues with Mac optical out.
Personally, I don't think USB is necessary when every Mac pretty much does optical out. There were rumors that the Retina models wouldn't but those were based on leaked specs, all new models do (except the Air, probably due to additional space requirements for transmitting optical).
Nov 7, 2012 at 1:08 AM Post #697 of 7,264
I have not tried Audirvana so maybe I should trial it.  The Gungnir's USB implementation might excel in dynamics and other areas but I favor the more natural and analog sound I get from my MBP's optical.  I'll continue to listen and compare although I think my ears have made up their mind.
Nov 7, 2012 at 4:28 PM Post #699 of 7,264
I'm experiencing USB screeching on my setup as well, which includes a late 2007 Macbook connected to a Schiit Bifrost. The issue has occurred during playback of a video via Plex and whilst playing music via iTunes and Audirvana +. I'd be interested to know whether anyone has experienced this issue with a Mac that is newer than 2009. Audirvana + states in the FAQ that pre-2009 Macs have a different USB board which results in separate issues. I had been thinking of buying a new Mac Mini for my rig, and was hoping that it would also prevent the USB screeching issue. 
Nov 7, 2012 at 7:07 PM Post #701 of 7,264
Has anyone tried comparing toslink and spdif? Just curious if the 2 optical outs will have any differences. Assuming both are outputting at the same bit rate/depth

I briefly compared them. I didnt notice a difference. I found that encouraging, because my with my old MSB the toslink was clearly cleaner. I was comparing a glass toslink with a Better Cables .5m digital coax.

What I am using now is a BNC cable from JPS Labs (Transporter has BNC output). When I first popped it in, I thought that it was noticeably better. I haven't gone back and forth because I'm leaving it in just because it makes sense to. Plus I'm using my toslink out to my MSB dac for my sub amp.

IMO, ANY of the SPDIF/optical digital inputs on the Gungnir are very good.
Nov 7, 2012 at 11:01 PM Post #703 of 7,264
I'm sure this is a very silly question.
But, where the hell is the optical output on the macbook pro!?
Is it the headphone out?


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