RME ADI-2 DAC Thread
Apr 9, 2021 at 3:40 AM Post #4,186 of 6,114
No problem, really does seem like a likely scenario. I think I will ask on the RME forums directly.
even the "creator" of rme (i think) is there.. so yea ask directly here for this
Apr 11, 2021 at 7:24 PM Post #4,187 of 6,114
I am currently using Bluesound Node 2i as streamer as well as DAC in my setup and looking at adding RME ADI-2 FC as DAC only. Do you guys think this will be noticeable upgrade from Node 2i’s internal DAC? Or it will be just minor upgrade considering DAC in Node 2i is fairly good.
Apr 11, 2021 at 7:40 PM Post #4,188 of 6,114
I just tried the iFi iPurifier3 on the ADI-2. I tested it at 0hrs and 100+ hrs of burn in. My initial impression of it stays the same.

tldr: Does it change the sound? Yes. Is it for the better? Depends on preference.

Overall sound seems to be cleaner and smoother, but then I realize it's because some other sounds and frequency got their "weight" chopped off a bit. Hard for me to explain, but I think the iPurifier ends up "filtering" /cutting out sounds that are actually part of the music/instrument so some instruments end up sounding slightly more fake and anemic to some degree. Though some might prefer the smoother sound, I find the overall musicality to be a bit more dull and less exciting with the iPurifier. Unlike the iFi Elite power adapter which improved sound quality across the board, I find the iPurifier to be questionable so I will be returning it.
Apr 12, 2021 at 10:31 AM Post #4,189 of 6,114
Overall sound seems to be cleaner and smoother, but then I realize it's because some other sounds and frequency got their "weight" chopped off a bit. Hard for me to explain, but I think the iPurifier ends up "filtering" /cutting out sounds that are actually part of the music/instrument so some instruments end up sounding slightly more fake and anemic to some degree. Though some might prefer the smoother sound, I find the overall musicality to be a bit more dull and less exciting with the iPurifier. Unlike the iFi Elite power adapter which improved sound quality across the board, I find the iPurifier to be questionable so I will be returning it

All good! It's always best to try stuff for ourselves, so thanks for giving our iPurifier a try in your setup :beerchug:
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Apr 13, 2021 at 1:36 AM Post #4,192 of 6,114
Chips shortages are kicking in and so is all that money printing. My advice if you want audio gear and you can get it now, get it. Don't wait because things are not getting any better.
In fact, things are about to get a lot worse. The chain is shaking in it’s foundation and I foresee a major price hike in the majority of products, especially electronics.
Apr 13, 2021 at 9:07 PM Post #4,193 of 6,114
Hey everyone, very first message here.

Completely new to this world, working on building my little head-fi solitarium which will be, soon enough, composed of:

- QNAP TS-473 NAS running Roon natively (my own library + Tidal Hi-Fi) -> RME ADI-2 DAC FS -> Custom tube amp (working on it with my dad as a side project - waiting on those freakin transformers to get here :D) -> A good pair of cans (looks like the Utopia have taken the lead right now in my tests)

Received the RME 2 days ago and quite happy with it so far. Waiting on the NAS to arrive later this week.

I must say, I really appreciate everyone's input on how to get the best out of this DAC/Amp, this community is both helpful and respectful which is quite refreshing.

Looking forward to sharing more musical experiences.

P.S: Wanted to post a quick picture of today's tests but couldn't find how to post a picture in this forum without hosting it on an external domain. So much for those 2 degrees in CS I guess :D
Apr 14, 2021 at 2:19 AM Post #4,194 of 6,114
P.S: Wanted to post a quick picture of today's tests but couldn't find how to post a picture in this forum without hosting it on an external domain. So much for those 2 degrees in CS I guess :D

I'm not 100% sure, but I think that one needs to have at least a certain number of published posts before the "insert image" function is activated.

Insert Image.png
Apr 23, 2021 at 2:08 PM Post #4,196 of 6,114
Just joined the club. Been pressing buttons for 3 hours lmao. Quite the upgrade from the Zen DAC
Lol. This is so far the hardest dac that I have ever used. The user manual is like a book.
Apr 23, 2021 at 2:17 PM Post #4,197 of 6,114
Quick question (and update) here:

I have received every element in this chain (except for the custom amp. Transformers take forever to arrive... so using the DAC amplifier):

QNAP TS-473 NAS running Roon natively (my own library + Tidal Hi-Fi) -> RME ADI-2 DAC FS -> Custom tube amp -> Focal Utopia

I'm really enjoying this setup, incredible moments have happened here already. However, I'm finding that the sound could use a little bit more bass in general. I've played with the Bass gain knob and it helps a bit but it feels like more could be done.

The question: Am I in the right direction when I'm trying to increase Zone 1 on the EQ to augment the gain on low frequencies (bass) or is it something completely different?

I have ready the manual but I have not quite yet found the "perfect" setting.

(Note: It is still, in its current condition, BY FAR the best setup I've listened too and that includes arrangement of DAC/AMP/Cans worth 10k$+)

Thanks everyone for your help!
Apr 23, 2021 at 5:32 PM Post #4,198 of 6,114
The question: Am I in the right direction when I'm trying to increase Zone 1 on the EQ to augment the gain on low frequencies (bass) or is it something completely different?


You can adjust the left to right distance of the Zone. I shortened my Zone 1 so I can drop Zone 2 immediately otherwise the EQ start to affect other instruments which I didnt like. Also for some reason, very low frequencies give me headache so I avoid increasing that area. Of course this is my personal preference since I love my heavy bass. RME is absolutely fantastic with its EQ capabilities.
Apr 24, 2021 at 3:20 AM Post #4,199 of 6,114
Lol. This is so far the hardest dac that I have ever used. The user manual is like a book.

You plug it in, connect it via USB or optical (install driver if USB), turn it on, plug the headphones in and it plays great sounding music. What's hard about that?

The manual and the options are there if you want any of them and makes it easy to do so.
Apr 24, 2021 at 3:05 PM Post #4,200 of 6,114
Lol. This is so far the hardest dac that I have ever used. The user manual is like a book.

You plug it in, connect it via USB or optical (install driver if USB), turn it on, plug the headphones in and it plays great sounding music. What's hard about that?

The manual and the options are there if you want any of them and makes it easy to do so.

I can't agree more with @CaptainFantastic. It really is a case of plug in and play. My ADI-2 is at default settings as I so far have had no need to utilise any of the extra functions other that altering channel phase - useful for some youtube videos where the sound is either accidentally or deliberately out of phase. And the beauty of the ADI-2 is that it has these functions, even though you think you may never need them.

You don't need to read the manual to enjoy the ADI-2, but understanding what it can do can really help in fringe cases where audio would otherwise be unlistenable.

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