Review: Spiral Ear SE 5-way Reference - A new level of resolution? (Review posted 5/15/12)
Aug 16, 2013 at 7:05 AM Post #1,231 of 2,566
The edition 8? Really? I've (briefly) audtioned it, but found the sound to be on par with the dt770 pro. But then with a smaller soundstage and just a nasty box-like sound if that makes sense. No, there is no doubt that the LCD3 sounds way, way more natural than that particular model of the ultrasone.
Note that I wrote, 'the most sophisticated basshead can', therefor it also is the best basshead can imo. I've never heard any higher fostex models, but I'm sure those are incredible too.
I bet Tyll agrees with me on ultrasone headphones: (different ultrasone model)

Ed.8 is definitely a basshead headphone to my ears, it's mid bass is fairly neutral, but its deep bass is just not controlled and very sloppy. On wrong songs, it can just sound so bloated like beats.
Aug 16, 2013 at 10:12 AM Post #1,232 of 2,566
Listening to Lotus Flower from Radiohead (24 bit flac),
The bass has never been so lively and realistic before. Vocals are clear and extremely detailed. Highs are airy and smooth.
I think, I can't love these monitors more. They bring so much detail into my ears that I can't believe sometimes and the most beautiful part is, they do it in such a musical and realistic way.
Aug 16, 2013 at 11:53 AM Post #1,233 of 2,566
How are people buying these? Is it simpler than before where there were many places they didn't ship to?
Aug 16, 2013 at 1:16 PM Post #1,236 of 2,566
I live in Belgium so no biggie for me but you can still buy it and make SE to ship to your friend in Eu, then he can send it to you.

like what I did to lots of people 

Aug 16, 2013 at 1:37 PM Post #1,239 of 2,566
IMO, LCD 2 is 15% warmer from neutral. LCD 3 is 5% warmer from neutral. To my ears, LCD 3 is one of the most natural and involving sounding headphone. The bass is the best I have ever heard (just like what Jude said). It doesn't have any boosted bass at all (even less bass presence than LCD 2). But it's extremely super extended and controlled. On top system, LCD 3 can be arguably one of the best dynamic headphones ever. My se5 is about 3-5% warmer than my LCD3 depending on songs, but it doesn't lose any transparency or detail at all which is the magic part. SE5 changes more with songs than LCD 3 that is why I said some songs it sounds even better than LCD 3.
Some phones can be bright but still lack of transparency and air (eg. JH16, JH13)
Some phones can be dark but still deliver the resolution, transparency and detail (eg.SM3, EM6, LCD 2 rev.1)
I don't classify either LCD 3 or SE5 to the category above. They are still within the range of neutral and natural in terms of sound signature. The resolution, air, detail, transparency are top class.

I've actually listened way more to the lcd2 than the lcd3 in that meeting. But the LCD2 was very warm sounding, but also very transparant. It was a little too warm for me, so I guess I should buy the LCD3 now :D  I actually couldn't hear that much of a difference between the lcd2 and the lcd3, but it took a while to switch the cable over...
Aug 16, 2013 at 1:42 PM Post #1,240 of 2,566
I've actually listened way more to the lcd2 than the lcd3 in that meeting. But the LCD2 was very warm sounding, but also very transparant. It was a little too warm for me, so I guess I should buy the LCD3 now :D  I actually couldn't hear that much of a difference between the lcd2 and the lcd3, but it took a while to switch the cable over...

I am not sure I will ever go back to full sized headphones again. I think I will stick with ciems from now on. So no LCD3. Some people don't like the feeling of ciems inside their ears, I def. love it.
Aug 16, 2013 at 1:43 PM Post #1,241 of 2,566
At least there is one advantage in living in Belgium...oh wait sorry, there is also beer

Beer, waffles, chocolate and fries. They are the best in Belgium. Also the country is pretty nice, they have the most green capital in Europe.

Actually - at least 20 years ago when I was last there - the biggest advantage to Belgium and the Netherlands was the beautiful women, if you like blonds. 

Aug 16, 2013 at 2:05 PM Post #1,243 of 2,566
Actually - at least 20 years ago when I was last there - the biggest advantage to Belgium and the Netherlands was the beautiful women, if you like blonds. 

Beautiful women you say? That's the reason I am in Belgium my mate, my girlfriend is Belgian, not blond though.

This was my first trip to Europe which started in the Southern countries there as a blond male, I stood out like a sour thumb. I remember jumping on a train in Paris and getting off in Rotterdam and stepping out into a flood of beautiful blond women everywhere I looked all in perfect shape. All of a sudden, I felt at home like I fit in. Scarey for me, now that I have done the math, that was actually 32 years ago. However, I have never forgot the experience. You are a lucky dude!
Aug 16, 2013 at 2:38 PM Post #1,244 of 2,566
Is there tax in the eurozone if I buy these there? (I may go there go for work,..) And what if the fit is not perfect and I need a replacement or some work done on it?
Aug 16, 2013 at 2:46 PM Post #1,245 of 2,566
There is no tax inside EU. Make sure you get a good audiologist while you are in EU, otherwise you're pretty much screwed.

Is there tax in the eurozone if I buy these there? (I may go there go for work,..) And what if the fit is not perfect and I need a replacement or some work done on it?

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