Review of the Audio-gd DAC-19 DSP & C2 amp - The ACSS connection
May 26, 2010 at 1:22 PM Post #196 of 991
Sorry, i can't seem to find a way to "cancel" my post using the edit function since they revamped the site layout...
May 26, 2010 at 1:25 PM Post #197 of 991
Ok, thanks. The Earth opamp it is unless someone feels the Sun option is even better?
Audio-gd makes 3 discrete opamps: Earth, Moon, Sun.
Personally, I have only tried the Earth and Moon on the C2 (besides the stock OPA604). Never tried the Sun.
The following opamps: OPA604, AD797, LME49710 are regular IC opamps. They are not made by Audio-gd and do not correspond to any of their list.
I am mentioned earlier that I ordered the AD797 but I haven't received it yet. The ebayer who sold it to me sent it through regular post from the US so it can take up to 3-4 weeks to get here. If I knew, I would have paid a little bit extra for air mail.
I have never listened to the LME49710 on the C2 (I only tried the LME49720 on the FUN) so I cannot make any comment on it. However, Kunalraiker tried it and seem to have preferred it over the opa604 which is not surprising.
Your safest bet however would be to get the Earth opamp. It is very neutral and can get very close to the sound of ACSS if you use high grade interconnects (see Pacha impressions).

May 26, 2010 at 4:10 PM Post #199 of 991
I got my new toys yesterday, finally! After all the waiting I couldn't allow the combo any more time to burn in, but jumped right in listening. Still, the initial impression is really good. Detailed and neutral, but at the same time smooth. The sound sure isn't warm, but there's no spiking anywhere which makes it easy to listen to. Luckily my C-2 seems to have a rather good potentiometer. There is a tilt to the right with low volume settings, but none that I could hear at any setting that I'd ever use. So far, I'm liking the combo but I'll save my last word on it until I've thrown it a few curve balls...
May 26, 2010 at 4:23 PM Post #200 of 991
Stepped att. - sound going through a lot of resistors. Ok what's better a shunt att. I know I used to use a Seiden with Welwyn mil. spec. resistors.
Much better is an Alps Blue shunted with a pair of naked Vishay Z foils, you can get really anal and use the latest 0.001 toleranced, I think you'd need to have bat ears to use those. I use 0.01 tolerance.
These naked Vishays really are something special, they have a clarity and neutrality unmatched by any other resistor, nor do they look like any other resistor. Their tolerance is guaranteed @ 70C. If you have an Alps already fitted, it will cost about $25/30 to hear just how good this combo is.
Looking at the that stepped att. all those different types of resistors - I would'nt have thought the sound would be good
I now use them in nearly all signal positions, every other type is coloured and muffled, I know I've tried them all carbon or metal film. Channel imbalance - I've never noticed that with the Alps Blue or Panasonic, which sadly are unavailable now.
Slim, there is no way that regular post from the US should take that long. Touch wood but I have never had a no show from there. USPS International is never more than 5 days.
May 26, 2010 at 4:46 PM Post #201 of 991

I got my new toys yesterday, finally! After all the waiting I couldn't allow the combo any more time to burn in, but jumped right in listening. Still, the initial impression is really good. Detailed and neutral, but at the same time smooth. The sound sure isn't warm, but there's no spiking anywhere which makes it easy to listen to. Luckily my C-2 seems to have a rather good potentiometer. There is a tilt to the right with low volume settings, but none that I could hear at any setting that I'd ever use. So far, I'm liking the combo but I'll save my last word on it until I've thrown it a few curve balls...

Congratulations! Out of curiosity, are you using the stock opamps with the C2?
May 26, 2010 at 4:55 PM Post #202 of 991

Congratulations! Out of curiosity, are you using the stock opamps with the C2?

Well, I got stock opamps inside, but I'm bypassing them with the ACSS.

May 26, 2010 at 7:18 PM Post #203 of 991
Stepped att. - sound going through a lot of resistors.

It's important to remember the audio signal isn't going through these resistors.  The volume control produces varied resistance for gain to follow as part of the ACSS design.  I imagine the quality of the resistors is more important for being consistent to spec than the ability to pass an audio signal.  That's why I wasn't especially concerned with the quality of Kingwa's stock stepped attenuator.  I expected that Kingwa wouldn't use a crappy part anyway.
May 26, 2010 at 7:39 PM Post #204 of 991
Ha, ironic... I have Sun and Moon, unfortunately no Earth (speaking of megalomania )...
Prefer the Sun and use it in Solo.

Why use an Earth opa when it's characteristics largely mimic the absolutely neutral ACSS channel?  I'd think it would be better utilized as an alternate for changing the audio characteristics to suit music that sounds better when warmed (Moon) or made more dynamic, etc (Sun).  That's why I bought Sun modules when I ordered my C-2.
How do these A-GD modules compare to diamond buffers?  They're all labeled HDAMs, aren't they?
May 26, 2010 at 7:49 PM Post #205 of 991
In my case i want the Earth opa in order to get as close as possible to the ACSS SQ because i come from a DAC19Mk3. Now i know what you'll ask; why not get the (slightly cheaper) C2C if i don't use ACSS? Because i like the extra sets of RCA inputs and the preamp feature that the C2 offers over the C2C, all that for only an extra $50...that being said i'm still hesitant between the Earth & Sun opa option.
Why use an Earth opa when it's characteristics largely mimic the absolutely neutral ACSS channel?  I'd think it would be better utilized as an alternate for changing the audio characteristics to suit music that sounds better when warmed (Moon) or made more dynamic, etc (Sun).  That's why I bought Sun modules when I ordered my C-2.
How do these A-GD modules compare to diamond buffers?  They're all labeled HDAMs, aren't they?

May 26, 2010 at 8:22 PM Post #206 of 991
It's possible to make the dac19mk3 output ACSS, I think you just have to bypass the current to voltage part and replace a set of RCA's on the dac19mk3 with ACSS connectors. I haven't done it yet because I am too lazy to email audio-gd for instructions and to buy ACSS connectors (and I might hold it off indefinitely since I'm getting a new audio-gd dac soon). I would say the earth hdam sounds slightly gritty, organic/earthy, otherwise quite neutral. Maybe different with the C2, but from what I know about the earth hdam I wouldn't say it tries to imitate ACSS sound signature.
May 27, 2010 at 2:54 AM Post #207 of 991


Thank you. It was a pleasure.
Glad to hear you liked the T1, I think you'll like the HD800 if fully burned in referring to the impressions compared to the T1. Or you may end up with the T1 (maybe recabled) also in the end

I went auditioning the HD800 yesterday (at the auditorium parisien you pointed me out). I brought along with me the HD650 with the RAL cryo silver cable, the C2 head amp as well as the Ultimate silver Dream. The CD player I listened to was theirs, a 3D Lab Master (€3000). I also brought along some of my CDs.

First, I had a listen to my HD-650 to get accustomed to this new system. While the 3D Lab Master CD player was good and detailed enough, it clearly had that "sigma-delta" signature where it sounds a little bit rough on the treble while lacking tone refinement. The soundstage was also flatter and more compressed to what I am used to with the Hiface + Oyaide + DAC-19 DSP. Retrospectively, I should have brought the dac with me ...
So after getting used to it for a while, I switched to the HD-800. The 2 things that jumped to my mind were a big and spacious soundstage and elevated treble response in comparison with the Silver cables HD-650. While it sounded very good (in that particular set-up) with good recordings, it over emphasized the sibilance in poor recordings (the CD player was probably the culprit for a good part). From the little listening I did (less than an hour), I came to the conclusion that the stock cable was really limiting the performance of the HD800. In fact, to be honest, I didn't notice any increase in low level resolution or transparency over the HD650+RAL silver cable. There was definitely more treble information on the hd800, but the HD650+RAL cable beat it in midrange transparency and bass depth (and quantity). I remember reading a reviewer from the absolute sound (who has reviewed a lot of $50,000+ speakers) describing the HD800 with the stock cable as lacking vividness and that is exactly what describes what I felt. Given what aftermarket brought to the HD650 and given the more revealing nature of the HD800, I bet that the HD800 with a high performance aftermarket cable would be a different beast.
After listening for a while to the HD800 and describing what I heard to the salesman, he brought 2 Grado headphones to audition: the RS1i and the GS1000i. I didn't spend much time listening to the RS1i (because it felt uncomfortable to wear with the small pads) and spend a little while longer with the GS1000i. With that particular set-up, I personally preferred the GS1000i over the HD800. It had a big soundstage (albeit not in front of me like the HD800 or the T1) and while it was more colored than the HD800, I had more fun listening to it.
Anyway, I went back home and later during the night, I listened to the same albums through the dac19dsp/c2/hd650. I had to check twice I was playing the same Sol Gabeta album as it felt that there was so much more going on with my home set-up. I had a feeling of being there with the "modest" hd-650 that I didn't get with any of those high-end cans (in the other set-up).
So far, the Beyer T1 seems to suit most my personal tastes/preferences. However, with its stock cable, I found that it was a little bit "rough" in the highs, lacked slightly in transparency and low level details. Those attributes are similar to what I heard previously with regular PVC coated cables and in a resolving system, the importance of the cables becomes crucial (as Pacha has witnessed). In any case, the DAC19dsp/C2 seemed to handle pretty well the Beyer T1, so I won't have to change a single component/cable in my system. That is probably going to weigh in when I finally decide on what headphone to get next.
May 27, 2010 at 3:02 AM Post #208 of 991

I got a couple of SUN opa but I haven't installed them.  I intend to try a couple of Burson opa sometime down the road.  The A-GD combo on ACSS is sounding magnificent and I'm only a couple of days into a couple of weeks of burn in.

I got my new toys yesterday, finally! After all the waiting I couldn't allow the combo any more time to burn in, but jumped right in listening. Still, the initial impression is really good. Detailed and neutral, but at the same time smooth. The sound sure isn't warm, but there's no spiking anywhere which makes it easy to listen to. Luckily my C-2 seems to have a rather good potentiometer. There is a tilt to the right with low volume settings, but none that I could hear at any setting that I'd ever use. So far, I'm liking the combo but I'll save my last word on it until I've thrown it a few curve balls...

Congrats on receiving your new toys! interested in hearing your further impressions after more burn-in.
May 27, 2010 at 7:07 AM Post #209 of 991
slim.a: The HD-800s are indeed much improved with an aftermarket cable.  With the stock cable, they sound awful in an un-coloured system.
May 27, 2010 at 7:38 AM Post #210 of 991

I went auditioning the HD800 yesterday (at the auditorium parisien you pointed me out). I brought along with me the HD650 with the RAL cryo silver cable, the C2 head amp as well as the Ultimate silver Dream. The CD player I listened to was theirs, a 3D Lab Master (€3000). I also brought along some of my CDs.

First, I had a listen to my HD-650 to get accustomed to this new system. While the 3D Lab Master CD player was good and detailed enough, it clearly had that "sigma-delta" signature where it sounds a little bit rough on the treble while lacking tone refinement. The soundstage was also flatter and more compressed to what I am used to with the Hiface + Oyaide + DAC-19 DSP. Retrospectively, I should have brought the dac with me ...
So after getting used to it for a while, I switched to the HD-800. The 2 things that jumped to my mind were a big and spacious soundstage and elevated treble response in comparison with the Silver cables HD-650. While it sounded very good (in that particular set-up) with good recordings, it over emphasized the sibilance in poor recordings (the CD player was probably the culprit for a good part). From the little listening I did (less than an hour), I came to the conclusion that the stock cable was really limiting the performance of the HD800. In fact, to be honest, I didn't notice any increase in low level resolution or transparency over the HD650+RAL silver cable. There was definitely more treble information on the hd800, but the HD650+RAL cable beat it in midrange transparency and bass depth (and quantity). I remember reading a reviewer from the absolute sound (who has reviewed a lot of $50,000+ speakers) describing the HD800 with the stock cable as lacking vividness and that is exactly what describes what I felt. Given what aftermarket brought to the HD650 and given the more revealing nature of the HD800, I bet that the HD800 with a high performance aftermarket cable would be a different beast.
After listening for a while to the HD800 and describing what I heard to the salesman, he brought 2 Grado headphones to audition: the RS1i and the GS1000i. I didn't spend much time listening to the RS1i (because it felt uncomfortable to wear with the small pads) and spend a little while longer with the GS1000i. With that particular set-up, I personally preferred the GS1000i over the HD800. It had a big soundstage (albeit not in front of me like the HD800 or the T1) and while it was more colored than the HD800, I had more fun listening to it.
Anyway, I went back home and later during the night, I listened to the same albums through the dac19dsp/c2/hd650. I had to check twice I was playing the same Sol Gabeta album as it felt that there was so much more going on with my home set-up. I had a feeling of being there with the "modest" hd-650 that I didn't get with any of those high-end cans (in the other set-up).
So far, the Beyer T1 seems to suit most my personal tastes/preferences. However, with its stock cable, I found that it was a little bit "rough" in the highs, lacked slightly in transparency and low level details. Those attributes are similar to what I heard previously with regular PVC coated cables and in a resolving system, the importance of the cables becomes crucial (as Pacha has witnessed). In any case, the DAC19dsp/C2 seemed to handle pretty well the Beyer T1, so I won't have to change a single component/cable in my system. That is probably going to weigh in when I finally decide on what headphone to get next.

Nice to hear that you tried the HD800. By the way, did you ask if their pair had enough burn-in this time? The one I tried there was almost brand new, only a few hours as the vendor said.
It doesn't surprise me that the sound was really less pleasing on the 3DLab DAC than on the DAC19DSP, I didn't remember it very far from the sound of the FUN and delta sigma chip typical sound. When I went before buying the FUN, funny that the vendor who didn't know Audio-gd stuff and was not very positive about what he didn't know, was promoting his incredibly good 3DLab player and HP amps which are far beyond in price but also far behind in SQ in the end. Audio-gd gear is really a steal compared to most of the EU, US, and Japanese stuff.
I didn't tried the GS1000 last time as they sold their last pair but the guy told me it sounds quite like the PS1000 even if less refined IIRC. I must admit I found PS1000 far more pleasant to listen to than the HD800, but comfort was really horrible on the Grado. I think the 3DLab even with its 3000€ price tag is not the better setup as you mentionned to try the HD800 unfortunately, but you may be right about the cable issue. I however found some people saying the HD800 cable is better than the stock one of the T1, which may not be the case at all, both may benefit from a top end recabling. I hope many guys at Canjam in the next few days ahead will post their impressions on recabled T1.
As you see HD800 has less bass than the T1 and also HD650 and is less musical, so does many say and as I thought too. I agree that T1 sound may rather suit your tastes better in the end.

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