REVIEW: Nuforce NE-7M iPhone IEM vs Denon C700 and Klipsch Image X10 (NE-8 Impressions Added 1/15/09)
Jan 8, 2009 at 4:49 AM Post #316 of 854

Originally Posted by MusicL0ver /img/forum/go_quote.gif
hey HeadphoneAddict is there any places/way to get the NE7M to Canada within $50? ._.

You'll have to PM jason-nurforce (or is it nuforce-jason) to find out.
Jan 14, 2009 at 1:22 AM Post #317 of 854
Jan 14, 2009 at 11:09 AM Post #318 of 854
Since they are sold out via Amazon (lol @ 'Head-fi effect'), if I was to recommend these to people, where should I direct them to or if they are sold out sold out, any idea on the ETA of the next batch?

The Nuforce NE-7M's are worth the hype people!
Jan 14, 2009 at 3:40 PM Post #319 of 854
So, after reading quite a few reviews, it looks like I'm probably going to buy a pair of these. The one thing I'm still concerned about is comfort. Will I be happy keeping these in my ears for something like 4+ hours at a time? Will the Comply or Sure tips make them significantly more comfortable?
Jan 14, 2009 at 3:54 PM Post #320 of 854
I read a separate post where it said that the NE-7Ms don't work with creative Zen players because of the 4-contact jack. A friend had the 4-contact iPhone headphones, and those worked fine with my Zen. Do the NE-7Ms have a longer jack or something?
Jan 14, 2009 at 4:06 PM Post #321 of 854

Originally Posted by Innova /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I read a separate post where it said that the NE-7Ms don't work with creative Zen players because of the 4-contact jack. A friend had the 4-contact iPhone headphones, and those worked fine with my Zen. Do the NE-7Ms have a longer jack or something?

The jack is the same length as a standard jack, but there are 4 separate contact areas vs 3, with the extra splitting the largest contact nearest the cord in half. Hope you can visualize, as I can't get a good pic with my blackberry, and have no camera here.

So I am assuming the problem is where the jack contact for the 3rd contact area sits, which you can't see. I have a headphone extension cable witch does not work with the NE-7, but my computer headphone out works fine, as does my Fuze.
Jan 14, 2009 at 4:12 PM Post #322 of 854
I know what the 4 contacts look like, the iPhone headphones I tried had it. They worked. I wonder if the NE-7m has the contacts in slightly different spots, the the iPhone ones I tried...

Can anyone in this thread that has the NE-7ms and a Zen confirm that they do or do not work?
Jan 15, 2009 at 2:48 PM Post #323 of 854
i just received my NE7 im now burn-in stage....

i use comply tip (larry's recommendation )

i love the sound (first impression) .

thanks again LARRY aka HEADPHONE ADDICT....

here a pic:

Jan 15, 2009 at 3:39 PM Post #324 of 854
Recently Ive been getting annoyed with the quality of my iPhone headphones that come with them. They are breaking and the sound is not so good. I then started searching for a good pair and found this forum.

Because of the great reviews here I think I will be getting the NE-7M today off Amazon.

Thanks Headphone Addict and everyone else who posted here about it.
Jan 15, 2009 at 5:25 PM Post #325 of 854

Originally Posted by Innova /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I know what the 4 contacts look like, the iPhone headphones I tried had it. They worked. I wonder if the NE-7m has the contacts in slightly different spots, the the iPhone ones I tried...

Can anyone in this thread that has the NE-7ms and a Zen confirm that they do or do not work?

I have both....

Yes, there are compatibility issues with the Zen. I recently purchased another MP3 player to fix the problem. For some reason the contacts are mis-aligning b/c of the 4th contact/mic area. If you insert the plug just 3 contacts deep into the jack, everything seems to work alright. But, it's impossible to get a constant connection with the instability of having the plug loosely hanging out of the jack.

I've contacted Nuforce about the problem and here's what they told me:


If it is indeed a plug issue; there are 3 solutions: Don't use it with the Zen, get an adapter, or upgrade to NE8.

I've looked every place imaginable online to find an adapter.....they just don't exist to my knowledge. I didn't want to have to buy an amp + spend $25 more dollars to "upgrade" to the NE8. (Since I've heard that it requires an amp to sound as good as the NE7)

In the end, the only solution left was to buy a new mp3 player......especially since my 8gb Zen was running out of space anyway.
Jan 15, 2009 at 6:20 PM Post #326 of 854
I will be adding my thoughts on the NE-8 tonight, but I needed to get to 150-160 hours of burn-in, while the NE-7M only needed 85-95 hours. I didn't do the 160 hours straight through, but did it intermittently when I was able so it took longer.

As for the NE-7M plug problem and Zen, a Shure volume attenuator would solve the problem. I had a problem with the Fiio E3 myself, but it's a non-issue for me since it's my son's and I don't use it.
Jan 15, 2009 at 8:52 PM Post #327 of 854

Originally Posted by HeadphoneAddict /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I will be adding my thoughts on the NE-8 tonight, but I needed to get to 150-160 hours of burn-in, while the NE-7M only needed 85-95 hours. I didn't do the 160 hours straight through, but did it intermittently when I was able so it took longer.

As for the NE-7M plug problem and Zen, a Shure volume attenuator would solve the problem. I had a problem with the Fiio E3 myself, but it's a non-issue for me since it's my son's and I don't use it.

Pardon my language..but...


It doesn't feel good to know that you just unnecessarily spent an extra $150. Why couldn't I have figured this out a week ago?
Jan 16, 2009 at 6:38 AM Post #328 of 854
I'm going to keep this short, as I am exhausted today and not feeling well.

My notes that i wrote at 34 hours of burn-in said: "I compared the NE-8 to my Denon C700 which had thousands of hours on them, and the NE-8 with stock medium tips make the C700 sound positively muddy in comparison. The C700 have a more boomy bass and recessed mids with more sibilance. I can't believe I paid $199 for these Denon in May 2007. I also like the NE-8 right out of the 3G nano headphone out. I might still like the NE-7M better, with their extra bass impact and fit. Having gotten so used to my Westone 3, I'm still not 100% with the sound of the NE-8 yet in that they have less bass than NE-7M or W3, and they still have a hint of sibilance that I'm hoping burn-in or a change in tips might take care of."

Now at 160 hours I think they are fully burned-in, and I have settled on choosing between the stock bi-flange tips and the Complys T400 tips. Jason at Nuforce didn't have a recommended burn-in period for these, and asked me to help determine the number. At this point ALL trace of early sibilance is gone, and the bass has indeed improved with 150 hours of burn-in. I have to really get them inserted deep with the Complys to get a good seal, and then the bass is more than acceptable and timbre and tone are nice with more detail and mids than the NE-7M. Live performances are very easy to enjoy with them, due to a little extra transparency. With the bi-flange I do not have to push them in so deep, and they are close to the performance with the Complys but not quite as neutral. No matter how I wear them they beat the Z.buds overall because of the nice timbre tone and detail and speed, without the cloud of bass hovering over the music that I got from the Z.buds.

To get the NE-8 mashed into my ears deeply, I have to slightly rotate or tilt them on the horizontal plane to avoid pushing on the bumps in my external ear where the pressure can become uncomfortable, so the cable part is tipped out farther from my ear (preventing unwanted pressure). However, with this positioning the sound is better than the NE-7M by a small degree. I fear the typical user is not going to try as hard as I have to get the fit just right, and wont keep trying till something works, but rather will give up. Once I found the right fit I can say I got more bass than I experienced with my ER6i, but as a basshead I would not want them to have any less. Bass is not deficient but neutral, depending on the fit and burn-in.

I wanted to let people know what they have to do if they want the best results with the NE-8 which is (1) a good seal which may mean larger or longer/deeper than normal tips, aftermarket silicone tips, or Complys foam tips, + (2) 150 hours of burn-in, or (3) bass boost amp is optional but helpful. Most of my listening is with the iPhone 3G which has enough bass un-amped if the seal is just right with Complys or bi-flanges. As far as amps go, the Practical Devices XM5 amp with bass boost makes the fit of the NE-8 less critical and I don't have to stuff them halfway to my brain to get a good seal for more bass.

All in all, I would still reach for the NE-8 over the Z.buds or Denon C700 despite them having powerful bass, because the rest of the sound spectrum is so important that neutral bass and clear crisp detailed sound trumps sloppy bass. Also, the NE-8 beat my de-podded IM716 when un-amped, as the IM716 are difficult to drive and sound flat and lack dynamics without an amp. Having said that, I will probably still pick the NE-7M over the NE-8 in my particular case because of (1) No Mic and (2) the difficulty of a attaining solid comfortable fit and seal with the NE-8. Not everyone's ears will have the issues I did, and the cost is low enough to make it worth giving them a shot.

Here is the best reason to do business with Nuforce. I wrote to Nuforce with these impressions first, and the response was nothing less than I would expect of a company that listens to it's customers and wants to make the current experience and the future products better:

"Hi Larry,

Thanks for your frank feedback and we don't mind your honest comment on the forum. I think we can look into making a custom foam ear tips for NE-8.

Jan 16, 2009 at 7:10 AM Post #329 of 854

Originally Posted by HeadphoneAddict /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm going to keep this short, as I am exhausted today and not feeling well.

That is short?
But really, thanks for the review...I am loving my NE-7s (when I get a good seal). Get well soon.

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