Review: Fischer Audio's DBA-02
May 16, 2010 at 9:59 PM Post #408 of 4,469
I won't disclose any names without permission, but someone important and respected who has heard the FX700 and others will be receiving a pair.
May 17, 2010 at 12:41 AM Post #412 of 4,469
I'm anxiously waiting more comparisons.  Particularly in regards to the FX700 & Radius TWF11R.  I was thinking of buying the SM3, but if these deliver 3/4 the performance at 1/2 the price, I am hard pressed to justify the purchase.
I loathed the IE8 because of the mid-bass hump, but didn't give it a proper chance as I didn't EQ the source.  So if the DBA is better than that, then how does it compare to the MTP Copper?

@ slaters70: If you could, I'd appreciate a more detailed comparison between the DBA & MTP Copper in regards to bass and soundstage.
May 17, 2010 at 7:16 AM Post #413 of 4,469
DBA soundstage is wider and deeper, on the other hand the Coppers are somewhat narrow anyway, at least to me. As far as bass, the Coppers and the DBAs are balanced, I just found the Coppers (I only heard them for a short time) to be too polite, not engaging enough, compared to the DBAs. I am not good at describing differences, let's just say the DBAs let me enjoy the music more. Best I can do.
May 18, 2010 at 8:36 AM Post #414 of 4,469
Thanks for that slaters70.  I actually thought you owned the Coppers.  My mistake.  Good point with the soundstage, I forgot that Coppers are known to have average soundstage.
ClieOS I'm eagarly awaiting your evaluations!
May 18, 2010 at 9:17 AM Post #416 of 4,469

@ weibby, as an MOT........I find your comments on the FA line odd and conflicting. So much so, that you have me ready to cancel my order. I own many iem's. Many of them quite revealing. Furthermore, much of what you say contradicts what others seem to think. I am not offended, nor is it my intention to offend you, But honestly, IMO your posts, more often than not seem counterproductive. My 2 cents.

My friend, you have said what's been in my mind for the longest. Some head-fiers (again, not to be offensive) say a lot without saying anything.  I have yet to see a good review of the FA without trying to read my awful Russian translation. Therefore, where I would have bought my only pair of cans, I've opted to stay away. If people are getting phones to review them, I would hope that the manufacturer would make sure that it is one who can really articulate the abilities (pluses and minues) of the product. This is not a knock against anyone in particular.
May 18, 2010 at 9:23 AM Post #417 of 4,469
So??? Are these DBAs available again anywhere, or is there still a customs hold up? I have the FX700, Miles Davis, Radius DDM and e-Q7. Wonder if I should let the DBA battle it out with those titans? Damn you @  search!! Jinx again Still not interested in the SM3.
May 18, 2010 at 12:35 PM Post #418 of 4,469
I think you do want to buy them :) Your BA phones are getting outnumbered by the dynamics so you need to even it out :p I'm hoping to get them by mid June or so and then go from there. By then I'll know if it competes with the e-Q7 and such
May 18, 2010 at 4:53 PM Post #419 of 4,469

So??? Are these DBAs available again anywhere, or is there still a customs hold up? I have the FX700, Miles Davis, Radius DDM and e-Q7. Wonder if I should let the DBA battle it out with those titans? Damn you @  search!! Jinx again Still not interested in the SM3.

If such thing happens, it will really be our blessing. A 5 way comparison! Speaking of which, I am quite interested at the SM3, if only the price drop by another like 50 or so...
May 18, 2010 at 9:31 PM Post #420 of 4,469
Now that I have had these phones for awhile, I can say they are the best I have heard in my limited experience. They are simply amazing IEMs, and the relative low price is not a factor (I mean, a great value, etc). They are just excellent, and worth a lot more than their price (I hope Fischer isn't reading this). I also hope someone else gets them soon so I can get some other views. Feels weird being one of the few who have them. I am not good at describing their sound signature, but the first post in this thread says it all. Again, LFF, thanks much.

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