[Review] Dual dynamic driver: Radius HP-TWF11R inner earphone - pleasure pleasure little treasure
May 11, 2010 at 10:53 PM Post #121 of 215
@eric, sorry, I don't have any of those IEMS : ( I wish I could afford any of them! I find the mids so far (with about 15 hours burn in) to be pretty smooth - nothing to complain about. Compared to out of the box, right now nothing sounds too forward or recessed (except maybe a little lack of treble energy). They sound very balanced and polite, and in that way actually remind me of the RE252's in their restraint. This is great for me, since I am pretty sensitive to sibilance.
Edit: And about the tips, I've been using small Sony hybrids. I've found that it's actually better if you don't get a good seal or not with these IEM's (like the IE8's) but isolation is very poor in comparison to a closed IEM.
@rawster, compared to the CK90 Pro, bass extension is far greater, though impact is similar. The thing is that the bass on the DDM's is considerably better in that it feels much more tactile and resonant, and also more detailed and textured. To give an idea, pianos on the DDM's sound incredible, like real instruments, whereas I've found that they can sound a bit tacky/plasticky on the CK90 Pro due to their lack of timbre. At the beginning of a 20hz frequency sweep, they sound about twice as loud as the CK90 Pros, and also don't have that rough fluttering the 90 Pros do at that frequency. That said the bass is just as fast when it needs to be.
May 11, 2010 at 10:57 PM Post #123 of 215
May 11, 2010 at 11:47 PM Post #124 of 215
I got mine of ebay seller back in April. This seller sells only Japanese branded stuff. Fast shipping and offers one year Warranty, plus free shipping.
DDM are actually fitting quite well in my ears. As someone already mentioned previously, one can get used to it.  I have large ears though, and I go all over town, attached with the clip to my cloth. (not included in the package).
Radius DDM are not the most comfortable IEM's in the world but I got no complains for the money I payed. I will take a picture and post it here later.
For me, DDM's sound best with comply foam ear tips. I also got the set of comply that comes with a filter which will stop the earwax going directly onto the tip.
Comply foam tips make DDM position well inside my ear canal, also isolate well the outer noise from the street.
Both, electronic  and acoustic music sound beautifully with DDM's.
Hope this helps.
May 11, 2010 at 11:49 PM Post #125 of 215
Accessoryjack is where I got mine. Jack is a great guy, been reliable for the two times I've gotten something and answers emails quickly. They shipped from Hong Kong to Australia pretty quickly too : )

Thanks! yello131 sent me the same link via PM. They look very tempting, specially for the price. I'm just wondering if it's worth upgrading my current Head-Direct RE0. Is there any significant improvement?
May 11, 2010 at 11:53 PM Post #127 of 215
I actually discovered that the fit is actually not bad. The way they look like they are supposed to fit, with the circular bit resting on the inside of the curve of the ear, works well for me. I still wear them over the ear, but by looping the cable very far over my ear so that it comes back to the normal position like a spiral. This is comfortable and there is no problem with cable noise in this position, and little wind noise. Unfortunately it does mean that the neck cinch goes right up to my throat, but I can live with that. They are very light, so I can barely feel them when they are in. Maybe its my ears that are lucky.
I agree with Shigzeo though, the cable itself is horrible - tangly and nylon. There is a bit of memory in the cable which is good for over the ear use though.
As with every IEM I wear the cable under my shirt. This reduces chances of getting snagged, and reduces microphonics as well - as well as making them easy to take them off and on, because I can just hang them around the back of my neck when not in use!
It does however mean it looks like you have a third nipple dangling under your shirt when you aren't wearing them.
May 11, 2010 at 11:56 PM Post #128 of 215


Thanks! yello131 sent me the same link via PM. They look very tempting, specially for the price. I'm just wondering if it's worth upgrading my current Head-Direct RE0. Is there any significant improvement?

It's a completely different sound really. The RE0 has amazing treble detail, and energy, and the DDM's don't have that kind of zest. The bass is far better though -not just in terms of quantity but quality and texture. I would actually say compared to the RE0's, they are more balanced. To be honest, I find the RE0's a bit thin sounding, and also I find them difficult to listen to at times because they are actually too shrill for my ears. The RE0's are more convenient, but for my money I would definitely say the DDM's are an improvement - and this is after only a relatively short burn in...
May 12, 2010 at 12:06 AM Post #129 of 215
Thanks a_recording and they sound like a winner. I think I'll wait until they come out with the newer model however. Also I'm waiting for another earphone to get in stock and then shipped to me and I don't like buying multiple earphones at once so I'll wait until the new one comes out. I'm guessing I can use these as my use at home earphones since I need one that isn't as isolating since I only listen at home for a couple hours anyway so don't need anything too expensive.
May 12, 2010 at 12:08 AM Post #130 of 215
I'll also try to pick up the new version when it comes out: if it fits, it will be the best deal EVAR! haha, I hate doing that, but I think the DDM (good on ya for that) is one of the best deals, if not the best out there for sound only. Otherwise, I stand by my decision to lower its rating because of fit and cable. 
May 12, 2010 at 12:11 AM Post #131 of 215
Thanks for your response. I really like my RE0s and I love their sound, but it is also true that the best IEM I have owned before them were the Senn's CX300-II LOL. 
I'm only "worried" by some thing you said: the DDMs are not as detailed as the RE0s? Because for me detail is kinda the most important thing.
May 12, 2010 at 12:12 AM Post #132 of 215

Thanks a_recording and they sound like a winner. I think I'll wait until they come out with the newer model however. Also I'm waiting for another earphone to get in stock and then shipped to me and I don't like buying multiple earphones at once so I'll wait until the new one comes out. I'm guessing I can use these as my use at home earphones since I need one that isn't as isolating since I only listen at home for a couple hours anyway so don't need anything too expensive.

Were you referring the DBA-02? 
May 12, 2010 at 12:28 AM Post #134 of 215
"Detail" also means many different things. For instance, it can mean 'treble energy' which most often describes HF's 'detail'. The DDM has good resolved treble,but not too much treble energy. It is far more detailed in the mid and lows than jsut about any earphone I've tried.
May 12, 2010 at 12:55 AM Post #135 of 215
A_recording and yello thanks for you additional impressions. You guys have really been forthcoming. Some people don't like giving first impressions, but I love reading them along with seeing how an IEM change for a person (for better or for worst) over time. So I'm really appreciative, and helps hold me over. Last message I received said mine are over the water as I type. At this rate, I may see them on Friday. Usually once something from China or Japan hits the USA, I get the package fairly quick, so I can't wait to share first impressions too. Thanks again.

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