[Review] Dual dynamic driver: Radius HP-TWF11R inner earphone - pleasure pleasure little treasure
May 2, 2010 at 3:28 AM Post #47 of 215

Originally Posted by the search never ends /img/forum/go_quote.gif
OK. that's it.....you can stop blaming me for draining your wallet, The SM3 and DBA-02 are it for me (although I may have my fingers crossed) Fischer Audio fullsize cans may be an option when Bugden Audio gets some in stock.

LoL @ search...You're off the hook (for now) buddy, but actually the Radius and FX700 were on my radar for a minute. I asked our great reviewer about these weeks ago when he made an oft-comment about them on a Monster hybrid tips thread. And actually they have been financed by IE7 and IE8 sales.

But the SM3 doesn't interest me at all, so I'm okay regarding that. And the Fischer DBA-02 is vaguely interesting, but no burning desire. The fullsize cans would be more tempting, but I really feel this is it for a quite awhile (the Etymotic mc5 doesn't count because that's been on my radar forever!!).

The only thing that really upset the apple cart is if Ortofon puts out something that put the e-Q7 to shame, and none of us see that happening in the foreseeable future. So I will live through you and your new armatures buddy @ search. Can't wait to give you first impressions on the Radius
May 2, 2010 at 3:33 AM Post #48 of 215

at least on the Radius iem's. I need more reviews and time before I consider them. I do need a dynamic driver to complete my collection maybe depending on how good my dba 02 is when they arrive. I should have 2 pairs of portable and 1 pair of sitting down iem's when they come so this could add another sitting down iem.
May 2, 2010 at 5:44 AM Post #49 of 215
I don't want to get anything right now before canjam because many companies will release new products.maybe sennheiser will release their flagship iem,also maybe se535 is more than a detachable cable se530.really many options right now,I wish I have money.
May 2, 2010 at 8:46 AM Post #50 of 215
Well, if the IE8 is evidence of Senn's dynamic achievement, I am sorely unimpressed. The boom/echo simply dissuaded me from buying from them again as that was the same thing I didn't like in the CX300.

I DID just sell my Sony Walkman A845, so I have a little dosh and am considering buying the TWF11R, but dear God, not so sure yet. I've had a bad two or three months' salary.
May 2, 2010 at 9:17 AM Post #51 of 215
Jesus. Judging by the pictures, those things look like Kinder Egg toys. Only twice as shoddy.

Why don't iem manufacturers just dispense with the whole design concept of torture instrument chic and make an earphone that's made of flexible pink silicon or something, moulded to look like an actual ear, that fits over your existing ear? Think about it - not only could you fit about 57 drivers into something that big, but you could have a girly version with sparkly bits and multiple piercing holes for accessorising, and a manly version with added sprouting hair and scars on it to make you look tough.
May 2, 2010 at 10:47 AM Post #52 of 215
Those look really huge and uncomfortable.

However, I'm wondering how they compare sound-wise to the DBA-02's. IEM technology is really starting to take off.
May 2, 2010 at 1:44 PM Post #53 of 215
Soundwise, I've yet to hear their equal (in many regards) in the universal world. They simply do everything 90% right. Sound alone, I'd take them over MTP (for overall balance and spaciousness), CK10 (for extension and space) and a host of others. They have some accents, but are simply incredible.

Fit may or may not be an issue, but I take fit concerns very carefully. That and the cable.
May 2, 2010 at 6:17 PM Post #55 of 215

Originally Posted by ericp10 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
But the SM3 doesn't interest me at all, so I'm okay regarding that. And the Fischer DBA-02 is vaguely interesting, but no burning desire.

I was tempted by the DBA-02 as well but went with the Radius in the end. The SM3 sounded like something for me but the price is not justified. My plan is the Radius for $165 and waiting a bit on the MX 980 earbuds to drop a few bucks. The two phones for ~320 is $100 cheaper than the SM3's price tag. More versatile having both open and isolating phones and both have very high SQ.


Originally Posted by shigzeo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Soundwise, I've yet to hear their equal (in many regards) in the universal world. They simply do everything 90% right. Sound alone, I'd take them over MTP (for overall balance and spaciousness), CK10 (for extension and space) and a host of others. They have some accents, but are simply incredible.

Shigzeo, maybe a quick comparison of Radius vs. the SM3 sound qualities. They both would seem to sound fairly quick, big/open, balanced, and have smoothness/liquidity. Thanks!

May 2, 2010 at 9:00 PM Post #56 of 215

Originally Posted by jant71 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I was tempted by the DBA-02 as well but went with the Radius in the end. The SM3 sounded like something for me but the price is not justified. My plan is the Radius for $165 and waiting a bit on the MX 980 earbuds to drop a few bucks. The two phones for ~320 is $100 cheaper than the SM3's price tag. More versatile having both open and isolating phones and both have very high SQ.

Shigzeo, maybe a quick comparison of Radius vs. the SM3 sound qualities. They both would seem to sound fairly quick, big/open, balanced, and have smoothness/liquidity. Thanks!


Hello @ jant71. Yes, I thought getting the FX700 and the Radius would be the better deal than spending nearly the same amount for just one IEM. Plus, I am one who can enjoy different sound signatures (as long as the quality is high) in an earphone. So, in my top tier I have my Orto, MD, FX700 and now-soon-to-be Radius. Im excited and this will hold me for a lonnnnng while I'm sure. Just got an email this morning saying the Radius is being processed for shipment, so I'm really excited! Shigzeo really sold these (and the other reviewer from Japan - can't remember his name, sorry). I am hoping - and believe - these will live up to the hype.
May 3, 2010 at 1:37 AM Post #57 of 215

Originally Posted by jant71 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I was tempted by the DBA-02 as well but went with the Radius in the end. The SM3 sounded like something for me but the price is not justified. My plan is the Radius for $165 and waiting a bit on the MX 980 earbuds to drop a few bucks. The two phones for ~320 is $100 cheaper than the SM3's price tag. More versatile having both open and isolating phones and both have very high SQ.

Shigzeo, maybe a quick comparison of Radius vs. the SM3 sound qualities. They both would seem to sound fairly quick, big/open, balanced, and have smoothness/liquidity. Thanks!


The SM3 is a bit smoother than the Radius, but they aren't that similar at all. They simply cannot be: one moves a lot of air: Radius, and the other doesn't: SM3.

Both are well-balanced, but the Radius is flatter at the ear than the SM3 is simply because of its low bass performance. But apart from that, they are not even comparable. One is a fully sealed device (SM3) made for stage monitoring. It fits, looks and acts professional. The other, an audiophile device, fits, looks, and acts like an audiophile device (unfortunately). I don't think there is such thing as a perfect seal with the Radius as it is ported to allow air into the drivers. At least, I cannot imagine more than 10dB of isolation.

Addendum: I hope I didn't come across as 'selling' these earphones. They are very good sounding earphones well worth their salt and more, but please remember the incredible provisos that go along with my praise. They are why I am really vacillating whether or not to buy them.
May 3, 2010 at 2:23 AM Post #58 of 215
Well I read the link to your review as exactly what it is and that would be a review. IMO any earphone review that receives high marks here has the ability to sell as people get interested in it esp considering the low price. However it never sounded like you had some financial interest in them or anything of that sort to the point where you sound like you are selling them
Hope that clarifies it for you.

My next iem may indeed be these once I read some more impressions on them. I'm hoping eric hates them for my sake although the hit isn't as bad as something like the SM3 which has too high of a price tag for a universal imo.
May 3, 2010 at 5:20 AM Post #60 of 215

Originally Posted by shigzeo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Addendum: I hope I didn't come across as 'selling' these earphones. They are very good sounding earphones well worth their salt and more, but please remember the incredible provisos that go along with my praise. They are why I am really vacillating whether or not to buy them.

No worries, at least not in my case. When fit and build can bring a 5/5 sound score down to a 3/5, then those issues gotta be a potentially serious detriment =P

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