[REVIEW] Aurisonics ASG-2 & 2.5 (with many comparisons)
Aug 4, 2013 at 10:56 PM Post #2,461 of 7,021
Equal loudness contour also does a great deal into that as it defines the minimum level required for you to hear a certain frequency...  You'd need to compensate for that as well if I'm not mistaken.

All these things are merely tools that can help us understand headphones and how we perceive them. None are perfect and all require some form of compensation or another.
Aug 4, 2013 at 11:21 PM Post #2,463 of 7,021

Every major ciem maker? Every one?

Ha ha, you don't get to ignore the words you don't like! I know English is a second language for you, but "every major ciem maker I've spoken to" is exactly what I wrote, not all ciem makers in existance. I even gave you the rough number (a handful is about 5, because we have five fingers on our hands, that's why we call it a handful), but you ignored that part, too!
As for the rest, yes, the ciem makers have all said the same thing, I'm sorry you don't like that and seem to think that there's some sort of conspiracy involved in understanding the variability of audio measurements. I hope you can read every word I've written and try to understand them, even if you don't agree.
In terms of Rin, please find a quote where he states that his any of measurements or a part of his measurements anywhere do not represent the way an earphone sounds, but are simply an artifact of the measurement process. That's the sort of thing that would give confidence that he understands the way measurements don't always perfectly reflect an earphone being measured. As I wrote (you have to read every word), I haven't read all his blog entries, only a few, so I'd be happy to learn more about his process. Go ahead and show me he understands the limits of his measurements, then you can talk and talk and talk...
Aug 4, 2013 at 11:40 PM Post #2,464 of 7,021
That actually sounds just about right to my ears. Though I can still hear bass at 20 and lower it is very quiet. Again, the cross valve mod can correct this, and it could make the IEM infinitely more enjoyable to me. But it doesn't sound like 10 like Rin's graph seems to suggest.

It lacks detail retrieval compared to my brief impressions of the 1+2, but I don't feel like I'm missing anything at the price point. It has plenty of detail to me. But yeah, it is definitely meant to be a stage monitor. There is no doubt in tuning. But Dale was pretty upfront about his tuning aim, so that should be unsurprising. I listen to complicated orchestral pieces often, and while I don't feel like the instrument separation is the best I've heard of all the headphones I've ever listened to, for an IEM, it is (but I didn't demo complex orchestral pieces with my time with the 1+2 or the TG!334). It is really a give and take. 

I'm looking forward to Carlsan's furthered impressions between this and the SD3 really. I'd love to hear both, I think both would match my tastes, the question is really which one would match better. I'm thinking the ASG-2 if only for the fact that I like the reproduction of bass better on dynamic than on BA drivers. 

As an aside... After listening to a lot of violin pieces, I can see where kkcc is coming from. I still don't hear the metallic sounds he is talking about, but then again I don't think I've ever heard a metal string violin so I have no idea what that sounds like. The timbre is indeed off though. It isn't bad, but it is noticeable if that's the only thing you are listening to. With other instruments playing the timbre is less noticeable, so I'm not as bothered. Even with a string quartet it isn't AS noticeable to me. 

That said, on the other hand brass and woodwind instruments simply sound fantastic. Especially brass, I feel that the ASG-2s nail the timbre. Because of this I really don't agree with what kkcc said about jazz. These are fantastic with jazz. 

Also someone mentioned about piano sounding good but like you were inside a piano. I just flat out disagree. Piano oriented pieces, aside from having a great timbre, sounds like you are in an intimate room, like a small jazz club, rather than inside the piano itself. Though that could be an effect of how it was recorded.

Nice added impressions. I agree with much of it from my experience. If you can try shotgunshane's EQ settings. You might find some of that missing midrange detail, but it changes the character of the sound a bit.
Aug 5, 2013 at 12:01 AM Post #2,466 of 7,021
Ha ha, you don't get to ignore the words you don't like! I know English is a second language for you, but "every major ciem maker I've spoken to" is exactly what I wrote, not all ciem makers in existance. I even gave you the rough number (a handful is about 5, because we have five fingers on our hands, that's why we call it a handful), but you ignored that part, too!
As for the rest, yes, the ciem makers have all said the same thing, I'm sorry you don't like that and seem to think that there's some sort of conspiracy involved in understanding the variability of audio measurements. I hope you can read every word I've written and try to understand them, even if you don't agree.
In terms of Rin, please find a quote where he states that his any of measurements or a part of his measurements anywhere do not represent the way an earphone sounds, but are simply an artifact of the measurement process. That's the sort of thing that would give confidence that he understands the way measurements don't always perfectly reflect an earphone being measured. As I wrote (you have to read every word), I haven't read all his blog entries, only a few, so I'd be happy to learn more about his process. Go ahead and show me he understands the limits of his measurements, then you can talk and talk and talk...

Perhaps I've spent far too long abroad and my poor English these days seems to you fairly inadequate — but hey, having had a British parent, who passed away 3 years ago, at least has helped me a lot during those critical moments in my life when I've needed to order a beer, ask where the toilets are, or ask for the bill. That said, I believe saying "Every major ciem maker? Every one?" is perfectly good English (though perhaps not in your neck of the woods)—the second question, of course, meaning "Every single major ciem maker?"

But rather than dealing with my pretty poor English, I note you did not really address the actual contents of my post and, instead, you used the very condescending tone you seem to enjoy so much which is seen not so infrequently in several of these forum threads.
So, although I could say quite a bit more to you, I think it's best I leave it at that.
Aug 5, 2013 at 12:02 AM Post #2,467 of 7,021
His HD700 graphs makes good sense to me.

I never said / suggested purrin's graphs were not okay / "spot on". I was specifically responding to lee730's post.
Aug 5, 2013 at 12:05 AM Post #2,468 of 7,021
His HD700 graphs makes good sense to me.

Just as a note, not to say anything of his measurements, headphone measurements and in-ear measurements are pretty different beasts from what I've read.
Aug 5, 2013 at 12:13 AM Post #2,469 of 7,021
So now I am looking for an upgrade to the asg-2 I have around $943usd to spend was looking at the tg334 but that's a bit out of my price range unless someone want to sell me theirs if it has warranty??? Any upgrade options? Or now I have to go check out the hier audio 8.a is that better?
Aug 5, 2013 at 12:31 AM Post #2,470 of 7,021
Darn!it head-fi! I keep running out of thumbs up :frowning2:

Still waiting for inks to update and then dale will get his hands on them. We shall have our clarimifycation comrades!
Aug 5, 2013 at 12:43 AM Post #2,471 of 7,021
Lee730, could I have sent him my pair? Do you just contact him directly or through someone else? If I had known beforehand, I would have asked him also.

I live in the US BTW

P.S. take one of these :thumbsup:
Aug 5, 2013 at 12:50 AM Post #2,472 of 7,021
The K3003 graph is not purrin's (I believe it's Sonove's).
You only auditioned the 334s for less than an hour and not in a quiet environment — the way you've been describing the 334s for months on end does not match purrin's graphs.
Also, the way I've seen you describe the TF10s does not really seem to match purrin's measurements.
Why mention the SE5 you still don't own when we're talking here about his measurements and you thinking / claming they're "spot on"?
Seems you really had to go and do some digging at CS to try and come back and respond to my post (you always tend to reply straightaway). I'd have thought you could have come up with those phones you mention two minutes after my post (ok, 10 minutes at most to find the links).

For one I was with Steve for more than an hour and secondly it was quiet where we were auditioning. It was inside his office. You do have a point that it's not necessarily enough time to have spent with said gear but I walked away with the same impressions Anaxilous and Purrin had on the 334s. I think it's safe to say I heard what they heard.
The reason I mentioned the SE5s is because I trust Purrin enough to take his graphs and his opinion on them into consideration when deciding to make a purchase. Especially a very expensive one where I cannot sell them if I don't like them. Pretty much the trust is there.
You wanted proof so I linked you to the threads. Otherwise I'm sure you'd ask for evidence regardless to try and get your point across as usual :wink:.
Aug 5, 2013 at 12:52 AM Post #2,473 of 7,021
If you guys can keep this up without locking the thread, please do... so interesting.

Wouldn't want eke to come back to a locked thread tho :/

I needz sleep now, I work tomorrow. Thanks for including a link lee!
Aug 5, 2013 at 12:56 AM Post #2,474 of 7,021
Dude, don't say bomb in an airplane.
Aug 5, 2013 at 12:56 AM Post #2,475 of 7,021
You wanted proof so I linked you to the threads. Otherwise I'm sure you'd ask for evidence regardless to try and get your point across as usual :wink:.

Not trying to "get my point across" and you know that very well (you should have at least acknowledged the K3003 graph is not purrin's) — you know quite well I'm very factual. And I didn't comment on the W3000ANV because I was never interested in that phone and haven't seen enough of your descriptions of it to comment.

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