Rate the video games you're currently playing
Mar 4, 2009 at 12:04 PM Post #436 of 6,972
I just finished Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney a couple weeks ago.

The Phoenix Wright/Ace Attorney series ranks as one of my favorite video game series. Honestly, I had my doubts about the game since a 13 year old girl recommended it to me, but it turned out to be a great series. It actually made me LOL at times (which is a little unusual for a video game).

I'd recommend it to anyone of all ages. I personally think 15-30 year olds will take away the most from the game, but any age group can enjoy it. I guess most video games are targeted at that age group anyways lol.
Mar 4, 2009 at 10:43 PM Post #437 of 6,972

Originally Posted by MaZa /img/forum/go_quote.gif
...or she really has one crazy sis...

Not that is necessarilly a bad thing.
Mar 6, 2009 at 1:36 PM Post #440 of 6,972
Crysis: 9.5/10. Just amazing, the benchmark for a good FPS.
Crysis Warhead: 8.5/10. Good continuation of the original.
World of Goo: 9/10. Simple yet elegant and extremely fun to boot! Short though.
Far Cry 2: 8.5/10. A beautiful free roaming FPS. Story isn't all that and gets repetitive.
GTA IV: 8.5/10. While the game is great, the quality of the PC port is horrible. Crashes everywhere, and not the good (ingame car) kind.
Mirror's Edge: 9/10. Same score as World of Goo. Truly original game, the graphics are nothing short of amazing (Physx is a nice addition), no HUD or anything on your screen, just you and your senses running from rooftop to rooftop jumping anything in your path.
Sins of a Solar Empire: 9.5/10. RTS in space as never been done before by a small company just starting in computer games. If you haven't played this you're missing out. The lack of a story/campaign is made up by the sheer fun of the gameplay. Start playing a 'small' map (a star and a few planets) and you'll find yourself cheering on your fleet 4 hours later without realising time has passed. Start playing a 'large' map (several star systems and hundreds of planets) and you'll pass out from starvation after several days of playing. Guaranteed fun.
Fallout 3: ?/10. Can't really rate this yet as I've just started playing it. However, I've played Morrowind and Oblivion before and this feels familiar, so it should be good.
Mar 7, 2009 at 7:09 PM Post #441 of 6,972
In my opinion, Company of heroes is the best game so far...
Mar 8, 2009 at 3:02 AM Post #443 of 6,972
I've been playing plenty of SFIV over the past few days. I'm honestly not sure what to think of it still, there were so many things I was imagining for the fourth iteration of the series and they differ quite a bit from what Capcom released.

My major concern with the game is a somewhat inconsistent difficulty level. While you can fly all the way through normal mode without any difficulty what-so-ever, the second round with Seth is always cheap and annoying. I would have liked to see more of a progression in difficultly up to the end. While I might normally play on a more difficult setting for a bigger challenge throughout the game, I don't because I know Seth would be even more of a PITA in the end. Otherwise, the addition of cancellations, a number of challenge and survival modes, and other various options are welcome additions. There are also anime cut scenes for each character, which are laughably corny and mildly entertaining. I should also mention that the games CGI intro is incredible. Unique painterly effects and particle rendering make it the most epic I have ever seen.

I would have liked to see the existing characters gain a few more specials, as it stands, the move list has been simplified since Alpha 3, timings have changed a bit, and throws seem to be a little more useful in SFIV. I'm going to have to play a bit more before I can give an honest rating for the game, but at this point, I still feel that Alpha 3 is a more enjoyable and superior iteration of the Street Fighter Franchise. SFIV seems (at this point to me) to be a more accessible Street Fighter with a fresh coat of paint to attract new players to the fray, rather than appease existing fans.
Mar 9, 2009 at 9:16 AM Post #445 of 6,972

Originally Posted by fraseyboy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Shadow of the Collosus: 9/10.

Incredible scale. How amazing would this be on PC!

Wonderful game, even better on a backcompact PS3. Have you played ICO?
Mar 9, 2009 at 9:56 AM Post #447 of 6,972

Originally Posted by walkingman /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Patapon 2

Just like the original Patapon, Patapon 2 is addictive. Kept me up all Saturday night.

Man, that game is awesome!!! Kept me up Sunday night until my thumbs hurt!!!

Many things improved compared to the first part.
Mar 10, 2009 at 2:29 AM Post #448 of 6,972

Originally Posted by walkingman /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Wonderful game, even better on a backcompact PS3. Have you played ICO?

No! I still need to play that at some point.

The only thing I don't like about Shadow of the Colossus is the fact that its on PS2. I just looks so bad on my 1920x1080 monitor
Mar 10, 2009 at 2:31 AM Post #449 of 6,972
I'm not much into video games, and this is the only game that I have on my laptop, but I just downloaded "World of Goo" a couple of days ago. So addictive! Stunning graphics, great music, and just plain fun all around.

Mar 10, 2009 at 4:36 AM Post #450 of 6,972
the quest: 3d fantasy rpg for iphone Kiss from touchmyapps!
the review

definitely the best rpg i have played on any portable system - ever. deep role playing and character specialisation, great graphics and a good plot, but mostly it is just the return to real role playing in portable gaming which is so full of just choose your own adventure weapon building games like final fantasy and dragon quest.

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