Rate The Last Movie You Watched
Oct 18, 2011 at 9:09 AM Post #8,971 of 24,690
Uncle Boonmee Who Can Recall His Past Lives
Quite excellent.  A 8.75/10 would seem fair.  Beautiful cinematography.  An unconventional story and point of view.
Reminded me of the film They Came Back in some ways.
Oct 18, 2011 at 11:17 AM Post #8,973 of 24,690
Bin-jip is one of my favourite Korean films.
Oct 18, 2011 at 8:31 PM Post #8,977 of 24,690
Another Stakeout - 10/10 (rating only based on it's entertainment value

This movie has held up to about four viewings and just a stupid and fun movie to watch. It's hard to take serious for even a minute. I liked every character in this movie and some of the humor in the movie is a bit too goofy.  If you don't know already, it's stars Richard Dreyfuss, Emilio Estevez and Rosie O'donnell. Ok, I'm no fan of her, but I liked her character in this movie and found her funny. Love the dinner scene where she served Meatloaf shaped as an Armadillo. There is a little bit of bad acting from the smaller roles, but no big deal. Some of the bad guys act like they're straight out of "Dumb and Dumber". With a little luck you can find both Stakeout movies for under $10 on DVD.
Face/Off - 7.75/10
Really like this one, but mostly due to the two main actors and the halfway decent story. The action scenes are pretty OK too.
BTW I watched "Ghostbusters" last night and turned it off! Wow, that movie has totally lost something after about 25+ viewings. Some movies I can view dozens of times and are still good. Apollo 13 is one of them, despite the typical Ron Howard stuff. I probably could never get sick of "World's Fastest Indian" either.
ELF - 10/10
Call me a moron if you want and that I have no good sense of humor, but I love this movie. I find it extremely funny. Not all the jokes work, but this is one of the funniest movies there is. Only negative is the sleigh scene and some rather pointless lines of dialogue. There is also some bad/overacting towards the end. If you don't find Will Ferrel funny you'll probably hate this movie. I've seen this one dozens of times by now.
Oct 20, 2011 at 6:10 PM Post #8,979 of 24,690
Cap America, first avenger. 8.5/10
There was no suspense on this movie. 

Oct 20, 2011 at 9:35 PM Post #8,980 of 24,690
I re-watched Blade Runner a few weeks ago. I'm a huge science fiction nut and I've always liked noir films. Plus it has Harrison Ford. I find it more than deserving of an 8/10. C
an't put my finger on it but the older science fiction movies always seem to be great. Or at least better than most of them today. 
Oct 20, 2011 at 10:09 PM Post #8,981 of 24,690
I re-watched Blade Runner a few weeks ago. I'm a huge science fiction nut and I've always liked noir films. Plus it has Harrison Ford. I find it more than deserving of an 8/10. C
an't put my finger on it but the older science fiction movies always seem to be great. Or at least better than most of them today.

A comparitive lack of pretense perhaps?

Oct 23, 2011 at 3:18 AM Post #8,985 of 24,690
Forgot to mention, I think Best buy is clearing out Blurays for $7.99 for more shelf space:
Boy in the Striped Pajamas
Stranger than Fiction
No Country for Old Men
Sling blade

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