Rate The Last Movie You Watched
Oct 14, 2011 at 12:53 AM Post #8,943 of 24,690
It was better than I had expected.  It's a bit weird without Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann.  Did you know the last scene of At World's End shows Will returning to shore after 10 years at sea ?  
Oct 14, 2011 at 2:55 AM Post #8,944 of 24,690
Drive - 8.25/10
A little better than I expected, but can you say, blood and guts overload? I mean seriously, when you smash a guy's head in repeatedly like a pumpkin, it's a bit much. Didn't disturb me, but I felt like they kind of overdid it. None of the violence in this one was "cool" or fun to watch, like in all the other violent action movies. Hate how Hollywood does that. Makes Goodfellas, The Professional and something like "The Mechanic" seem pretty tame in comparison. At least it wasn't so dark and depressing like "Death Sentence" (if it's the one I'm thinking of). Kind of funny seeing Albert Brooks in this kind of role. He's mostly in comedies! Check out "Lost in America". I love that movie!
The Great Escape - 9/10
Did I give this a rating yet? Love this movie despite it being a bit slower than most movies. I've now seem this one about a dozen times now. I think this one is pretty accurate to true events.
Greatest Movie Ever Sold - 6.75/10
Worth a rental, but glad I didn't buy it!
Oct 14, 2011 at 3:13 AM Post #8,945 of 24,690
Drive - 8.25/10
A little better than I expected, but can you say, blood and guts overload? I mean seriously, when you smash a guy's head in repeatedly like a pumpkin, it's a bit much. Didn't disturb me, but I felt like they kind of overdid it. None of the violence in this one was "cool" or fun to watch, like in all the other violent action movies. Hate how Hollywood does that. Makes Goodfellas, The Professional and something like "The Mechanic" seem pretty tame in comparison. At least it wasn't so dark and depressing like "Death Sentence" (if it's the one I'm thinking of). Kind of funny seeing Albert Brooks in this kind of role. He's mostly in comedies! Check out "Lost in America". I love that movie!

I don't know if you heard but "Drive" is being sued for not having enough driving.
Apparently, she thought the "Drive" trailer was misleading and that it should have had more driving.

Oct 14, 2011 at 3:25 AM Post #8,946 of 24,690
tree of life 3/10 - preeeeeeeetty bad.
please understand that I am ranting here, just b/c i feel like it, and not b/c i am truly appauled by this movie.. sometimes its just fun to rant for the sake of ranting.
first let me say that i "got it" so the.. 'what the hell did i just watch' standpoint will not be necessary because really.. i got it... yes, i see what they did there, i understand what they were going for..  i really did, i promise.  This movie was actually not hard to understand or follow in the grand scheme of  symbolic, abstract, artisticly rendered movies out there.
that said...
what the hell did i just watch? :wink:  i think this movie can in my humble opinion, be summed up as - great idea, horrible implementation.  I'm sure in his own mind the director was masterfully portraying and deeply capturing these portraits of life and love, soul searching, questioning your faith, the beauty and wonder of the universe, the depths of the human heart, and suffering and human plight but from my standpoint, i found it waaaay overly grandiose, ineffective, and frankly most of it was just plain boring.   I think that the issue was that -in his own mind, and portraying the depths of that vision and feeling on film, are two very different things.
i found myself thinking over and over - "ok, we get it, yes you have made your point...again... is it over yet?"
ok, it had its moments, but if you add up all the "moments", trim the fat, you'd be left with roughly 15 minutes of movie.
what a silly movie.
and yeah.. the fountain sucked too! for all the same reasons... there i said it.
you wanna watch an epic portrayal of the human condition.. watch "lost" .. that my friends is how its done. granted, not a movie...
rant over - have a great day :wink:
Oct 14, 2011 at 3:27 AM Post #8,947 of 24,690

I don't know if you heard but "Drive" is being sued for not having enough driving.
Apparently, she thought the "Drive" trailer was misleading and that it should have had more driving.


Actually she was expecting it to be like Fast and Furious LOL!  It apparently was also the inspiration for the guy that threw the hot dog at Tiger Woods!  I think I'm liking the movie more and more than when I watched it!  We should play the movie on repeat over public television every day for a week and see what happens.  
Oct 14, 2011 at 3:31 AM Post #8,948 of 24,690


You had me 100% till you railed the Fountain and praised Lost.  
  Go choke on your fog monster.  
  Hope you didn't watch Fountain after Tree.  
Oct 14, 2011 at 3:49 AM Post #8,949 of 24,690

You had me 100% till you railed the Fountain and praised Lost.  
  Go choke on your fog monster.  
  Hope you didn't watch Fountain after Tree.  

i dont believe I will witness another movie or series that even comes close to the epic genius and depth of understanding of the human condition, and spirituality that was "lost" in my lifetime.  given the countless forum analyzations i have read about it, i dont feel the true depth was understood.  but i digress...
i saw the fountain a long time ago...   another painful to watch over the top movie.. and yes.. i got that one too :wink: i promise.
Oct 14, 2011 at 3:55 AM Post #8,950 of 24,690
Fountain was coherent at least.  That was certainly the limit of my artistic license but I dug it all around.  Could also be due to Rachel Weisz really coming into her own in that flick.
Oct 14, 2011 at 6:43 AM Post #8,951 of 24,690
Un prophete 
An absolutely brilliant prison movie. It almost felt like a documentary when watching it. This must be how it works though I have no connection with the underworld.
It´s long but it kept my interest the entire 2 and a half hours.
A realistic shawshank redemption if you will.
Oct 14, 2011 at 7:03 PM Post #8,954 of 24,690

tree of life 3/10 - preeeeeeeetty bad.
please understand that I am ranting here, just b/c i feel like it, and not b/c i am truly appauled by this movie.. sometimes its just fun to rant for the sake of ranting.
first let me say that i "got it" so the.. 'what the hell did i just watch' standpoint will not be necessary because really.. i got it... yes, i see what they did there, i understand what they were going for..  i really did, i promise.  This movie was actually not hard to understand or follow in the grand scheme of  symbolic, abstract, artisticly rendered movies out there.
that said...
what the hell did i just watch? :wink:  i think this movie can in my humble opinion, be summed up as - great idea, horrible implementation.  I'm sure in his own mind the director was masterfully portraying and deeply capturing these portraits of life and love, soul searching, questioning your faith, the beauty and wonder of the universe, the depths of the human heart, and suffering and human plight but from my standpoint, i found it waaaay overly grandiose, ineffective, and frankly most of it was just plain boring.   I think that the issue was that -in his own mind, and portraying the depths of that vision and feeling on film, are two very different things.
i found myself thinking over and over - "ok, we get it, yes you have made your point...again... is it over yet?"
ok, it had its moments, but if you add up all the "moments", trim the fat, you'd be left with roughly 15 minutes of movie.
what a silly movie.
and yeah.. the fountain sucked too! for all the same reasons... there i said it.
you wanna watch an epic portrayal of the human condition.. watch "lost" .. that my friends is how its done. granted, not a movie...
rant over - have a great day :wink:

I have to agree. It was just horrible implementation. The intent was good and I see great potential in this film but as you described it, the lack of coherence just didn't do it for me. Especially the part with the dinosaurs and volcanoes. I really lost it there and wanted to hit something.
The Fountain was waay more watchable than this movie. No other movie in history had wasted my time like this one. Normally, I'd just stop watching or leave but I really wanted to see the ending hoping it'll get better. Nope.
Oct 15, 2011 at 1:13 AM Post #8,955 of 24,690
OMG lol, don't let the movie snobs from some other website i hang out at see you guys flaming The Tree of Life, you will deeply scar them!
Moneyball - I was also someone that thought this could not be turned into a movie, but it was alright. I'll give it an 8/10.

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