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Sep 19, 2010 at 11:38 PM Post #6,391 of 24,686
Frozen 7/10
My insides were churning while watching this movie. The plot was somewhat funny and stupid yet entertaining, definitely for gore fans not that gory but the things involved are really pure on bad luck makes you imagine what will you do on the given situation.
Sep 20, 2010 at 12:15 AM Post #6,392 of 24,686
Inception :10/10. I was immensely impressed with the story. I'm rather intelligent if I don't say so myself, and I greatly appreciate complex stories that are well constructed. This was certainly one. Acting I could care a bit less about, but it definitely helps. Overall, very solid film.
Sep 20, 2010 at 4:47 PM Post #6,393 of 24,686
Mulholland Dr. ?/10 I thought the film was okay, but I'm not gonna lie, I was very confused until the last twenty minutes. Even then, my theory was quite off to what the reality was. 
Sep 20, 2010 at 5:03 PM Post #6,394 of 24,686

Mulholland Dr. ?/10 I thought the film was okay, but I'm not gonna lie, I was very confused until the last twenty minutes. Even then, my theory was quite off to what the reality was. 

Lemme help you.  9/10.  David Lynch doing his thing.  IMO, Naomi Watts best acting performance to date.  Far more coherent than Inception w/o the gimmick ending.
Sep 20, 2010 at 5:17 PM Post #6,395 of 24,686
American Beauty - 8/10
This was a great film to watch and to think about although it left me wanting more from it. What exactly is hard to put my finger on. Perhaps it's the simple story? But then that's also one of the biggest strengths about this film. Hmm, confusing and I think I watch too many films the last couple of days. :wink: Still eight out of ten because I can't think of anything wrong about this. Perhaps that is the thing: the story is simple, characters ditto but the atmosphere is just magnificent. Great acting too. Hmm, confusing.
Sep 21, 2010 at 4:58 PM Post #6,396 of 24,686
Touching the Void 10/10. Real life beats hollywood. It´s breathtaking, scary, amazing, fascinating and touching with just beautiful climbing scenes.
Sep 22, 2010 at 3:03 PM Post #6,397 of 24,686
I loved this movie, because it asks some questions which too many of us simply don't of our own lives - what really makes us happy and what do we want out of life, is bland stability better than the pursuit of personal happiness, is family more important than self, is denying own impulses worth it when living a lie to fit into social norms, is what you think you want really what you want, how far will you go to get what you want out of life.  All great things that most movies and more importantly, most people in life simply don't question.  
American Beauty - 8/10
This was a great film to watch and to think about although it left me wanting more from it. What exactly is hard to put my finger on. Perhaps it's the simple story? But then that's also one of the biggest strengths about this film. Hmm, confusing and I think I watch too many films the last couple of days. :wink: Still eight out of ten because I can't think of anything wrong about this. Perhaps that is the thing: the story is simple, characters ditto but the atmosphere is just magnificent. Great acting too. Hmm, confusing.

Sep 23, 2010 at 9:39 PM Post #6,400 of 24,686
The storyline is pretty much revealed in the trailer, I thought it was actually pretty well made nonetheless (especially how the mood in the entire movie was portrayed). Jeremy Renner (from the Hurt Locker) had an awesome performance, I liked Rebecca Hall equally as well. Could have had better character development especially for the main character and more emphasis/focus on charlestown itself. 

I was just listening to a podcast where the host researched the FBI stats for bank robberies per year in Boston - it was 30-40, not 300.
" class="bbcode_smiley" height="" src="http://files.head-fi.org/images/smilies//biggrin.gif" title="
" width="" /> Anyway, I watched it too and enjoyed it. Agreed about Renner. He was great, so was Haim. I want to see him in more movies. 
Sep 25, 2010 at 4:30 AM Post #6,403 of 24,686
The Experiment 6.5/10.  I regret not choosing the German Das Experiment instead.  Figured since the actual experiment was American and the actors were Adrien Brody and Forrest Whitaker it should be good.  Wrong.  
Sep 25, 2010 at 10:42 AM Post #6,405 of 24,686
Repo Men - 7/10. Predictable but wasn't bad at all. Ending was oh snap didn't see that coming at all kinda thing.
Predators - 4/10. They seriously are milkin' it and this latest one is not even that entertainin' to watch. A amateurish copycat that fails abysmally.

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