Rate The Last Movie You Watched
Sep 27, 2010 at 7:15 PM Post #6,421 of 24,684

Originally Posted by Anaxilus /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Wish I could believe that.  Lebanon was a horrible movie.  Biggest disappointment of the year for me so far.

Interesting…that's currently on my "to see" list. I've heard nothing but great things about it. Can you talk about what was so disappointing for you?
Btw…Forrest Whitaker always kinda gets on my nerves, too, but he was good in Last King Of Scotland. I'm just glad he stopped doing that forced head-tilt/squint thing all the time.
Sep 27, 2010 at 8:07 PM Post #6,422 of 24,684

Interesting…that's currently on my "to see" list. I've heard nothing but great things about it. Can you talk about what was so disappointing for you?

First off, as a former tanker that served in the Middle East the portrayal of the dark, dank, grungy environment is pretty spot on technically.  Fluids in the bottom of the turret, spent shell casings, sounds, make shift 'conveniences', etc.  The use of space is too big but I imagine necessary from the standpoint of cinematography.  Das Boot gave a proper sense of space and claustrophobia that Lebanon failed to inside a tank.  
Secondly, either that is the dumbest tank crew in history or Israeli tank conscripts really suck at fighting wars.  The gunner spends more time looking at dead animals and hanging sides of meat for that contrived sense of 'war horror' than looking for targets trying to kill his unit.  There is no understanding of what the mission is, how to do it or what to do when things go wrong.  It's like dropping off the kids from detention in Breakfast Club into a tank in the middle of Lebanon, ridiculous.  Then a tank with WORKING comm and radios gets lost and separated from its unit with no idea where they are??  This climaxes of course in the driver just romping the tanks accelerator w/ the crew screaming to get out of dodge by smashing blindly through a wall?  Apparently, not one person in the movie can read a map either.  Kind of a big deal in war.  There's fog of war, then there's stupid.  The movie is the latter.
The character development is weak as well.  Just when you think you are going to get some understanding of why the crew behaves the way they do, it ends and you have the same moronic twits you started out with.  There is one moment when the tank commander loses it and you think he is going to go Commander Kurtz but, nope, it never happens.  He just turn into a living cadaver after giving himself a nice shave.
There are only two good scenes and everything else is crap.  Actually make that three.  Not going to tell you in case you do see it.  The movie was just incredibly unrealistic and pretentious.  The sense of suspense is manufactured.  The presentation of moral complexities is redundant and too few and far between.  It was less a tank movie than a movie about 4 lost idiots romping around wartime Lebanon w/ a camcorder.  So much wasted opportunity and potential in this movie.  Could have been one of the greats if handled the way Coppola or Kubrick would have.  I felt it was the easy way out everytime w/ this movie.  Only civilians of a certain political viewpoint could possibly find anything gratifying about this movie.  Arthouse B-movie IMO.     
Sep 28, 2010 at 11:00 PM Post #6,423 of 24,684
Dances with Wolves - 3.5/4 (Avatar reminds me of this much better movie. Why isn't this on Blu-Ray?!)
Open Range - 4/4 - This movie is near perfect to me. I'm not even a huge fan of Westerns.
BTW both movies are directed by Kevin Costner. I hope he directs more movies!
Fight Club - 2/4
I don't mean this as a joke, but has a movie ever given you physical pain? This movie does at the same scene every time.
I hated this in the theater, saw it a second time on DVD and liked it. Now after the third viewing I kind of hate it despite the "average" rating.
Sep 28, 2010 at 11:56 PM Post #6,424 of 24,684
I need to give Dances With Wolves another chance, too bad it's not in Blu-Ray. Funny I used to dislike Costner back then and I actually liked Mel Gibson, things have really changed over time! Gotta love someone who brings us works as diverse as Bull Durham, The Untouchables and Waterworld, and then finds a way to help our real-life waterworld as well.
Sep 29, 2010 at 12:52 AM Post #6,425 of 24,684

I was with you until Fight Club.  4/4  Brad Pitt's first real acting performance.  I thought he was going to be a permanant underwear model up till that point.
Dances with Wolves - 3.5/4 (Avatar reminds me of this much better movie. Why isn't this on Blu-Ray?!)
Open Range - 4/4 - This movie is near perfect to me. I'm not even a huge fan of Westerns.
BTW both movies are directed by Kevin Costner. I hope he directs more movies!
Fight Club - 2/4
I don't mean this as a joke, but has a movie ever given you physical pain? This movie does at the same scene every time.
I hated this in the theater, saw it a second time on DVD and liked it. Now after the third viewing I kind of hate it despite the "average" rating.

Sep 29, 2010 at 4:32 AM Post #6,426 of 24,684
Watched my new Blu-Ray of "The Thin Red Line" tonight.
It's one of my favorite war movies of all time and up there with "Come and See", "The Human Condition", "Operation Dumbo Drop", "Stalingrad" and "Das Boot".
I've seen it at least a dozen times and this is the first time i've seen it in maybe 5 or 7 years. It seems to get better with every viewing.
With this movie you either love it or absolutely hate it. I actually disliked the director's "New World" the first time and was blown away by it the second time. It's just so strange how that happened.
Sep 30, 2010 at 5:42 AM Post #6,428 of 24,684

 Apparently, not one person in the movie can read a map either.  Kind of a big deal in war.  There's fog of war, then there's stupid.  The movie is the latter.
I felt it was the easy way out everytime w/ this movie. Only civilians of a certain political viewpoint could possibly find anything gratifying about this movie.  Arthouse B-movie IMO.     

Wow, very thorough. Really appreciate that. When I see it, I'll report back.
Sep 30, 2010 at 4:09 PM Post #6,430 of 24,684
Sep 30, 2010 at 8:43 PM Post #6,432 of 24,684
City of God (cicade de deus) 11/10,
breaking bad first season 8.5/10,
twin peaks first season 10/10
el secreto de sus ojos 10/10 - one scene i cannot forget, from helicopter to close up, brilliant editing
first 5 min of amelie, couldnt stand it
Sep 30, 2010 at 10:47 PM Post #6,433 of 24,684

el secreto de sus ojos 10/10 - one scene i cannot forget, from helicopter to close up, brilliant editing

I just received this one from Netflix.  It is rare that they predict that I will give a movie 5 stars.  I'm looking forward to seeing this one!  
Oct 1, 2010 at 6:24 AM Post #6,434 of 24,684
The Killing Of A Chinese Bookie - 9/10
How had I not seen this before?!? I've always dug Ben Gazzara, but watching this I suddenly realized it's what his mature film career is based on. Director John Cassavetes makes the most of Gazzara's chops as a thespian. Should I give away the plot? It's the mid-'70s, Gazzara's a strip-club owner, he gambles, doesn't owe the "Chinese bookie" anything…there is so much more…wind it up and watch it go…

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