Rate The Last Movie You Watched
Jul 21, 2009 at 4:15 AM Post #4,171 of 24,687

Originally Posted by Old Pa /img/forum/go_quote.gif
BTW, I am delighted to report that I borrowed the DVD of "Last Tango" from my public library for free.

Was there butter smeared on the disc?

I watched friggin' Patton. 10 out of 10 because it's friggin' Patton, "Rommel, you magnificent person, I read your book!"
Jul 21, 2009 at 5:21 AM Post #4,173 of 24,687
Live Free or Die Hard: 9/10. It's a freakin' Die Hard movie. With freakin' Bruce Willis. 'Nuff said.

Also, almost any (Blu-Ray) movie looks awesome on a 1080p 40" 120hz Samsung (Samsung has the best 120hz implementation, with Sony a far 2nd and the rest a pile of crap, so I'm told, from a credible source).
Jul 21, 2009 at 2:43 PM Post #4,175 of 24,687

Originally Posted by fuseboxx /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Dr. Strangelove Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb - I kept on wondering how this movie would have worked if the filmmakers made it a "serious" movie and not a comedy-satire type of film. In any case, I loved the performances of Peter Sellers, George C. Scott and Sterling Hayden as well as pretty much everything that happened around the war room. I just didn't dig the characters inside the bomber and generally the sequences related to that. Good story for the most part that's enhanced by smart and witty comedy. "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here, this is the war room!" Haha. 7/10

I just watched it yesterday....I'd say a 7/10 is about right.
Jul 21, 2009 at 2:51 PM Post #4,176 of 24,687

Originally Posted by fuseboxx /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Dr. Strangelove Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb - I kept on wondering how this movie would have worked if the filmmakers made it a "serious" movie and not a comedy-satire type of film. In any case, I loved the performances of Peter Sellers, George C. Scott and Sterling Hayden as well as pretty much everything that happened around the war room. I just didn't dig the characters inside the bomber and generally the sequences related to that. Good story for the most part that's enhanced by smart and witty comedy. "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here, this is the war room!" Haha. 7/10


Originally Posted by Baba booey /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I just watched it yesterday....I'd say a 7/10 is about right.

There's a school of thought that movies, like books, represent the times in which they were made/written and must be viewed within that cultural/political context. "Dr. Strangelove" is hugely representative of this and the early 1960s. Folks who did not grow up with the technology of that era (and the embracement by some of that technology) are always going to be at a disadvantage in appreciating it; everything just seems dated. I'd go 9/10, but just having Slim Pickens riding the Bomb down like a bronco is an immediate plus.
Jul 21, 2009 at 8:01 PM Post #4,179 of 24,687

Originally Posted by Graphicism /img/forum/go_quote.gif
How could you even watch this? Started watching with the wife and we were board to death about 30-40 mins in and just turned it off. Nothing happened!

Terminator Salvation: 8/10

I posted that I was watching the film on my facebook and a female friend of my mine asked the same question. Since I had just rented it from On Demand, I immediately grabbed a bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon and plopped on the couch with my sister. I thought Anne Hathaway and Rachel did a great job in the movie, in my opinion. Then again, it could have been because of the bottle of wine or since I was watching it with my sister. To each his own I guess.
Jul 21, 2009 at 9:35 PM Post #4,180 of 24,687
Million Dollar Baby: The 2nd last of my Eastwood Marathon. 7.5/10. Pretty good boxing movie. Watched it with my roommate (she only saw the last half of it with me) and she said it was strange; maybe she said that because she missed all the character development. Also, I think this is the only movie I ever saw Clint Eastwood cry in.
Jul 21, 2009 at 10:44 PM Post #4,181 of 24,687

Originally Posted by esco /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I thought Anne Hathaway and Rachel did a great job in the movie, in my opinion.

She was good. I would of given her the statue instead of Winslett, who I thought was one-note in the Reader. And how about the toast scene? That automatically goes to the top of list o most uncomfortable toast scenes. Plus the movie brought some interesting commentary on American multiculturalism. I will watch again some day to digest that aspect more in depth.

Pretty good flick, I wouldn't be ashamed to like it.
Jul 22, 2009 at 3:27 AM Post #4,182 of 24,687
A couple more Woodies:

Crimes and Misdemeanors - After seeing a handful of Woody Allen films - a balance of his recent and his earlier ones - it's clear to see that the general plots of his films aren't really so much the focus. There are some recurring ideas here and there; but for the most part, I think it's amazing how he's able to consistently write interesting and watchable characters as well as sharp and witty dialogue. His grasp of the web of human relationships - how people interact and how their lives intertwine - is really fascinating.

This was a fun film to watch and the story was interesting enough to follow, but it's the the characters that really bring it to life: What they say, how they think, their ideas and how they interact. Typical Woody Allen I guess.

It isn't so special, but it features solid writing and steady direction. No frills, no gimmicks - just a good script filmed straight-up. 7/10


Zelig - An out-of-this-world story filmed with an unusual treatment, but leave it to Woody Allen to make it work to some extent.

It's a wildly imaginative premise done in mockumentary style, but still manages to make room for the filmmakers trademark witty comedy and philosophical meanderings. The only problem is that the film isn't as gripping and feels duller than most of Allen's other works.

The novelty of the film made it fascinating for the first 20 minutes or so, but then slowly starts to fall a bit flat. 6/10
Jul 22, 2009 at 10:32 AM Post #4,183 of 24,687

Originally Posted by oqvist /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Sasha is just playing with homophobia.

...maybe that's why I don't find him funny, or even mildly entertaining. A little creativity, and breaking of expectation, can be handy even for the lofty goal of making fun of prudes.

Memory of a Killer - 7/10

Right until the end, this is just brilliant. Some tech issues, sure, but no Movie OS, at least. What really knocks it down is the way overdone buildup and follow-through at the climax (as they all get in the car). I don't need my nose rubbed in it, thanks. Still, quite awesome.

The Human Monster (AKA Dark Eyes Over London) - 4/10

...but in only the most flattering way. Classic movie with Lugosi; full of pomp, overly dramatic gesturing, humor on the side, and a random disfigured, super-tough, monster character.

Wild at Heart - x/0

The man can't make it easy to judge. Diane Ladd and Willem Dafoe were jaw-dropping good. It's Lynch making a movie of a fairy tale, setting it around modern times (I imagine same as the book), and having it be like a live-action fairy tale. It's almost unnerving how unreal it feels. On one hand, it makes me want to not care, but on the other, it helps inhuman entities, like Bobby Peru come alive, like if Looney Toons took speed for a week and didn't sleep. It's a strange enough vision, even with an easy to follow story, that I just can't pin down some number to it.
Jul 22, 2009 at 12:30 PM Post #4,184 of 24,687
Gran Torino: And finally we come to the simultaneous climax AND the conclusion of my "marathon", and I only have one word: wow. Great movie. I'm the first to admit I'm probably a Clint Eastwood fanboy, probably have been since watching Dirty Harry and then again when I saw Letters from Iwo Jima. I am also a tough critic (or so I like to think
). I try to give everything an unbiased run down.

This movie, however, deserves two paragraphs in a silly Head-Fi novice review. Had me engaged the entire way through; I found no boring bits, nothing that made me turn away or had me yawning. Stayed on my couch for the entire two hours. I don't want to give away any details of this amazing movie, just go watch it. For this one I'm pulling a Spinal Tap: 11/10.
Just watch out if you're sensitive to racism and foul language (totally worth enduring even if you are). Has funny parts, sad parts, emotional parts, action scenes, even throws in some good ol' fashioned American family values for good measure. This one has it all! Watch it!

Watchmen: I watched this one eariler today too. I read ALMOST all of the graphic novel, completed maybe 2/3 of it. Of course movies based on a novel of some kind rarely live up to the source material. Watchmen is a very good movie nonetheless. Not for the squeamish though, very graphic! It probably helps that I forgot most of the graphic novel long before I saw the movie, and I watched it on my roommate's legendary Samsung 1080p 120hz HDTV via Blu-Ray, but all in all I enjoyed the movie quite a bit. 7.5/10.
Jul 22, 2009 at 6:24 PM Post #4,185 of 24,687
Stalker- 10/10

This is a true scifi masterpiece.

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