Rate The Last Movie You Watched
Mar 13, 2009 at 8:34 PM Post #3,136 of 24,690
Year of the Dog... 1.5/10

What in the world??
I only got half-way through, and I had to stop. Pointless. Don't waste your time.
Mar 13, 2009 at 8:35 PM Post #3,137 of 24,690
Wow... I don't know what's going on with the double posting in the system lately!
Mar 14, 2009 at 1:10 PM Post #3,142 of 24,690

Originally Posted by Quaddy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
boondock saints - 4/10

i just want to forget it and forget one of the brothers irish accents!

Whaaat. First time I've heard a negative review about Boondock Saints, but I guess it just wasn't your cup of tea; can't argue against that. I wouldn't know much about Irish accents either, so it was probably too distracting.
Mar 14, 2009 at 2:38 PM Post #3,143 of 24,690

Originally Posted by Quaddy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
boondock saints - 4/10

i just want to forget it and forget one of the brothers irish accents!

Mar 15, 2009 at 2:44 AM Post #3,146 of 24,690
Snow White: A Tale of Terror - 8/10.

I am not sure how I had missed this one since the film is from 1997. Even by modern standards this is a pretty dark but authentic re-telling of the fairy tale. I loved the fact that the film makers didn't try to modernize the story. Instead they made it into a Gothic horror set in the Black Forrest in 1493. The cinematography is very nice too. However, the plot is pretty uneven in spots and is hurt by Hollywood's tendency to limit film time to 90 - 120 minutes rather than allow the time required to adequately develop the story line and the characters. Compare this to recent films like, the very lenghty but fascinating, There Will be Blood and one senses that this could have been a true classic had the producers given the director Michael Cohn the same leeway. Even so, I'd still recommend it just because of the remarkable performance of Sigourney Weaver. Her interpretation of the stepmother decending into evil and madness is very Oscar worthy.
Mar 15, 2009 at 3:09 AM Post #3,147 of 24,690
Watchmen - 7.5/10

First off, I read Watchmen last summer and really enjoyed it, so I didn't have any problems with a convoluted plot or anything. The main thing I was worried about was faithfulness to the book. First off, I think the casting was done quite well. Everyone looks pretty similar to how they are depicted in the stories and doesn't really act too far out of character. The story was followed well too. I had one major quip with the movie. That was with the character Adrian Veidt [Spoiler BEGINS] [size=xx-small]In the movie, it seemed to me as more of a pure villain. The fact that he thinks he's doing something right is sort of covered up in the movie. One of the most haunting parts of the book is when he asks Jon if what he did was right. It just completely changes one's view of Adrian, because up to that point, he was the genius who worked with systematic efficiency. But once his job was done, his lack of confidence in his own actions really brought another dimension to him. Unfortunately this was left out of the movie. [/size][Spoiler ENDS] There were two other minor things that I was a bit disappointed with in the movie. There wasn't the pirate allegory, but I can understand that, because it would have made the plot even more confusing. However, those little strips were probably one of the most haunting parts of Watchmen. The other is that the alien becomes Dr. Manhattan. Why is that? Was it to make his departure more believable, or just to avoid having too many characters?

As for the music, I liked the music, but it didn't always work. Interestingly enough, the two times I disagreed with the use of a song was when I actually recognized the song, so there's probably some odd personal bias going on. First one being Hallelujah, it just felt wrong. Second was All Along the Watchtower by Jimi Hendrix. The use of that song really just brought about this really weird, Ironman over-the-top sort of feel to it that didn't fit in with the movie or book.
Mar 15, 2009 at 5:33 AM Post #3,148 of 24,690
High Fidelity - 9/10 (one of my all time favourite films, can't wait for it to be released in blu).

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