Rate The Last Movie You Watched
Jan 11, 2009 at 8:21 PM Post #2,656 of 24,684

Originally Posted by DLeeWebb /img/forum/go_quote.gif
"Hitman" [5.8/10]: I've seen worse movies....

Really, I've not seen many worse than that.
Jan 11, 2009 at 9:02 PM Post #2,658 of 24,684
Doubt, 9/10.

Terrific movie - loved the performances, cinematography, direction, script, everything.

I only ding it a point because it's such an obvious and deliberate Oscar vehicle. Still very good, though.
Jan 12, 2009 at 2:48 PM Post #2,660 of 24,684
Didn't think it was possible to watch two movies in the same week worthy of a 1/10, but:

Tideland 1/10 - Have no clue what the hell this was about.

Inland Empire 1/10 - ditto

Terry Gilliam and David Lynch should team together. Maybe they could make the first film worthy of a negative rating.

Wrapped the weekend up with Hitman. 3/10. If you are going to have a lead actor this bad, might as well get Nick Cage.
Jan 12, 2009 at 5:39 PM Post #2,662 of 24,684
Seven Pounds - Will Smith's newest movie in theaters. Overall a good movie. It dragged a little at parts where the plot started to wane. It was not as good as Finding Happiness, but I enjoyed it and would recommend others to go see it. 7/10
Jan 12, 2009 at 9:07 PM Post #2,663 of 24,684
The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button - 3 Stars out of 5

I really, REALLY wanted to like this movie more than I actually did (Fincher fan here). Tries ever so desperately to be the next Forrest Gump, but definitely falls short. With that said, still a better attempt at a Forrest Gump style movie than say "Big Fish". Maybe worth a rental, but not worth a full priced movie ticket.
Jan 12, 2009 at 9:13 PM Post #2,664 of 24,684
Man On Wire - 5 Stars out of 5

I give this movie my highest possible recommendation. An amazing story (part documentary, part re-enactment) about a real high wire walking stunt (illegally) pulled off by a very charismatic French man and a team of his misfit friends in the 70s. The crazy S.O.B. walked on a high wire strung between the world trade towers and lived to tell the story. An absolutely captivating story.
Jan 12, 2009 at 9:20 PM Post #2,665 of 24,684
Ghost Town - 3 Stars out of 5

Actually turned out to be a lot better than I thought it would be. Cute movie with a nice message and a feel good ending. The idea has been done to death (Think: I see dead people), but it is done in quite a charming way in Ghost Town. If you are a Ricky Gervais fan, this is a no brainer - you will most likely enjoy it. Not a bad "date" movie to boot. Definitely worth a rental.
Jan 12, 2009 at 9:35 PM Post #2,666 of 24,684
Happy Go Lucky - 1 Star out of 5

*whew* I apparently have a lot of catching up to do with my movie reviews as I haven't posted in this thread in a while...

I want to preface this by saying that I may be unfairly judging this movie, as I didn't actually finish watching the entire movie. I made it about half way through before I couldn't take it any more and shut it off. This movie is only 1 of 2 in my entire life that I turned off (or walked out on) before it was finished. It was painful for me and my wife...

At any rate, I hold rottentomatoes in pretty high regard, and agree with their movie ratings about 90% of the time. So when I saw that Happy Go Lucky got 94% positive rating, I simply couldn't ignore it. I knew right then that I simply had to see this movie.

So I rent it from Netflix, pop it in the DVD player one night (after hyping it up to the wife), and we start to watch... and I keep waiting for something uplifting to happen - or hell even something REMOTELY interesting to happen, but it simply doesn't. So we continue on like this for about 45 minutes, and we simply couldn't take it any more. I was supposed to fall in love with the main character "Poppy", and her oh-so-positive attitude and outlook on life, but all I could do was keep wishing that she would get hit by a bus, or eaten alive by a pack of wild dogs, or suffer some other horrible accident. I absolutely HATED her with every fiber of my being.

I don't know what went wrong at Rottentomatoes with regard to the reviews for "Happy Go Lucky" - I can only assume that the reviewers all suffered from some sort of mass hysteria, or perhaps all drank the same poison laced Kool Aid, or were all just on some really good drugs.

Whatever the case may be, avoid this move at all costs. You have been warned.

Perhaps I will finish it one day to see if it actually gets good, but I am not sure I will be able to put myself through such torture again...

Die Poppy - and Die Mike Leigh for making this movie.
Jan 12, 2009 at 10:06 PM Post #2,667 of 24,684
Single White Female - 7/10 The ending was kind of a downer (leave some mystery, guys!), but overall, an exceptionally nice film. Oh, and even with the whole violent crazy thriller thing, this movie deserves a cuteness warning. The dog was just too adorable.
Jan 12, 2009 at 10:15 PM Post #2,668 of 24,684
Perfume: The Story of a Murderer: C
Honestly, I thought of Patrick the entire movie. But it taught me how grateful the world should be that Patrick chose a safe hobby like audio where the only damage he can do is to his wallet (unless he starts playing with the power

American History X:
Knocked off points because I thought the "transformation" was too easy and quick.
Jan 14, 2009 at 4:22 AM Post #2,669 of 24,684
12 Monkeys: B
This should have been an A movie, but didn't make complete sense in the time line/time travel- and I had to knock off big points. And Brad Pitt portrayed his character beautifully. +1
normal_smile .gif


Example: His present self had memories from the past- with his future self in it.

Also, the message James made in the end at the airport (when Jose was there) should have already been decoded before, since everything technically happened already. (according to his past memories of the future)

Or maybe I am over analyzing it and can't make sense of it anymore. I was thinking of multiple "time lines" running parallel to each other- but maybe it is just one time line. .

This movie is too deep for one watch. I feel like I am going insane trying to make sense of it all. Will get a good sleep and try again tomorrow. -then again, maybe James is insane and there is no way for it to make sense because it is just some fabricated illusion he created in his sick head. But then what is real and what is made up? Is it all made up? Is it all real?

Edit: I just realized that there multiple versions of the same person. The version of his "future" self from him memories, his current self, and the kid from he goes pack to 1996, which is different from his current self.

What. Crazy movie about crazy people is driving me crazy!
Jan 14, 2009 at 10:50 AM Post #2,670 of 24,684

Originally Posted by xnothingpoetic /img/forum/go_quote.gif
12 Monkeys: B
This movie is too deep for one watch.

What. Crazy movie about crazy people is driving me crazy!

I absolutely loved this movie because of the crazy/not crazy wierdness (Spoiler -> [size=xx-small]although in the end he wasnt[/size]. You should watch memento next, it's also somewhat of a mindf*** and an awesome movie.

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