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Aug 3, 2008 at 6:35 PM Post #1,847 of 24,690
The Dark Knight - 7/10
The lighting didn't seem to fit some scenes. Sometimes it felt like it was filmed with a video recorder. Heath's performance was great but it reached a certain level and then it was just maintained. I was always hoping to see different sides to the Joker but it didn't happen. I don't think it was as dimensional as Nicholson's performance. The star of the movie to me was the screen play.
Aug 3, 2008 at 8:29 PM Post #1,848 of 24,690
the dark knight- 8/10

Hype and forming of pre-conceptions are often a recipe for disappointment. I was disappointed when I left this film. However, as a film, it was very good and, for the most part, highly entertaining with some real moments/scenes of magic, most belonging to Heath Ledgers Joker. Yet, to me, it just felt like an opportunity to make something of real depth and brilliance, a true, resounding piece of art, missed, or rather, frustratingly, not fully grasped, the ingredients there but full cohesion and conviction danced around. As an adult, an example of this for me, would be the unwillingness to explore itself as darkly and realistically as it was trying to project and otherwise felt. To give a film, aethetically, such a dark underbelly but then gloss over it with quirky, comic-booky sheen didnt work for me, instead it detracted from the end-product and the experience. I wanted it darker, moodier, more threatening, more real, as opposed to the inherent shallowness of comic book, as it suggested it wanted to do, both it and the first film. This batman universe indicated it wanted to take itself very seriously and thus be totally believable and real, however, Nolan et al seemed to shy from fully delving into their creation and immersing themselves in the fantasy and I felt this reflected in its conviction and believability. Stemmed in my aspirations for the film, undoubtedly, but thats how I feel. The second act- the alliance between harvey dent, gordon and batman/bruce wayne and the plan to catch the joker- was poorly construed, in all honestly. It was just very confused and detrimentally hazy and unclear. It meant the big car chase scene was not as meaningful and thrilling and impactful as it could of been, if the audience had understood the events building up to it more, as they should of done. Finally, I felt batman/bruce wayne was somewhat abused in this film. To have had more screen time devoted to him and his coping with harvey, the joker and rachael dawes, his struggle to get his head around all this and come to terms with it would of really added a new depth to the film and would of added to and complimented other aspects of the film so much more, eg his confrontation with the joker in the interrogation room, the weight of that scene where an integral character is blown up etc. Oh, and what a cheap way to tie up the scarecrow character! I felt his character warranted a more worthy conclusion than that. Definately a bittersweet result for me but still highly enjoyable.
Aug 3, 2008 at 8:37 PM Post #1,849 of 24,690
Felon 7/10

Depressing, yet powerful.

Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 7/10

Aug 3, 2008 at 8:44 PM Post #1,850 of 24,690
Snoop Dogg's House of Horrors: 0/10. Tales from the krizzipt. So bad it's ponderous.

Quick Change: 7/10. Starts out brilliant and ends a little flat, but, it's worth seeing it if only for the first 30 minutes, and Tony Shalhoub's first real part in a movie.

Dark Knight: 8/10. competent.
Aug 3, 2008 at 10:07 PM Post #1,851 of 24,690
Wanted- 7.5/10, very enjoyable, some funny lines, very good cast- Morgan Freeman, James McAvoy, Marc Warren, Thomas Kretschmann ( Nikopol from "Immortal", a thoroughly recommended piece if cinematic genius) and even Terence Stamp. Don't watch this film expecting anything more than 1 1/2 hours of fun and you will not be disappointed.Angelina- put some weight on please darl, you don't look hot being that skinny

St.Trinians- 7/10, naughty schoolgirls in high heels, stockings and suspenders, micro skirts, bright red lipstick and pig tails- what more would you ask for in a movie? Once again, very good British cast, lots of funny lines, some of which are very close to the bone when you consider the target audience age for this movie. No brainer good family fun film.
Aug 3, 2008 at 11:58 PM Post #1,854 of 24,690
The Dark Knight - 8.5/10

Since everyone's eyes were on The Joker, I'll start there. I don't see the absolute brilliance in the performance, but Ledger is by far the best one so far (even better than Cesar Romero
). The screenplay is the real star of the film. Excellent dialogue makes the film more than just another comic book/action film. The film was annoyingly dark. Biggest annoyance was the overuse of music in EVERY damn scene.

Doomsday - 8/10

Rhona Mitra kicking ass in a London wasteland. How could it possibly go wrong? 1/3 Escape From New York, 1/3 Mad Max and 1/3 various post-apocalyptic/zombie films (28 Days Later, Resident Evil, ect). Features one the most hysterical scenes in a film I've seen in many years. Good, mostly brainless fun.

The Possession of Joel Delaney - 2/10

Earns a 2 for the inept and unintentionally funny santeria ceremony.
Aug 4, 2008 at 8:30 PM Post #1,855 of 24,690

Originally Posted by Samgotit /img/forum/go_quote.gif
[size=small]Vision Quest [/size] 10/10/~/it’s not a complete testosterone bath.

Despite the second statement, which is kind of a negative for me , I'm going to check this out. Thanks Tiger.


My gears turn for blood and booty during the summertime, and Wanted (6/10) filled those needs nicely.
Aug 4, 2008 at 9:12 PM Post #1,856 of 24,690
Eastern promises 8.5/10 well written plot, great acting i liked both Cassel and Viggo...
Aug 5, 2008 at 10:51 PM Post #1,857 of 24,690
The Dark Knight: 3/10

I would have rated it lower, but Michael Caine made a good showing. I think Morgan Freeman would have, as well, if they had given him anything to work with.

The acting was mostly leaden, the Joker was surprisingly predictable, not even a darkly funny line or two for the Joker, the dialog was stiff and overwrought, it was an hour too long, and why the hell was the mayor wearing eyeliner? That was as disturbing as the fake, weird Batman voice.

I could go on. In three or four years, people will look back on this as the stinker it is.

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