Radius HP-TWF11r Review and Impressions thread
Jun 24, 2010 at 1:44 AM Post #482 of 864
Thanks for the well-wishing! The Nigeria game should have been a win, but for a stupid tackle in the penalty zone. Oh well. 
I am actually not Korean. I live here and sort of work... not here, but I work! I am a naturalised Canadian with another year here. I am quite surprised that the SK team is the ONLY game people watch. At other times, I head to pubs where just the day before, everyone was livid at a misplaced kick, and find no one watching football.
Funny. Football really is a 2nd-run sport here, maybe even 3rd-run. I never see anyone practicing or playing with their mates. It is a surprise 'we've' come so far. Agreed with the luck in 2002! Haha.
Anyway, I hope the DDM continue to get a lot of love. They are worth it and not even just at their price point. The 150-180$ spent on them is very well spent, especially if you love strings - dear god, how lovely string are. 
Jun 24, 2010 at 1:46 AM Post #483 of 864

@Anaxilus:when are you getting them? :D

LoL, I'm hoping for a listening session before I click the 'confirm' button.  I'm looking to build an SM3/ACS custom sleeve, EF1--->EF2--->EM3Pro, ES5, HJ3A+16 fund.  It'll be one of those. 
Jun 24, 2010 at 4:21 AM Post #484 of 864

LoL!  You are so screwed!  Most of the dynamic and DDM boys have gone over to the dark side already.  Resistance is futile...
So can you elaborate on what you liked about the DDM's over the 530's?

Luckily I wont be able to afford the sm3's anytime soon......unless of course I sell my... noooo must stop!
So yeah I was really impressed with the se530's, I only really bought them cos I saw them cheap and knew I'd make a tasty profit on ebay. I grew quite attached to them tho I have to say, they are just so damn smooth and relaxing, very refined sounding to my untrained and unrefined ears.
DDM's are an earthier, more organic type of smooth, (less refined?) but more exciting, bass is waay better and more detailed on DDM's, highs are more detailed and realistic ( to my ears), but not sharp like my HJE9000's were. Mids on se530 were just chocolatey and completely seductive but mids on DDM are wonderful too, just not as thick, if thats the right word, less forward and more transparent perhaps. ( I'm probably talking complete balls here, thats the great thing about describing sound, you can say just about anything and usually get away with it!)
Anyway, I think Im learning not to say one phone is better than another when you get to this level , maybe there are just preferences, and overall I prefer the DDM's to the se530's and possibly to the eq7's as well, tho Ive only just got them so tis still too early to say.
Jun 24, 2010 at 4:32 AM Post #485 of 864

DDM's are an earthier, more organic type of smooth, (less refined?) but more exciting, bass is waay better and more detailed on DDM's, highs are more detailed and realistic ( to my ears), but not sharp like my HJE9000's were. Mids on se530 were just chocolatey and completely seductive but mids on DDM are wonderful too, just not as thick, if thats the right word, less forward and more transparent perhaps. ( I'm probably talking complete balls here, thats the great thing about describing sound, you can say just about anything and usually get away with it!)

From your description of the two phones my MD's sounds like their person child.  
Jun 24, 2010 at 4:43 PM Post #489 of 864

Would love to hear the MD's
Just been listening to a Nick Drake album that Ive known and loved for over twenty years and my god the DDM's reproduce it with much more depth and emotion than the eq7's. Just stunning.

Did you ever feel that sort of 'emotion' from the 530's?  They didn't do it for me.
Jun 24, 2010 at 5:18 PM Post #490 of 864
Received an email from the supplier.
"We were wondering how did people find out about the W Pro OEM version since we do not promote it nor advertise it at all. That is due to the fact that we only have very few OEMs  Radius in stock at the time, in comparison to Boxed version which we always have it readily available to ship.  In fact your unit  was on sale at the time you contacted us, so you got it for a discounted price.
Lamentably we are unable to offer to every one the same  rate we sold it to you."
So I'm glad some people got it at a discount!  And for those who haven't, who wish to, I'd hurry up!  And if you want the boxed set, then they are still the cheapest to buy from.
I remember someone telling me about wearing them upside down, I think it was a_recording, I've yet to try that, and want to accustomise myself to wearing it normally.
I've been staying away from these forums... I need to appreciate what I've bought, and not what I could've bought (SM3)!
Jun 24, 2010 at 6:08 PM Post #491 of 864

Did you ever feel that sort of 'emotion' from the 530's?  They didn't do it for me.

I probably didnt have the 530's long enough to really get to grips with their pros and cons but I think because of their midcentric super smoothness they could possibly come across as a bit airbrushed at times ( I think this applies to a lesser extent to eq7's also). For me the 530's had a very particular character that suited me perfectly when I just wanted to relax and be unfatigued by any sharp edges, for some reason they did Ennio Morricone just brilliantly, no shortage of emotion there for me.
I think the DDM's are just kinda more grounded and earthy if that makes any sense, I actually find the soundstage on the DDM's smaller and more intimate than both the 530's and the eq7's, but the DDM's seem to have great depth and three dimensionality, the 530's were maybe just more aloof in their choclatey refinement making it harder to connect emotionally to some types of music.
Jun 24, 2010 at 8:10 PM Post #492 of 864
I got quoted 130 usd for the oem and 155 for the boxed shipped. Still cheaper than accessoryjack but too bad the price seems to have gone up. Maybe the discount period is over?
Jun 25, 2010 at 9:45 AM Post #494 of 864

Yes, it was a one day sale, at least that's what i was told by them via email

Ha! I was right when I said that OEM deal wouldn't last!


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