Radius HP-TWF11r Review and Impressions thread
May 18, 2010 at 1:47 PM Post #91 of 864
Good to read eric. Thanks for the first impressions. I've read others' comments that bass is one area which really benefits from some burn in time. Hopefully they'll pick up some extra impact and weight with more listening. 
How's the soundstage compared to the FX700's? I remember seeing that was one of their strenghts too. 
May 18, 2010 at 3:15 PM Post #92 of 864

Good to read eric. Thanks for the first impressions. I've read others' comments that bass is one area which really benefits from some burn in time. Hopefully they'll pick up some extra impact and weight with more listening. 
How's the soundstage compared to the FX700's? I remember seeing that was one of their strenghts too. 

Soundstage is nice. Not small Chris. But I really need some more time with them to give you a good analysis of that. Actually I've only gotten that 15 minutes with them. About to do some more listening then report back to you buddy.

May 18, 2010 at 3:19 PM Post #93 of 864
Shigzeo, kudos to you! You were the first one here to identify the Radius DDM's greatness. I give you many props and much respect for that (not that it's worth anything coming from me...lol, but wanted to recognize and acknowledge your greats ears anyway). We don't agree on some products, which is to be expected, but you knocked the ball all of the park with a homerun with your review and impressions on this wonderful find. Good job!
May 18, 2010 at 3:47 PM Post #95 of 864

So how do you like them compared to the FX-700, MD and e-Q7? do they sound better than the FX? or is the Radius a different breed?

To early to say how I like them compared to the others, but I can say they are a top tier. Sound-wise buddy, they're more akin to the FX700s than the others, but they're different too. Drums are approaching e-Q7 with it's natural sound (FX700 has natural drum sound too, but a bit more colored than the e-Q7 IMO). As I stated earlier, early impressions has the DDM sound somewhere between the FX700 and e-Q7, but they have yet to open up and bloom at this point. Soundstage is wide, but to what level I can't tell you as of yet. Any type of string instrument (including piano, which is really a string instrument) is just gorgeous and wonderful with these IEMs.
May 18, 2010 at 4:32 PM Post #97 of 864
You beat me to the isolation issue. I haven't studied the earpiece enough to say it's vented, but other owners all say it's vented, so I'll take their word for it. With that said, it gives more isolation than the FX700. I can't hear anyone talking with the earphones in my ears. I can hear a loud door slam, but that's about it. but if anyone is asking me a question I wouldn't know unless they tapped me. If I pause the sound I can hear the person talking (whereas I can hear someone talking throught the FX700 with sound on, but the speech sounds blurred). I asked a coworker if she hear's sound leakeage, and once again - like the FX700 - she said no.
the weight of these are on the tip and stem, so with them in my ears there's never a fear that they will fall out. The body lays flat against the inner earlope (I guess that's what you call that part of your ear?). It's a little loose, but jiggling my head around it doesn't move. The IEMs are quite comfortable to me. No discomfort at all. These are definitely not designed to be worn over the ear (whereas some say the FX700 is not designed to be worn over the ear either, but that's how I wear mine just fine). My hybrid Monster tips seems to give the earphones extra stability. I can see, however, if you have extra small ears, the DDMs may give you some problems. But basically the ear tips and stem will hold them in place. I had very little fuss getting them in and out of my ear canal. You have to go in at the right angle. Each owner will figure that out relatively easy I believe. For some strange reason I have an easier time with fitting the left ear than the right. The right is wee bit more of a fiddle. Geez, violins are just sounding so damn good to me with these IEMs. Incredible!! Can't wait for them to burn in.
Soundstage seems to very at this stage. Sometimes, depending on the recording, it sound wide. Other times it sounds more intimate, but never tiny or small. I was getting smooth mixed up with warm. I wouldn't call these warm or cold. Somewhere in the middle, which reminds me a lot of the FX700's sound sig. Treble is definitely here. I hear lots of treble. I can't imagine an earphone having more treble than this. If it did I don't think I would care for it much. Piano has nice weight and depth. Not as heavy as the Miles Davis, but not lagging far behind either. Definitely more clarity than my beloved MD. The details are here on another level. I can't quite put it into words yet, but I will. The FX700 is like an high-end stereo system with heavy bass (kind of like the B&Ws in some regard) to me. These are like an high-end stereo system with just the right amount bass,  but not as deep - yet anyway - as the FX700. Someone mentioned that these phones have a sound similar to that of the Magneplanar speakers. I would concur. That's a great comparison, but with a bit more bass. Those ribbon-based speakers always did a wonderful job with mids, especially strings instruments. Such is true with these IEMs.
May 18, 2010 at 4:35 PM Post #98 of 864
@ ericp, thanks for the  initial impressions ericp , your joyful enthusiasm when you have thoughts on a new phone to share with us is a delight to read as always buddy
 looking forward to more thoughts and impressions on the radius  as you have them.
May 18, 2010 at 4:47 PM Post #99 of 864
Yeah, the day may come where there is a four way review between the FX, MD, e-Q7 and the Radius. This is getting me excited, but since there's another version of the Radius coming out this year, I am trying hard to convince myself to not get the current one and wait for the 2nd gen Radius.
May 18, 2010 at 5:24 PM Post #100 of 864
No problems buddies. Ironically, it was shigzeo who got me interested in these. He just happened to briefly mention them of all places on the Monster hybrid foam tips thread (I believe, or some unrelated thread), and I was curious about dual dynamic driver ever since. They haven't disappointed yet on anything. You kind of have to grapple with describing this sound sig. though. It's familiar, yet different. Regardless, it's a very good earphone, and I would venture to say great IEM for its price. If it last awhile, it will be an excellent value. Oh, there is a negative. I have to agree about the bothersome nylon cable. I don't think it will snag easily, but you will have to be careful not to get it tangled up. That can be an headache. the case is wonderful, however, and I like the way it's set to wind up the cable around the phones in the center (I actually have the case holding my FX700 right now). It appears be of top grain leather. And there is a strange rubber smell to these, but I think it will subside after awhile. Despite the troublesome cables, the build quality overall appears to be top notch.
May 18, 2010 at 5:29 PM Post #101 of 864
The way I see it if I buy it from accessoryjack it is around $160 instead of $300 which is the typical price for a good phone. So with this kind of math I save $140 :)
@eric: nice first impressions. I look forward to hearing more as you spend more time with them. Also were you referring to me when you mentioned the CK10 :p

May 18, 2010 at 5:36 PM Post #102 of 864

I knew it... by the way, I've pretty much signed up to buy the next version when it comes out. In many respects, these are ... (I am trying to hold myself back here) the best sounding earphones I've ever heard (allow some air to stir) and they cost fiddles in comparison to most alternatives out there. 

I had, till they housings cracked and crumbled apart, a pair of 1st version Super.fi 3 with an earlier version Westone custom cable and a Etymotic S-adapter. It crushed the Ety, Triple.fi 10, SE530, etc. etc. I loved it! I challenged it since it was so good. It could go up against headphones since it had the soundstage, effortless dynamics, and speed. I gave up on buying stuff after the CK10. I have been able to audition other phones in the mean time but held off purchasing since most everything was stuck at or close to the same level of performance. Now, the DDM has me hearing something on that level again after a long, long wait. I did have the Radius on my radar for a few months but was gun shy. Waited for the guinea pig to be sure about them. Thank you Mr.guinea pig, err, Shigzeo!
@ Eric, nice impressions. Agree on many, including the soundstage being very dynamic and changing size/depth more than other phones. One of the things that make it unique. Also, besides being a cheaper price than the FX700, I figured they would have better iso and the FX700 would not be as good out in the wind and weather. I used them today in the rain and had enough isolation and my hood made no noises rubbing against it like some ear phones can. The design is turning out to be very portable friendly for me.
And yes, the bass improved a noticeable amount with run in. I say, burn them in a bit, re-evaluate tips choice if necessary and start you comparisons. Have fun!
May 18, 2010 at 5:47 PM Post #103 of 864

The way I see it if I buy it from accessoryjack it is around $160 instead of $300 which is the typical price for a good phone. So with this kind of math I save $140 :)
@eric: nice first impressions. I look forward to hearing more as you spend more time with them. Also were you referring to me when you mentioned the CK10 :p

Not just you buddy, but you're one of them....lol. But really, although I'm not a huge treble person, I would be honest if the treble was lacking. The Monsters and FX700 have me appreciating treble more and more. So, with that said, there is plenty of treble here with the DDM, but it's not it's focus. At the same time, I wouldn't call the treble recessed at all.
May 18, 2010 at 6:06 PM Post #104 of 864
Glad you finally got them ericp, and something of a relief that you think so highly of them too. Looking forward to hearing more of your impressions of them. There is indeed some strange magic at work in these phones. I feel as if I've somehow come into possession of the earphones of the gods with these things, listening to them is a transcendent experience for me, grand words I know, but thats how these extraordinary earphones make me feel.
May 18, 2010 at 7:16 PM Post #105 of 864
So has there been any tangible info on the forthcoming Radius DDM model update? I'd love to start studying up on that. Perhaps I missed any posts regarding them? Don't know what to search for.... 

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