Radius HP-TWF11r Review and Impressions thread
May 18, 2010 at 9:45 AM Post #76 of 864
You pulled me in on the FX700 @ Chris, so come on over to the Radius revolution!! lol.. Should have first impressions for you later on today buddy, barring nothing else goes wrong...
May 18, 2010 at 10:35 AM Post #77 of 864

You pulled me in on the FX700 @ Chris, so come on over to the Radius revolution!! lol.. Should have first impressions for you later on today buddy, barring nothing else goes wrong...

Ha ha, very true. And I'm sure I'll click 'submit' one of these days really soon. Looking forward to your first thoughts. The big question is if I can wait until I read them later today. ;0) 

Resistance is futile, you will be assimilated and become one with the DDM collective.  


I'm sure it'll happen. And that famous quote definitely rings true around these parts. In fact, it should be the secondary main HF slogan behind 'sorry for your wallet'. Resisting upgraditis is indeed futile. 
Edit- Just noticed your photochopped Radius in the image! Hysterical.
May 18, 2010 at 11:19 AM Post #78 of 864
Cn11, isn't the price $179 on ALO Audio/ebay and not $150 as you said?  well not a big difference I guess....
....I'm getting to the point where I can't resist plunking down yet another $150 myself. Seems a veritable bargain compared to the likes of the MD's & FX700's. And if the sound is a step up, they would have to be one of the biggest sound/$$ values on the market right now. 
........m-u-s-t........ r-e-s-i-s-t.......... 

May 18, 2010 at 11:22 AM Post #79 of 864

....I'm getting to the point where I can't resist plunking down yet another $150 myself. Seems a veritable bargain compared to the likes of the MD's & FX700's. And if the sound is a step up, they would have to be one of the biggest sound/$$ values on the market right now. 
........w-h-y........ r-e-s-i-s-t.......... 

May 18, 2010 at 11:30 AM Post #80 of 864

Cn11, isn't the price $179 on ALO Audio/ebay and not $150 as you said?  well not a big difference I guess....


On AccessoryJack they're $149.99, + $9.99 shipping. Not a huge difference, but they were reliable last item I ordered with them. 
May 18, 2010 at 11:51 AM Post #81 of 864

For me nothing can compare to the e-q7s, I was standing in e-earphone (very nice lady works there..hot) in Nippombashi Osaka for 2 hours auditioning everything you could possibly imagine.  I switched from Muse, to Bob Marley, to Diana Krall using my Cowon D2 as a source and the e-q7s comfortably beat out everything including (Westone 3, Shure SE530, Triple.Fi 10, etc,etc).  After trying so many headphones (too many to remember) I got to the Radius, and was completely shocked out how good they were.  They simply don't have the dyanmic range, soundstage and purity of the e-q7s but are still really likeable and produce a very pleasing sound -  So I guess I'd rank them a tad below the group I mentioned above (Westone 3, etc) and that is amazing considering the price...and again how ugly they are!
I'd love to hear e-q7 and se530 then cos these things have absolutely floored me, I never even imagined it was possible to hear sound reproduced like this, they make everything else I have seem flat and two dimensional. The more time I spend with them the more their magic seems to emerge, its actually taken me a few days of listening to really get to grips with how much better they are than anything I've tried before. Listening to these is just such an incredibly immersive and emotional experience for me, nothing else has come close.

May 18, 2010 at 12:07 PM Post #82 of 864
i am very sad i sold all my iems(to fund jh13):frowning2:.i cant believe i sold my beloved ie8,the first real iem i had.oh well,all for the big goal jh13.
i am still interested on this iem,atleast to keep me occupied till i get my customs(i sold my fx500 to my dad:frowning2:).currently,all i have is apple ibud.
we are all waiting for your impresions Eric.
May 18, 2010 at 12:14 PM Post #83 of 864
On my way to the mailroom to pick it now buddy...
May 18, 2010 at 12:23 PM Post #84 of 864

i am very sad i sold all my iems(to fund jh13):frowning2:.i cant believe i sold my beloved ie8,the first real iem i had.oh well,all for the big goal jh13.
i am still interested on this iem,atleast to keep me occupied till i get my customs(i sold my fx500 to my dad:frowning2:).currently,all i have is apple ibud.
we are all waiting for your impresions Eric.

Now that's truly tragic.
Excellent news eric... I'll be eating lunch in at the office, so I'll be refreshing the thread regularly. ;0) 
May 18, 2010 at 1:21 PM Post #86 of 864
Okay my head-fi buddies, I have bad news..............................BAD NEWS FOR YOUR WALLETS!!! LOL!! Get ready to dig into those pockets. No detail first impressions, but only three songs in with no burn in and >>>>> DAMN!!! Give me a second, will post a little bit more in a few seconds.
May 18, 2010 at 1:24 PM Post #87 of 864
I knew it... by the way, I've pretty much signed up to buy the next version when it comes out. In many respects, these are ... (I am trying to hold myself back here) the best sounding earphones I've ever heard (allow some air to stir) and they cost fiddles in comparison to most alternatives out there. 
May 18, 2010 at 1:26 PM Post #88 of 864
Ordering as we type these recent posts....
  Edit  -
AccessoryJack.com Items
    1 Radius HP-TWF11 Pro In-Ear DDM Headphones (Red) @ $149.99 = $149.99
Sub-Total: $149.99
Shipping: $9.99 (Registered AirMail)
Sales Tax: $0.00
AccessoryJack.com Total: $159.98
Store Credit: -$0.00
TOTAL DUE: $159.98 
.......curse you all, such bad influences...
May 18, 2010 at 1:26 PM Post #89 of 864

Okay my head-fi buddies, I have bad news..............................BAD NEWS FOR YOUR WALLETS!!! LOL!! Get ready to dig into those pockets. No detail first impressions, but only three songs in with no burn in and >>>>> DAMN!!! Give me a second, will post a little bit more in a few seconds.

WOW, So they are very good out of the box and iam looking forward to see how they compare to your other top tier IEMs.......
May 18, 2010 at 1:43 PM Post #90 of 864
Very initial thoughts:
bass: With no burn in and flat (through my Sony S545 dap) is approaching (not quite there at this point, but approaching) FX700 quality with a tad less quantity. This is good in my book. Doesn't have that JVC timbre, but to not be a wood driver, it's not far off. I would say quality-wise, bass is between e-Q7 and FX700. Again, this is with no burn in fresh in the ears. Funny thing is I forgot I had set a custom eq setting for the Sony when I first started using the DDM. The bass was punched with the clear bass. At that moment I thought I was hearing FX700 quantity bass. Then I realized I didn't have it on flat. lol.. Bass is fantastic so far.
mids: To me, this is the heart of the  Radius DDM. I can tell this is the meat of the earphones already. Haven't heard female vocals yet, but the Lenny Kravitz' and Robert Plant's vocals on the tracks I listened too were very detailed and natural. I hear nuances already that one doesn't pick up in other IEMs in vocals. These nuances show voices even more so than in the FX700, which has lots of micro details. I would say the e-Q7 vocals are a bit on the warm side, so sometimes it is hard to pick out those nuances and details in the vocals. But you hear it here. Would I call these IEMs analytical? No, not at this point, but they are pointing in that direction if this makes any sense, but they are not Eytmotics by any stretch of the imagination
As others have said here, the DDM shines on guitar, but I dear say  the e-Q7, Miles Davis and FX700 have a new challenger to the throne for strings section. Man, the decay and resolve on orchestra strings is something to behold (and hear). Just beautiful!! All this straight out the box. I am more surpised than any of you that I'm typing this. And the piano is gorgeous and natural sounding as others have said.
treble: I found the treble to be there in the music just fine. It's not the focus on these phones (so from what I 've read of CK10 lovers, you might be disappointed), but it's not hidden at all. And it sound natural to me also. These phones do seem to dictate the instruments as it was recorded. If the treble instruments were the focus, that's what you will get, but most of the music seems to be pushed throught the mids first with great bass and decent treble, but somehow the sound is balanced.
That's it for now, but I can say in the first 10 minutes that these are more than worth its MSRP. These are a steal! Oh, I didn't have any fit issues really, but more on that later. If you have real small earlopes, you may have a fit issue I'm afraid. And I'm using Monster hybrid tips (medium small). More impressions later buddies. Happy Listening!

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