Question for the ladies!
Mar 23, 2009 at 1:40 AM Post #106 of 124

Originally Posted by Gatto /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I was sitting back and watching but as a girl, who has had very many girly roommates and is also an ex computer engineering major currently an information technology major in my opinion most girls just don't get it. All of my roommates spent all their money on clothes and shoes and makeup. their most complicated gadgets tend to be their computers which they do not understand. I wish I understood why girls don't even want to understand when it comes to technology (I tried to help them) but I think it is just that it costs too much to keep up. on move in day when I come in with my xbox 360, LCD TV, macbook pro, iphone, PDA and a huge pile of other electronic stuff they stare at me a little while unpacking their 500 lbs of clothes and 40 pairs of shoes. I do have a lot of clothes and at least 20 pairs of shoes but I don't spend a lot of time or money worrying about them. I'd much much rather buy a new video game then a new pair of stilettos. it is possible to get nice looking clothes and shoes for cheap if you don't insist on having a brand name all over yourself but most girls would rather have that then a sexy pair of cans. personally I bet I could get a lot more cute nerdy guys (my favorite) with my k701s and a Tshirt that says 'schrodinger's cat is definitely dead by now' then they can with cute jeans.

I also grew up around guys and technology, my dad is an electrical and software engineer and my mom is a computer programmer. My dad started teaching me how to play first person shooters on the PC when I was 3 years old. I've also always had a computer in my house (we have 11 now) and my dad has always had fun keeping up on the latest shiny thing to buy. this probably explains why I am so weird.

wow I talk too much

anyway what I think I was trying to say is girls think this is a waste of money. (and they also don't know how to attract nerds, which in my experience are the best guys ever, what is more sexy then intelligence?)

Great post!

Kay Redfield Jamison (professor of Psychiatry at John Hopkins, codirector of the Mood Disorders Center and a bipolar disorder patient herself) explains in her book- EXUBERANCE the passion for life - why women and certain animal species are different from men and certain other animal species in regards to their approach to listening to music as well as many other personality traits. There are exceptions to the rule of course which is mostly genetic instead of environmental influence.

You are lucky to be the exception to the rule.

Exuberance entails joy and energy as in child's immersing play. The environmental influence factor did help you but the primary factor is genetic.

The book is highly recommended to all of you male or female.
normal_smile .gif
Mar 23, 2009 at 2:27 AM Post #108 of 124
It might be partly that girls are more worried about how massive headphones look on them. I know that if I was smaller (you don't meet a lot of girls who are 6'7) then I might not wear my 770s out as much! Haha? My guess, size matters!
Mar 23, 2009 at 2:30 AM Post #109 of 124

Originally Posted by cyberidd /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It might be partly that girls are more worried about how massive headphones look on them. I know that if I was smaller (you don't meet a lot of girls who are 6'7) then I might not wear my 770s out as much! Haha? My guess, size matters!

you think woman care about the size eh?

astute observation if i may say so.

Mar 23, 2009 at 2:34 AM Post #110 of 124

Originally Posted by kintsaki /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Great post!

Kay Redfield Jamison (professor of Psychiatry at John Hopkins, codirector of the Mood Disorders Center and a bipolar disorder patient herself) explains in her book- EXUBERANCE the passion for life - why women and certain animal species are different from men and certain other animal species in regards to their approach to listening to music as well as many other personality traits. There are exceptions to the rule of course which is mostly genetic instead of environmental influence.

You are lucky to be the exception to the rule.

Exuberance entails joy and energy as in child's immersing play. The environmental influence factor did help you but the primary factor is genetic.

The book is highly recommended to all of you male or female.
normal_smile .gif

Although I'm a scientist-in-training, I find that topic highly debatable. Not everything is genetically determined.
Mar 23, 2009 at 3:09 AM Post #111 of 124
Hmm, looks next to bed (at a pile of clean clothes on the floor), looks across at headphone rig (including a turntable for vinyl goodness), then at my diy'ed 768p Projector and diy'ed 108" screen ruunning from the hdmi out of my laptop that has a blu ray drive, then at coffe machine, then xbox 360 modded xbox 360 and modded wii (chipped [so I can play backups of the games I buy, if you had a sister 12 years old who visited and had games like mario galaxy you would understand] and added homebrew channel).

I also counted my shoes, I have two birkenstock (sandles), one pair of runners and a pair of dress shoes, that's four total and can't imagine why I would need more. (I also just noticed my solder iron in a wine bottle, and my new controller board for my diy projector that I need to start wokring on, as well as some new frensels and a new lense to allow me to change my projector quickly between a long throw and short throw projector.

Now guess if i'm a male, or if i'm a female (without looking in my profile if it's in there).
Mar 23, 2009 at 3:39 AM Post #112 of 124

Originally Posted by TheMarchingMule /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Interesting thread bump.

not until Duggeh comes here and says


(...I am still laughing with the joke you pulled on me way back when I was in the manic phase and spilled my guts on something that bothered me...)
Mar 23, 2009 at 3:48 AM Post #113 of 124

If Gatto ever comes back ( She"s been gone since before Christmas), Ask her to PM you some of her Star Wars Jedi Photos.

EDIT:: I checked and Gatto isn't gone, She's just hanging around different threads than I. She has the whole Star wars Jedi getup with custom leather belt and light saber. Not a typical
girl thing.
Mar 23, 2009 at 5:29 AM Post #114 of 124
To understand the question better, for guys, why do you not follow fashion, spend a lot of money on clothes, or even spend much time on your appearance (generally speaking of course)?

This is not to say that you do not appreciate looking good, but the level of interest is not there to put that amount of effort into it. From what I've experienced, introducing females to better IEMs for their music players while they certainly do realize how much better it sounds is not something they are so interested in enough to make it a past time they are much fascinated with.
Mar 23, 2009 at 6:36 AM Post #116 of 124

Originally Posted by AC1 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
To understand the question better, for guys, why do you not follow fashion, spend a lot of money on clothes, or even spend much time on your appearance (generally speaking of course)?

I don't think you have to spend a huge amount of money to look good. Same goes for audio, you don't have to spend thousands of dollars to be satisfied. On a more personal level I don't follow fashion as I now what I like to wear and don't care if anyone doesn't like it. Same goes for audio, I now what I look and whilst I might be interested in what others think of the equipement I have, ultimatly I don't care if they think it's a bad set-up (though I am open to ideas one may have to possible improvements).


Originally Posted by AC1 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
From what I've experienced, introducing females to better IEMs for their music players while they certainly do realize how much better it sounds is not something they are so interested in enough to make it a past time they are much fascinated with.

I think that says more about how much they trully care for/appreciate the music, probably thinking of it more as elevator music, that is they 'listen' to it in the background whilst they busy themselves with other tasks, but don't actually ever dedicate any time just to listening to music.
Mar 23, 2009 at 8:18 AM Post #117 of 124

Originally Posted by boomy3555 /img/forum/go_quote.gif

If Gatto ever comes back ( She"s been gone since before Christmas), Ask her to PM you some of her Star Wars Jedi Photos.

EDIT:: I checked and Gatto isn't gone, She's just hanging around different threads than I. She has the whole Star wars Jedi getup with custom leather belt and light saber. Not a typical
girl thing.

haha hi boomy, sorry I made you think I ran away! I'm still here


Originally Posted by torjeh /img/forum/go_quote.gif
It seems like some of the ladies are trying to make this thread about shoes ...

Anyways, there are plenty of tech-girls. They just don't nesesarily look very different than other girls. And if they do, they are probably hiding behind a computer, or in a basement playing d&d

people still play D&D in basements? I should try that some time... I usually just play in living rooms
Mar 23, 2009 at 4:16 PM Post #118 of 124

Originally Posted by Gatto /img/forum/go_quote.gif
people still play D&D in basements? I should try that some time... I usually just play in living rooms

Only lucky girls play D&D in basements.


Originally Posted by Gatto /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I got lucky and one day while in high school my current group of friends noticed me drinking a bottle of bawls and wearing a 'no I will not fix your computer' shirt and quickly came over to absorb me into the group. We have been sitting around in a basement playing D&D or halo on the weekends ever since, I got very lucky.

Mar 23, 2009 at 4:40 PM Post #119 of 124
My wife definitely is into the whole headphone fact I got rid of my 702's because she said they made my butt look big....and that is just a no no.
Mar 23, 2009 at 4:44 PM Post #120 of 124
More G/F Hates headphones. To her: Headphones = More Time Ignoring Her.

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