Q701 impressions thread
Feb 17, 2012 at 1:11 AM Post #421 of 9,603

Q701's for $250 can put an end to my spending habits.  These headphones are all I will ever need.  My sound preferences personified in headphone form.  They amaze me every time I listen to them. 

Agreed.. I've basically sold off or I'm in the process of selling off everything else.  Although, I think a Schiit Lyr may be on the horizon

Feb 17, 2012 at 3:24 AM Post #422 of 9,603
I could easily live with just the Q701 too.
I often find myself wanting to listen to an alternative that has a smaller soundstage, more forward mids and slightly more warmth. The HD-598, K601 or my new HD-580 fits this perfectly. Now the mids are very good on the Q701, but sometimes I do crave mids like those on the SR-225is. My DJ100 does this for me.
To me the HD-600 and Q701 MIGHT make a good pair.
It seems I also am unable to live without some type of closed headphone since they always sound a bit different than an open headphone.
For ME the Q701 gets more things right than any other headphone I've tried. The only thing that comes close is the HD-598. I just wish the sound clarity of the HD-598 was a little bit better for the $175.
Feb 17, 2012 at 6:17 AM Post #423 of 9,603
Tdock, did you ever try the DT880s? They're the only other well balanced can in the price range that I prefer over the Q701 for music, but the two are too close to call. Trading up a little bit of the mids for a little bass and more treble, which is my preference as my main genres aren't as reliant on vocals which still sounded good off the DT880. I just didn't want another treble peaky can as my secondary, so I went with the Q701. If not, I was either gonna get the DT880 pros, or save up for the T1.

edit: I'm listening to them right now... they're just...so damn awesome. Biggest surprise I've had with a headphone in the entire time of buying headphones. I was literally expecting another K701... dry, analytical, and boring (which was fine for the purpose of competitive gaming). I'm glad I was wrong. What I got was musical, balanced, and full of body. I may have to rethink my tier list for headphones... I might actually like these more than every other headphone I've owned aside from the D7000 and HE-4.
Feb 17, 2012 at 7:48 AM Post #424 of 9,603
I just received my Q701s a couple of days ago and these headphones are already in my top 5 of all time.  I love hearing minute details in my music and these do not disappoint. 
The first night I had these, I had planned on listening to a few songs before bed.  I ended up sitting there, listening to music for nearly two hours.  I just kept jumping from song to song thinking "I wonder what this song will sound like on the Qs?". 
I mean, these really are the total package when played through my Matrix m-stage.  Fantastic highs with minimal-to-no sibilance.  Great mids, that aren't pushed forward but blend perfectly with the rest of the spectrum and nice bass!  I mean, the bass extends deep but is very detailed.  I never considered the bass on my HM5s to be "boomy" until I compared them to the Qs.
After trying more than a few dozen headphones over the years and selling pretty much all of them, I may have finally found one that will stay with me for a long time.  That's saying something for me as I am as A.D.D. as they come regarding headphones.
I just got to work and I am already ready to get home and listen to these more. 
Feb 17, 2012 at 8:29 AM Post #425 of 9,603

I just received my Q701s a couple of days ago and these headphones are already in my top 5 of all time.  I love hearing minute details in my music and these do not disappoint. 
The first night I had these, I had planned on listening to a few songs before bed.  I ended up sitting there, listening to music for nearly two hours.  I just kept jumping from song to song thinking "I wonder what this song will sound like on the Qs?". 
I mean, these really are the total package when played through my Matrix m-stage.  Fantastic highs with minimal-to-no sibilance.  Great mids, that aren't pushed forward but blend perfectly with the rest of the spectrum and nice bass!  I mean, the bass extends deep but is very detailed.  I never considered the bass on my HM5s to be "boomy" until I compared them to the Qs.
After trying more than a few dozen headphones over the years and selling pretty much all of them, I may have finally found one that will stay with me for a long time.  That's saying something for me as I am as A.D.D. as they come regarding headphones.
I just got to work and I am already ready to get home and listen to these more. 

Haha this how I feel every day leaving my Qs at home alone ....

Feb 17, 2012 at 10:47 AM Post #426 of 9,603
I FINALLY, finally, finally got my Q701 after weeks and weeks of waiting for the white one to be available. I got quite a big serial number, in the 8xxx region so I'm assuming it's quite new. What serial # are you people's lately? Just curious.
Impressions on the sound later after burn in, but only thing I can complain so far is whoever sticks the "AKG" logo on should spend a bit more time as it is slanted, but I checked a few pictures online and I notice some others are like that too. Not the end of the world, but something I noticed.
Sound-wise, all I can say for now is I wonder what I was smoking earlier when I decided to get the SRH940 over this one. Thankfully Headphone Bar allowed me to exchange!
Otherwise, this thing is a beauty!
Feb 17, 2012 at 1:32 PM Post #428 of 9,603
More than 50 hours on my Q's now and they seem to sound better every time I listen! I still enjoy my HD598 and find them more forgiving of lesser quality stuff, as others have said, but the 701 is definitely the best I've heard for jazz and really well-recorded music. A great example: "The Monk Project" by Jimmy Owens (piano, trumpet, sax, trombone, tuba & bass and drums) - outstanding with these cans! (imac>alac>D6>Q701)
Feb 17, 2012 at 1:48 PM Post #429 of 9,603
Does q701 good for classical material such as orchestra pieces?
I heard senn Hd600 is especially good for that , should i get it for classical music and leave Q701 for the rest ?
Feb 17, 2012 at 2:03 PM Post #431 of 9,603

I really like my Q701 for classical.  I do think that HD 600 for classical is a different experience.  Not one better than the other IMO but more like how do you want it to sound.

I love my HD650's for classical and slow paced music. However, with that being said, I do think that the Q701's do work well for classic, albeit not warm enough for me.
Feb 17, 2012 at 2:26 PM Post #432 of 9,603

Tdock, did you ever try the DT880s? They're the only other well balanced can in the price range that I prefer over the Q701 for music, but the two are too close to call. Trading up a little bit of the mids for a little bass and more treble, which is my preference as my main genres aren't as reliant on vocals which still sounded good off the DT880. I just didn't want another treble peaky can as my secondary, so I went with the Q701. If not, I was either gonna get the DT880 pros, or save up for the T1.
edit: I'm listening to them right now... they're just...so damn awesome. Biggest surprise I've had with a headphone in the entire time of buying headphones. I was literally expecting another K701... dry, analytical, and boring (which was fine for the purpose of competitive gaming). I'm glad I was wrong. What I got was musical, balanced, and full of body. I may have to rethink my tier list for headphones... I might actually like these more than every other headphone I've owned aside from the D7000 and HE-4.

I remember when I had the original K702 it randomly had this weird treble peak that really bothered my ears. It wasn't a case of garbage tracks and I even burned them in for around 250 hours. At that time I gave the DT-880 a chance. Somehow I couldn't deal with it's comfort due to the depth of the cups. The only way I could use them was to make them have ZERO clamp. Couldn't even go 10 minutes without them annoying my ears. I did try the pleather and gel pads too.
I really do like it's sound, but I've found I need more (forward) mids. I always felt the DT-880 was not warm enough for me and definitely cold and analytical. Not a bad thing, but I did feel the K702 was very very slightly warmer. Somehow. The DT-880 also made too much of my music sound like garbage, which was an annoyance. Even more so than using my KRKs and Q701 I think. I do like the DT-880 and would have kept it. I've owned each version and like the 32ohm version the most I think. I believe this is the one, but it's hard to remember. The DT-880 sure is impressive for ambient/electronic music.
A huge percentage of my music is for vocals, so I need something good for that. None of my music seems to require lots of bass and I stopped listing to some of the alt rock I liked in the past such as Pearl Jam etc. I do listen to Radiohead a lot still. Strangely enough my favorite genre right now is really simple ambient music such as Helios, Mum, Boards of Canada and a few others. Q701 is really good for this type of music.
Feb 17, 2012 at 2:33 PM Post #433 of 9,603
Did you buy them at regular price? I'm keeping a look out for a good deal but I can't find great ones in Canada. ;_;
Oh, and does the E17 work well with the Q701s?  

I got a small discount from them cuz I bought quite a few stuff from them recently. Still over $300 tho which sucks but oh well. The sound you get IMO is worth it. Easily my favorite headphone to date.

The E17+E9 sounds great. +6 gain on e17 paired with E9 is more than powerful to drive it. I never tried it just with the E17 though but I think it should be fine.

Feb 17, 2012 at 3:00 PM Post #434 of 9,603
I really like my Q701 for classical.  I do think that HD 600 for classical is a different experience.  Not one better than the other IMO but more like how do you want it to sound.
EDIT:  This is my 701st post.  Sweet!

For posterity.
Feb 17, 2012 at 3:04 PM Post #435 of 9,603
Found this amusing since they sound like total opposites to me:
(graphs don't mean much IMO, but still interesting to look at)

Another one since I'm bored:




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