Q701 impressions thread
Jan 11, 2012 at 7:00 PM Post #166 of 9,603
The other amp that drives me Q insanely well is the HA-160DS. Absolutely phenomenal PRaT. So energetic. 
 Add in a ZX SXC cable and that's just the icing on the cake!

Jan 11, 2012 at 7:07 PM Post #167 of 9,603
I'm having blue jeans cable build me a cable, and its cheaper than what it would have costed for me to buy the stuff myself and put it together.
Jan 11, 2012 at 7:22 PM Post #168 of 9,603
Nice photo Austin! That Burson looks mighty fine :) 
Jan 11, 2012 at 7:44 PM Post #170 of 9,603

The other amp that drives me Q insanely well is the HA-160DS. Absolutely phenomenal PRaT. So energetic. 
 Add in a ZX SXC cable and that's just the icing on the cake!


I guess we have the same cable. I'm really liking the SXC one Zombie_X made. I need to listen to it a bit more. I actually thought you had just silver and not silver plated copper. Have you tried plain silver yet? I wonder how that would sound compared to the SXC. SXC (silver plated copper) should sound best for the Q701 I think. Silver seems like it would be really nice for an HD-600/650 and less so with say a DT-880 or Q701 maybe.
Jan 11, 2012 at 8:05 PM Post #171 of 9,603

I'm having blue jeans cable build me a cable, and its cheaper than what it would have costed for me to buy the stuff myself and put it together.

Let us know what you think of it. I actually never knew they made customs cables like this. I bet they will use Belden wire, which is what they normally use for interconnect cables. It's really good wire and I prefer it to Mogami/Canare. Someone should make a Q701 cable with Canare and see what it's like. Since it's a fairly warm sounding wire, it should be a good match.

Have tried both extensively and currently own the Q701. There is a difference.
•The bass is no where near as bad as the K701.
•The midrange is not as lean and the vocals are much improved
•More layered soundstage.
EDIT: Didn't see that you said K702...

Very similar impressions as mine. K702/K701 mids were kind of lean (even felt recessed at times
, not the upper mids) and I disliked it for vocals. Q701 seems just a little warmer sounding (not like an HD-650!!) with fuller sounding mids. Not as cold and analytical as my old K701 I had years ago. Some people said the K701 was slightly warm, but I never felt so. Maybe compared to the DT-880. I still don't think the Q701 is as warm as my K601, but close.
My Q701 seems like it has a slightly smaller soundstage than my old K702 (both with stock cable). This isn't a negative, but to me this just means it's more accurate and not artificially huge like before. The K702 always seemed like it had an abnormally huge soundstage on any amp and not very accurate. Not sure why. Who knows if button can play a role in the soundstage size. Probably not? The goofy soundstage and the treble are the top 2 reasons I couldn't deal with the K702. It's the headphone I've owned the most and always had a love/hate thing for the K702.
It's weird how if I use any other copper cable but stock, the soundstage seems to increase into size.
Someone should try to connect a stock K702 cable to the Q701 and find out if they're the same. The Q701 cable looks thicker, but it's probably not. All I have is a stock K240 Studio cable. Not sure if the K240 Studio and K702 use the same cable. I think so.
What's interesting too is that I always hated the K702 for gaming, but the Q701 is just so much better. The soundstage of the K702 ruins gaming IMO.
Anyone tried the K501 for gaming? Now THAT is amusing due to it's massive soundstage
I don't suggest it..
Q701, KRK KNS-8400 and the K601 are my favorite gaming headphones ever. Can't go wrong with either of them. With the Q701 I have, the K601 I have doesn't get much use. K601 is maybe a tad more comfortable, but only due to no bumps and more comfortable pads.
Jan 11, 2012 at 9:19 PM Post #172 of 9,603
Q701 + HeadRoom Bag is a great fit.  It almost looks like they designed it specifically for AKGs...

EDIT:  Also, you can see my modified headband in the 2nd pic.  It's a Walmart seatbelt pad, cut up with scissors and attached with velcro wraps.  Extremely elegant and professional.

Jan 11, 2012 at 9:27 PM Post #173 of 9,603
BTW if anyone wants a dirt cheap Q701 stand try the Banana holders at Bed Bath and Beyond. Only $9 and more stable than the hose holder at Home Depot.
Here's a picture:

It doesn't work for any other headphones. Only those with the metal headband.
Here's a link:
Jan 11, 2012 at 10:13 PM Post #174 of 9,603
^ Do they ripen nicely on that!? lol, those are nice. 
Jan 11, 2012 at 10:32 PM Post #175 of 9,603

Q701 + HeadRoom Bag is a great fit.  It almost looks like they designed it specifically for AKGs...

EDIT:  Also, you can see my modified headband in the 2nd pic.  It's a Walmart seatbelt pad, cut up with scissors and attached with velcro wraps.  Extremely elegant and professional.

Yeah, that's what I got for mine when I ordered the cans from Headroom.  Great fit and no fruit flies like I get when I leave them on the banana rack.  BTW, Sam Walton would be proud of you!
Jan 11, 2012 at 10:55 PM Post #176 of 9,603

BTW if anyone wants a dirt cheap Q701 stand try the Banana holders at Bed Bath and Beyond. Only $9 and more stable than the hose holder at Home Depot.
Here's a picture:

It doesn't work for any other headphones. Only those with the metal headband.
Here's a link:

What, you're not a fan of the good 'ol classic "banana hammock"?
Jan 11, 2012 at 10:58 PM Post #177 of 9,603

Let us know what you think of it. I actually never knew they made customs cables like this. I bet they will use Belden wire, which is what they normally use for interconnect cables. It's really good wire and I prefer it to Mogami/Canare. Someone should make a Q701 cable with Canare and see what it's like. Since it's a fairly warm sounding wire, it should be a good match.

Yep, they are using a Belden 1508A, which is 24awg copper. should be nice. I got it 8 feet, but if i like the sound i might get another at 15 feet.
Jan 11, 2012 at 11:14 PM Post #178 of 9,603
Recommendation please for a custom ready made replacement cable, M Stage Amp and HRT Streamer, any thoughts on Cardas Cable @ $200, is this over the top at just as much as the phonnes are to buy? Cheer's
Jan 12, 2012 at 12:41 AM Post #179 of 9,603

Recommendation please for a custom ready made replacement cable, M Stage Amp and HRT Streamer, any thoughts on Cardas Cable @ $200, is this over the top at just as much as the phonnes are to buy? Cheer's

considering the internal wiring of the q701/k702 is pretty non-spectacular. anything better than the stock cable will do. bjc will custom make you a cable for less than 40 + shipping.
Jan 12, 2012 at 9:32 AM Post #180 of 9,603
That BJC is a nice option. Back in the day when I had the 702 I did a dual entry soldered straight to the driver pins with DHC nucleotide cable. It was nice but nothing special, certainly not worth it. The 70x series is a PIA to re-cable or open to fix and deal with driver issues because the pins the cables are soldered to that hook up to the voice coil wire are able to move and if they move at all they rip the coil wire :0 ! I know this because it happened to me and I ended up having to solder a wire the size of a flippn human hair! It worked out in the end though :) Long story short, think real hard before you open these bad boys up. They sound marvelous as is with their stock internals :wink: 

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