I googled an image of that earlier when I was figuring it all out.
I've had it hooked up and have been listening for almost 2 hours now. It sounds pretty magical. I did not expect this to work this well.
It gets loud at the 8 o'clock position on the volume knob so there is barely any throw on the knob, but the knob has fine enough control to dial in the volume I desire so it works just fine. The other option at my disposal is to set a negative preamp level in the Equalizer APO program I use for system wide EQ. If I set a -6dB preamp level it gives me a bit better control of the volume which lets me bring it up to about 9 o'clock on the knob. It is dead silent with the music paused, so no unbearable hiss to speak of.
The sound is ridiculous. I haven't really used my Q701 in a long time, but I don't remember them sounding quite this good. Huge soundstage, great imaging, killer bass impact(for a Q701 anyway) and tons of detail. EQ'ing them with Equalizer APO is nice as well. I added just a touch of extra sub-bass, have a very narrow mild cut at 2k, another cut centered at 7k and then added a touch of sparkle centered at 14k.
Tomorrow the plan is to find some decent banana plugs for both the headphones, and my speakers so I can hopefully swap between the two a bit quicker.