Puro Sound Labs Puro IE500iem Impessions and Discussion
Nov 9, 2015 at 8:59 AM Post #31 of 1,110
Twin nailed it on these earphones. I own the senn. Ie8, & 80's and they can't compete with the puro's. They are just outperformed across the board. I've also got the jvc fx 750, &850, & the only thing they have the Puro doesn't is bass slam. But I don't miss that on the puro's I think if they had anymore bass it may have sacrificed the detail, which is fantastic. I believe they must be matched with a quality source & amp. Because of how clear they are. If you feed them crap your gonna get crap. They may be the best deal of the year at 50.00.
Nov 9, 2015 at 9:22 AM Post #32 of 1,110
Twin nailed it on these earphones. I own the senn. Ie8, & 80's and they can't compete with the puro's. They are just outperformed across the board. I've also got the jvc fx 750, &850, & the only thing they have the Puro doesn't is bass slam. But I don't miss that on the puro's I think if they had anymore bass it may have sacrificed the detail, which is fantastic. I believe they must be matched with a quality source & amp. Because of how clear they are. If you feed them crap your gonna get crap. They may be the best deal of the year at 50.00.

Raybone, BOOST them, if that is an option on your amp. The E12 Fiio I have has a 6dB boost that only affects sub and low Bass frequencies. Trust me it's there, it's just a little recessed, and I'm sure it's by design. Why else would Puro have an EQ App. for Iphone to tailor the sound to personal preferences?
Remember, these are the Safe Hearing People.
Nov 9, 2015 at 10:04 AM Post #33 of 1,110
:cool: Raybone, BOOST them, if that is an option on your amp. The E12 Fiio I have has a 6dB boost that only affects sub and low Bass frequencies. Trust me it's there, it's just a little recessed, and I'm sure it's by design. Why else would Puro have an EQ App. for Iphone to tailor the sound to personal preferences?

Remember, these are the Safe Hearing People.

:beerchug: :beerchug: TWIN
I have the option on my c&c, but these things require so much juice they still sound thin. Matched with my leckerton they sound fantastic. I was a bass head, but since acquiring these extremely detailed earphones since joining head-fi you learn to appreciate the detail more. In fact earphones & headphones changed my musical preferences. Sure I listen to stuff I grew up with, but now I search for better produced stuff. Heavy into blues, buddy guy, joe bonamassa, bb king, etc. Dave Matthews & widespread panic are also fantastic to listen to because they have a bunch of musicians and there's so much going on in their songs. The hd800's flow through those recordings effortlessly and the puro's remind me of a scaled down version. I wish I still had my portaphile 627, that amp was fantastic & had tons of juice. I didn't have a pair of phones that required it. I may experiment with the puro's on my home rig tonight with the violectric amp. Could be special
Nov 9, 2015 at 1:09 PM Post #36 of 1,110
  A second QC red flag on the LZ A2's... hope we are all not retail beta testers on the coming LZs

What do you mean?  TwinACStacks wasn't talking about the A2.  Are you saying you have the A2 and have a QC issue?  If so, what is it?
Nov 9, 2015 at 6:00 PM Post #37 of 1,110
  and I found them here too: http://www.amazon.com/s?ie=UTF8&field-keywords=iem500&index=blended

Welcome Jim. These Puros are some fantastic earphones and a few of us thought they deserved their own thread. Any Plans for a Successor or updated Model?
Nov 9, 2015 at 6:09 PM Post #38 of 1,110
I was contacted today by Ari from puro sound today. No new info on earphones but they have two full-size models, BT220,&5200. Details on those and specs. For ie500 can be found at www.purosound.com.
Nov 9, 2015 at 10:19 PM Post #39 of 1,110
  What do you mean?  TwinACStacks wasn't talking about the A2.  Are you saying you have the A2 and have a QC issue?  If so, what is it?

He replied to my misunderstanding. He was speaking metaphorically.
Nov 10, 2015 at 1:20 AM Post #40 of 1,110
:cool: Raybone, BOOST them, if that is an option on your amp. The E12 Fiio I have has a 6dB boost that only affects sub and low Bass frequencies. Trust me it's there, it's just a little recessed, and I'm sure it's by design. Why else would Puro have an EQ App. for Iphone to tailor the sound to personal preferences?

Remember, these are the Safe Hearing People.

:beerchug: :beerchug: TWIN

Twin, I found even Fiio E12 with 16db plus cannot fully drive it. WIth a more powerful desktop amplifier, it sounds fuller! This is an amazing earphones, I love it!!
Nov 10, 2015 at 10:18 AM Post #41 of 1,110
I have the option on my c&c, but these things require so much juice they still sound thin. Matched with my leckerton they sound fantastic. I was a bass head, but since acquiring these extremely detailed earphones since joining head-fi you learn to appreciate the detail more. In fact earphones & headphones changed my musical preferences. Sure I listen to stuff I grew up with, but now I search for better produced stuff. Heavy into blues, buddy guy, joe bonamassa, bb king, etc. Dave Matthews & widespread panic are also fantastic to listen to because they have a bunch of musicians and there's so much going on in their songs. The hd800's flow through those recordings effortlessly and the puro's remind me of a scaled down version. I wish I still had my portaphile 627, that amp was fantastic & had tons of juice. I didn't have a pair of phones that required it. I may experiment with the puro's on my home rig tonight with the violectric amp. Could be special

raybone, BLUES you say? Over 1/2 of all my stuff is blues.
Try this one if you don't allready have it:
Mr. Guy, Please meet Mr. Beck:
and just for a little added fun:
Nov 10, 2015 at 10:26 AM Post #42 of 1,110
Twin, I found even Fiio E12 with 16db plus cannot fully drive it. WIth a more powerful desktop amplifier, it sounds fuller! This is an amazing earphones, I love it!!

Let me see Yangi. I have a Shiit audio Vali and a Y cable for line out from my Player, I'm guessing it should be enough.
I can't believe this Fiio isn't pushing it. It's damn Near 1W output.
Nov 10, 2015 at 10:34 AM Post #43 of 1,110
Great stuff Twin, I really like buddy guy, lot of Jeff beck I enjoy but the recordings are not the best. Didn't get chance to test 500's on desktop last night. I had a surprise delivery of a Vahalia 2 yesterday and spent the evening with the fullsized cans. Going to get at it soon as I get home today. I have a feeling they will pair well though. Will post impressions tonight. On another note, puro sound does have two fullsized phones, if they are anything the the 500's that would be real sweet!
Nov 10, 2015 at 12:46 PM Post #44 of 1,110
Oh man, you guys totally sucked me into your hype and have these coming to me. I am hopeful the Cayin N6 will be able to drive them fully, has a pretty substantial amp.
Nov 10, 2015 at 12:55 PM Post #45 of 1,110
Oh man, you guys totally sucked me into your hype and have these coming to me. I am hopeful the Cayin N6 will be able to drive them fully, has a pretty substantial amp.
Welcome, not sure about N6, but I had Fiio x5ii up to about 90% on high gain over the weekend and they still sounded thin. Please post your thoughts when they arrive.

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