Dec 20, 2007 at 8:04 AM Post #1,366 of 2,461

Originally Posted by Towert7 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hm, sounds like the Darth's are not your cup of tea if you are doing that much EQ'ing, and finding that you have to switch to different EQ's for different songs. I assume you have tried the adhesive putty mod? I would expect that would do most of the EQ'ing you are doing without the need for EQ.

You may want to give the HD650 a shot someday, as it sounds like you prefer a sound sig like the HD650 (like myself).

Well, I am only dropping the 64-125Hz band by 3-4db, and boosting the 250-500Hz by 2-3db for about half my music. And, of all my phones, with NO EQ these are the best for classic rock like the ones I listed. I can also try some of my other amps with these. So far I have tried direct out of the iTouch, and Macbook and they were way too bassy. I also have tried them with my Macbook via Lyrix USB DAC amp, and finally CD optical into iBasso D1 then to the DarkVoice 336i. My Meier Headsix might actually be the perfect amp for these DB v3.

I see a couple of small holes in the plastic ring on each side, at the base of the woodie part, those are the holes you recommended plugging? From your previous descriptions, I began to think that your V2's were intentionally ported, while these looked like leftover holes from doing the mods and re-cable.

But, you may be right that Darths are just not my cup of tea. My Proline 2500 feel the same (cozy) as far as fit on my head, and have the right sound but they aren't closed which I needed for bedroom listening. My HD25 sound good but don't have a wide soundstage, and are not the most comfortable. My APS V2 re-cabled Denon D2000 are probably the perfect sounding closed phone for me, but they fit a little too loose so I can't lay down with them.

I think my search for "closed cans that sound transparent like open HD600/650 cans" will likely have to end with the D2000. I can fix my curiosity about the Proline 750 easily, but the Edition 9 will be more of a challenge, especially since I just dropped $400 on an amp for my STAX SR-Lambda.

I could get $400+ for Darths, $300 for 10 pro, $120 for my Bose On Ear, $140 for almost new P2 amp , almost $200 for recently modded Xin SuperMacro III with all the switches/rechargables, and $100 for vintage Sony D-5 pcdp = One pair of Edition 9. Hmmmm....
Dec 20, 2007 at 1:27 PM Post #1,367 of 2,461
On each plastic enclosure, there are 2 holes. One is a small one that beyerdynamic made. The other, larger one, is the one left over from no cable connecting the earcups. This is the source of the huge bass reverb.

So, play some music through them on your head, and take your fingers and just plug up the 2 big ones (1 on each cup). You should notice an instant difference, and most likely a big improvement.

Here is a pic to show what I'm talking about:

The orange adhesive putty is blocking up the 2 main holes. I later also plugged up the 2 smaller holes as well.

This will turn the DB into a semi HD650, so to speak.
Dec 20, 2007 at 2:34 PM Post #1,368 of 2,461

Originally Posted by wrecked_porsche /img/forum/go_quote.gif

@Skylab, the Blue Circle Audio SBH is more expensive than the Opera no? How much more is it?

It's $1295 USD. Great amp, though.
Dec 20, 2007 at 2:50 PM Post #1,369 of 2,461
Hmmm... its only slightly more than an Opera. Which one pairs up better with the Darths and DT880?

Not like I'm gonna own one anytime soon though...

If I starve myself for a couple of years, maybe I'll be able to reach that goal when I start working in a year or two.

But seriously, among the two, which one sings and makes sweet, sweeeeet, music with the Darths and DT880?
Dec 20, 2007 at 2:55 PM Post #1,370 of 2,461

Originally Posted by Towert7 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
On each plastic enclosure, there are 2 holes. One is a small one that beyerdynamic made. The other, larger one, is the one left over from no cable connecting the earcups. This is the source of the huge bass reverb.

So, play some music through them on your head, and take your fingers and just plug up the 2 big ones (1 on each up). You should notice an instant difference, and most likely a big improvement.

Here is a pic to show what I'm talking about:
The orange adhesive putty is blocking up the 2 main holes. I later also plugged up the 2 smaller holes as well.

This will turn the DB into a semi HD650, so to speak.

In my own modding experience, I leave a little bit of one port on each side open (I cover the top two and then part of the other two holes). Its the best balance for me. If I completely cover all four, then it seems that the upper frequencies tend to stick out a lot. I believe its a preference thing. I do think most people would at least want two of the holes covered, and some will want all of them. With all of them blocked certain music does sound better, while with them partially open they are a bit more well rounded for my music tastes (to my ears, if you completely block all four then non acoustic rock, pop, and rap tend to sound a little off, while only partial blocking fills it out more). I would guess that it also depends on your source and amp. Its kinda nice that there is a little bit of simple tuning you can do to adjust the sound to fit your ears. If you get into the internals and the earpads then there's quite a bit you can do, although if you get it right (and I'm going to assume that the DarthBeyers do), then the port tuning works quite well.

I have to admit, I got the idea from you though when I was modding them. I saw what you had figured out and played around with it and kinda figured out the same thing you did. The bass tightens up nicely with all four plugged. It just sounded slightly imbalanced (really it probably is more balanced I'm just not used a not so u shaped response curve).
Dec 20, 2007 at 3:12 PM Post #1,371 of 2,461

Originally Posted by wrecked_porsche /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hmmm... its only slightly more than an Opera. Which one pairs up better with the Darths and DT880?

Not like I'm gonna own one anytime soon though...

If I starve myself for a couple of years, maybe I'll be able to reach that goal when I start working in a year or two.

But seriously, among the two, which one sings and makes sweet, sweeeeet, music with the Darths and DT880?

With the Darths, I prefer the SBH. With the DT880's, I'd prefer the Opera. Both are excellent, but the Opera is a little warmer, and mates fantastically with the DT880's specifically. It may be the best DT880/990 amp there is. The Darths don't sound like the 880 or 990. The SBH is still slightly warm of neutral, I think, but has more of a tight versus full bass, which is a great match for the Darths.
Dec 20, 2007 at 9:07 PM Post #1,373 of 2,461
Holy Cow!!


My Meier Headsix might actually be the perfect amp for these DB v3.

I just now switched to the Meier Headsix amp that I talked about last night, and PROBLEM SOLVED. Playing my 3rd Gen nano video through a "barqy" solid silver silk insulated LOD to the Meier Headsix is THE PERFECT SYNGERGY with the Darth Beyers.

And, if I plug the holes I can use all my other amps WITHOUT needing to use EQ. I think the Headsix AND 2 hole plugs is a little too much bass reduction, but still sounds great. Next I'll try my iBasso P2 which only has 100 hours on it but less bass than the Headsix. I do expect the iBasso bass to fill in with another 200-300 hours, because that's what my D1 did at 250-275 hours.
Dec 20, 2007 at 9:13 PM Post #1,374 of 2,461

Originally Posted by Towert7 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
On each plastic enclosure, there are 2 holes. One is a small one that beyerdynamic made. The other, larger one, is the one left over from no cable connecting the earcups. This is the source of the huge bass reverb.

So, play some music through them on your head, and take your fingers and just plug up the 2 big ones (1 on each up). You should notice an instant difference, and most likely a big improvement.

Here is a pic to show what I'm talking about:

The orange adhesive putty is blocking up the 2 main holes. I later also plugged up the 2 smaller holes as well.

This will turn the DB into a semi HD650, so to speak.

or you could open up the darths and plugged them from inside? the darths will be nicer looking too.

PS- not that your old darths is not pretty towert7 but its just kinda weird to have that adhesive putty there.
Dec 21, 2007 at 4:27 AM Post #1,375 of 2,461
They are here! Man are they beautiful! I am pushing some music through them tonight and will gather some impressions over the weekend....

Another HUGE thanks to Larry at Headphile for his generosity and unmatched craftsmanship.

I hope I got the links to the photos inserted correctly. Blutarsky61 - Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting I have them setting on a bottle of '79 Glenrothes (Scotch) with a dark cherry wood backdrop.

Let me know what you think...beyersmile2vx2
Dec 21, 2007 at 5:11 AM Post #1,376 of 2,461
Hello Blutarsky,

Damnnnnnnn, perfect match! I bet those darth will drain that bottle if you leave them there too long.

Make sure you let them burn 120 hours or so! I still enjoy my as much as when I received them! Congrats on that catch!

Dec 21, 2007 at 5:34 AM Post #1,377 of 2,461

Originally Posted by kamal007 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
or you could open up the darths and plugged them from inside? the darths will be nicer looking too.

PS- not that your old darths is not pretty towert7 but its just kinda weird to have that adhesive putty there.

Haha, no you are right, they looked butt ugly with the orange on it. But to be honest I didn't mind. Larry even sent me some black adhesive putty, but I stuck to the orange elmers stuff. ^_^
It worked so good I didn't care.
Dec 21, 2007 at 5:44 AM Post #1,378 of 2,461

Originally Posted by darkswordsman17 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
In my own modding experience, I leave a little bit of one port on each side open (I cover the top two and then part of the other two holes). Its the best balance for me. If I completely cover all four, then it seems that the upper frequencies tend to stick out a lot. I believe its a preference thing. I do think most people would at least want two of the holes covered, and some will want all of them. With all of them blocked certain music does sound better, while with them partially open they are a bit more well rounded for my music tastes (to my ears, if you completely block all four then non acoustic rock, pop, and rap tend to sound a little off, while only partial blocking fills it out more). I would guess that it also depends on your source and amp. Its kinda nice that there is a little bit of simple tuning you can do to adjust the sound to fit your ears. If you get into the internals and the earpads then there's quite a bit you can do, although if you get it right (and I'm going to assume that the DarthBeyers do), then the port tuning works quite well.

I have to admit, I got the idea from you though when I was modding them. I saw what you had figured out and played around with it and kinda figured out the same thing you did. The bass tightens up nicely with all four plugged. It just sounded slightly imbalanced (really it probably is more balanced I'm just not used a not so u shaped response curve).

Hi darkswordsman17. Thanks for the nice comment!

Hm, that's interesting that with all 4 holes plugged up fully you noticed an increase in the High Freqs. Between plugging up the 2 main holes, and all 4 holes, I noticed a slight increase in detail, and a slight reduction in mid bass over just 2 holes, though I didn't notice much difference in the highs. I do know that with all 4 holes plugged up, they get warmer much quicker than if you at least keep the little ones open. Yea, plugging up just the main 2 is enough to kill most of the mid bass reverb, which would be fine for most people. I didn't try partially filling some holes, that's very creative.

Coming from my 4 holes plugged Darth Beyer V2, to the HD650, I appreciated the increase in high frequency...... so I guess to me I still could have used a bit more highs and mids in the Darths.
Most certainly personal preference.

And you're right, it is great that you can do an easy, totally reversible, change to the headphones and make SUCH a big difference. Basically like having 2 different headphones. I had suggested to Larry that he sell the Darths with little rubber stopper/plugs to fit in the holes, but he never did that. Too bad too, because that would be a great way to safely tune the level of mid bass.

Dec 21, 2007 at 6:30 AM Post #1,379 of 2,461
The iBasso P2 is also an excellent amp for the Darth Beyers. The mid-bass peak is gone, and the mids are nice but maybe barely not as forward as the Headsix. The nice part about the P2 amp is that with the RS-2 I can hit the bass boost switch when I need a loudness control for quiet listening, and then they pound like Darths...

(yeah, I said pound not sound
Dec 21, 2007 at 6:41 AM Post #1,380 of 2,461

Originally Posted by Grey Massacre /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hello Blutarsky,

Damnnnnnnn, perfect match! I bet those darth will drain that bottle if you leave them there too long.

Make sure you let them burn 120 hours or so! I still enjoy my as much as when I received them! Congrats on that catch!


Thanks Charles! Can you tell I'm a little excited? I even had a buddy of mine upgrade my avatar to reflect the Darths!

Once I get the beasties burnt in I'll try to set down some impressions. Strangely I was in the middle of a deal with Kabeer for his DB V3-O when I won these. I decided to go ahead with the purchase and hope to A/B the open and closed once they arrive.

I also bought a Meier Corda HeadFive specifically to run these so I should have something to add in that regard as well.

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