Pictures Of Your High End System II (Same Rules Apply)
Feb 19, 2014 at 12:25 AM Post #437 of 1,054
  1. SR-71Panorama, is that OV on the panel
OK, the reason I am responding, your wall treatment is that audio or art?  If it is art interesting.  If it is audio treatment can you explain the purpose.  If it is audio wall treatment is there more on side or behind listener wall.

Its auralex room treatments, and skyline diffusors.  The skylines need to be moved up now that I have larger speakers, but I didn't make any adjustments to the wall yet.
I wanted a good absorption panel on part of the front wall to reduce echo, and decided just to use some Venus Bass Traps* I had.  They were about the height I wanted without cutting or gluing anything.  Its not how they were designed to be used, but they improved the focus a bunch when I first put them on the front wall.  Their 1 foot depth makes a big difference from the thin panels. I have another pair of them on the sidewall under a picture window, and ikea bookshelves on the opposite side wall, as well as the back wall.  I had more diffusor panels but decided to use bookshelves instead as they were easier on the eyes.  Eventually I'd like to replace the mini fusors with more skyline diffusors but they are quite pricey.  I also had ceiling treatments but got tired of the look.  Having them on the frontwall behind audio gear is much easier to live with, visually.
*oh, and most importantly, the Venus Bass trap can be ordered in different colors than their usual purple :)
Feb 21, 2014 at 12:05 AM Post #439 of 1,054
  cranking some collective soul on a snow day.
Apex + ATC = heaven


I am deeply, profoundly jealous of your speakers. I've got two smaller ATC monitors (one active, one passive) now, and it's incredible how well they acquit themselves versus much more expensive speakers. If I stumbled across a winning lotto ticket tomorrow, it's entirely possible that a set of active 300s with SL drivers would be my very first purchase... I tip my cap to your excellent taste in monitors, sir. :)
Apr 18, 2014 at 10:51 AM Post #441 of 1,054
Originally Posted by gjc11028 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Colin, is the sonos the only source?

It is at the moment, haven't really needed anything else and although I'd like to re institute vinyl I've a lack of space for the table.  I do have an FM tuner which isn't half bad however :wink: 
Apr 25, 2014 at 5:13 PM Post #446 of 1,054
Moved my Harbeth so they have more breathing space, sounds much better!

This might well be the nicest room I've ever seen around here... looks amazingly comfortable and inviting! The colours and the lighting are incredible. Congratulations! I really can imagine spending hours and hours there.
May 20, 2014 at 4:36 PM Post #448 of 1,054
This might well be the nicest room I've ever seen around here... looks amazingly comfortable and inviting! The colours and the lighting are incredible. Congratulations! I really can imagine spending hours and hours there.

I agree. Quinto, do you keep all of your physical music collection (non-hard-drive) in those two rooms?
May 21, 2014 at 3:38 PM Post #449 of 1,054
I agree. Quinto, do you keep all of your physical music collection (non-hard-drive) in those two rooms?

Thanks Jacks.  I have all my classical and jazz cd's and LP's in my living room, my pop cd's, mainly from the late 80-ties and 90-ties, in a spare room, since I don't listen to it anymore..
Just got a new place for all the LP's which were on the ground..and some books..
happy camper

May 22, 2014 at 3:57 AM Post #450 of 1,054
This might well be the nicest room I've ever seen around here... looks amazingly comfortable and inviting! The colours and the lighting are incredible. Congratulations! I really can imagine spending hours and hours there.

+1.  Listening to Music in this environnement should be incredibly pleasant . You're a man of taste Quinto


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