Pictures metaphoring the sound of your headphones
Nov 21, 2011 at 5:32 PM Post #272 of 987
ardilla - i'm not sure i get pictures 2 and 3.
they're sort of disturbing.  so, are you saying that the T1 and HD650 disturb you?  

Nov 21, 2011 at 6:39 PM Post #278 of 987

ardilla - i'm not sure i get pictures 2 and 3.
they're sort of disturbing.  so, are you saying that the T1 and HD650 disturb you?   

Actually, T1 disturbed me beacuse I got fatigued - but I love it and wept when I had to let it go. I guess that image reflects that, along with its intimate yet very 3 dimensional soundstage. 
The HD650 picture is maybe beacuse I find them very "alive". The HD650 is a favorite :)) I think Finbenton got it quite nice - but I would have added some colour :)



Nov 21, 2011 at 6:39 PM Post #279 of 987

If these pictures are an accurate description of the headphones, LCD-2 (too clinical sounding) is way out of my list.

No thats an exaggerated image of the phone. I find LCD's to be quite a similar to HD650, these are still a bit warm but not overly like HD650. Senns are really laid back but I feel I hear a lot more stuff on records with LCD which makes them much more accurate than senns, in a really good way :) These are miles away better than HD650, in every single way.
Nov 21, 2011 at 6:41 PM Post #280 of 987

If these pictures are an accurate description of the headphones, LCD-2 (too clinical sounding) is way out of my list.

That picture is completely wrong unless she's cross contaminating that vial.
Is the soundstage that magnificent?

Nov 21, 2011 at 6:51 PM Post #283 of 987
nikp, the soundstage is deceptively great, actually. What I was trying to get at is the unbelievable dynamic range and detail they push out. They have a very "black" background to the music.
The HD598 has an excellent soundstage. You might want to try them.

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