Pico Slim first impressions and reviews thread. See p31 onwards for a couple of solid reviews + pics + useful info.
May 7, 2010 at 3:56 PM Post #316 of 939

this is more of a general question but how loud am I supposed to leave my DAP(I leave it at 60-70%) before controlling volume from my amp... or does it not matter? I was thinking that maybe if I just turned my Ipod down to a very low volume and the amp really high then maybe my DAP would last longer with its battery :D

Hmmm very interesting. To me, who has almost no knowledge of the science or inner workings of these things, seems like it would work.
May 7, 2010 at 4:36 PM Post #317 of 939

this is more of a general question but how loud am I supposed to leave my DAP(I leave it at 60-70%) before controlling volume from my amp... or does it not matter? I was thinking that maybe if I just turned my Ipod down to a very low volume and the amp really high then maybe my DAP would last longer with its battery :D

Normally, you'd leave your DAP @100% volume. With the iPod + LOD, the volume doesn't matter.
May 7, 2010 at 11:23 PM Post #319 of 939

Well that depends.  As an amp alone, the Slim is without question a better performer, both in sound quality and volume control quality.  The Pico Slim paired with the standalone Pico DAC does sound better than the Pico DAC/Amp (I have all three on my desk right now).
Of course a Pico Slim+Pico DAC is more costly (though not by a ton) than the Pico DAC/amp.  But I think the added sound quality, volumne control performance, versatility, and improved battery life is worth it.  Of course, you do need to carry two boxes instead of one, which is the only real drawback I can see.
I am really quite happy with the Slim.  I'd love to see a successor (even if it needs to be a bit larger) that has the DAC integrated.  Especially if Justin can make it 24/96 input capable.  Definitely if he can make it a fully balanced amp, straight from the DAC chip to the output. :wink:

So what about the Pico Amp/DAC + the Pico slim vs the slim + Pico DAC only. I know this seems redundant, but I already have the Pico DAC/Amp, and really dont wanna go through the whole trouble of not having a DAC while i sell the Pico if I do it.
May 8, 2010 at 11:41 AM Post #320 of 939

So what about the Pico Amp/DAC + the Pico slim vs the slim + Pico DAC only. I know this seems redundant, but I already have the Pico DAC/Amp, and really dont wanna go through the whole trouble of not having a DAC while i sell the Pico if I do it.

You could always buy the Pico DAC first, then sell the Pico Amp DAC. 

May 9, 2010 at 5:51 PM Post #323 of 939
Yes it works fine with the Pico Amp/DAC.
May 9, 2010 at 9:14 PM Post #324 of 939
May 11, 2010 at 1:52 AM Post #325 of 939

So what about the Pico Amp/DAC + the Pico slim vs the slim + Pico DAC only. I know this seems redundant, but I already have the Pico DAC/Amp, and really dont wanna go through the whole trouble of not having a DAC while i sell the Pico if I do it.

I haven't tried it.  Seems like a rather silly thing to try anyway, because no matter how good the Slim might sound, I'm sure it's not perfect (no amp is), and to use it downstream of another amp would just degrade the signal for no good reason.  Well, I suppose you could still use the Slim's volume control knob for its' greater precision, but the sound would be no better than the Pico DAC/amp alone, I guarantee you.
May 11, 2010 at 3:52 PM Post #326 of 939

I haven't tried it.  Seems like a rather silly thing to try anyway, because no matter how good the Slim might sound, I'm sure it's not perfect (no amp is), and to use it downstream of another amp would just degrade the signal for no good reason.  Well, I suppose you could still use the Slim's volume control knob for its' greater precision, but the sound would be no better than the Pico DAC/amp alone, I guarantee you.

I have used the pico dac/amp to feed other amps before, and i think you are right in that it does degrade the quality a little bit. I don't think I will be getting rid of the big pico, and i dont think I will purchase the slim. Maybe I will wait for the next portable DAC/Amp that justin comes out with, or try RSA.
May 11, 2010 at 11:57 PM Post #328 of 939
The digital volume control in the Slim is something else.  I have to admit I was thinking it wouldn't make that much of a difference but the finite control it provides surprised me.  Need to take some time ABing it with the Pico.

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