Philips Fidelio X2?!
Feb 12, 2017 at 12:21 PM Post #11,926 of 15,270
Any really, I had a 3.5 to 3.5 generic cable and that worked out well, use when I'm wanting a shorter cable, you could probably get one really cheap just to help trouble shoot the obvious problem here, that you have a bad cable. Have you tried plugging it in to anything else? Stereo receiver, smartphone,etc,

I found a old aux cable, tried that and found I had no issue. Then, realized it was all the 1/8 to 1/4 adapter!
Ordered a 3-pack of some foslink copper/gold plated ones.
Thanks for the help!
Feb 13, 2017 at 8:30 PM Post #11,929 of 15,270
I know I should wade through this thread for the answer so apologies for the laziness. I've just picked up the X2s and my first impressions are not great. I love the wide sound stage but the bass is thick and sludgy. Will this improve with burn in and if so how many hours are recommended? Cheers
Feb 13, 2017 at 9:30 PM Post #11,933 of 15,270
What are you listening to them with? I have found a good amp helps tighten up the whole range.

Actually I've just them put them back on and finding them enjoyable even with some of the same tracks. Gonna make sure I listen to these exclusively for a week or more to give em a fair crack. Funny how things go sometimes. Anyway, as you've asked - an oppo105d into a Burson Soloist SL amp.
Feb 13, 2017 at 9:38 PM Post #11,934 of 15,270
Actually I've just them put them back on and finding them enjoyable even with some of the same tracks. Gonna make sure I listen to these exclusively for a week or more to give em a fair crack. Funny how things go sometimes. Anyway, as you've asked - an oppo105d into a Burson Soloist SL amp.

Glad you are liking them more. Same thing happened to me two years ago, and I still have them as of today. Very fun headphone. Enjoy.
Feb 13, 2017 at 11:58 PM Post #11,936 of 15,270
I know I should wade through this thread for the answer so apologies for the laziness. I've just picked up the X2s and my first impressions are not great. I love the wide sound stage but the bass is thick and sludgy. Will this improve with burn in and if so how many hours are recommended? Cheers

My first impressions were the same,coming from a Senn 598. X2s seem bloated at first but will tighten up with burn-in. They'll always be warm-sounding, but in such a nice way.
Feb 14, 2017 at 12:23 AM Post #11,937 of 15,270
I know I should wade through this thread for the answer so apologies for the laziness. I've just picked up the X2s and my first impressions are not great. I love the wide sound stage but the bass is thick and sludgy. Will this improve with burn in and if so how many hours are recommended? Cheers

Same here... was coming from AD900X ... 
Then it burned in, or my ears adapted to its sound signature, I don't know, but now I can't take them off. The immersion, fun, most importantly soundstage and the bass at the same time, sufficiently textured sound... I can't find another can like X2. 
Having a bass like that and a soundstage that outperforms many bright headphones should be appreciated. 
Give it time... and use it with a bright source(this is important actually).
Feb 14, 2017 at 4:56 AM Post #11,938 of 15,270
I personally use a Fiio E10K with my X2. Though I've already placed an order for a Schiit Fulla 2, as I need more inputs. Not sure how it'll affect sound.

One thing I would recommend is getting an equalizer tool like "Equalizer APO" and play around with that. It saves a lot of bad cans. In case of the X2, I've turned down the mids quite a bit and also used it to fight against my channel imbalance gor a bit. I'd say you give that a shot first before buying new gear.

Hey, i see in your signature that you have gotten the fulla 2. How is it? Im looking to get something else for my X2. Either a stack or the fulla 2.
  No problem, glad it helped. Good luck at the Doc.

Turnes out i had an inflammation in both ears, worse in my right ear. I no longer hear any crackling sound or anything similar in the places you listened for me.
Ever experienced that?
Feb 14, 2017 at 5:18 AM Post #11,939 of 15,270
  No problem, glad it helped. Good luck at the Doc.

Turnes out i had an inflammation in both ears, worse in my right ear. I no longer hear any crackling sound or anything similar in the places you listened for me.
Ever experienced that?

No I haven't but that had to suck man. I'm glad it wasn't anything permanent or too serious. Now you can enjoy the X2 goodness, lol.
Feb 14, 2017 at 5:50 AM Post #11,940 of 15,270
No I haven't but that had to suck man. I'm glad it wasn't anything permanent or too serious. Now you can enjoy the X2 goodness, lol.

Im just glad it was my ears and not the headphones and that it was not permanent. I thought i was going insane (not really though), hehe.
Yeah, now i can finaly relax and listen to the goodness, without interference.
If you ever need another pair of ears for anything, please feel free to PM me. I would like the opportunity to repay your favor.
I live in Norway, so if you ever need any assistance with anything norwegian related, im your man. 

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