Official 2014 SF Head-Fi Meet Impressions Thread
Jul 21, 2014 at 2:30 AM Post #62 of 127
Damn I'm on the wrong coast. Good weather and endless head-fi meets, what do you guys not have there?


Jul 21, 2014 at 2:40 AM Post #63 of 127

Lake Tahoe isn't too far from SF (about as far a drive as any decent places are from Boston, 2-3 hours) and the conditions are astronomically better at Tahoe (can't even compare, not even in the same league). And around LA there are some great mountains as well. I had a friend who lived in SF and would ski in the morning and surf in the afternoon on weekends, my jaw literally dropped when he told me this.
Jul 21, 2014 at 2:48 AM Post #64 of 127
I should also add a thanks to all the hard-working organizers like third_eye, Warren, and everyone else.  Sitting at the table for an hour isn't work at all - all the hard stuff happened months, weeks, and days before hand :)
It was great to see many of the guys from previous meets (CEE TEE, Richard, Warren, hifiman, particleman, calaf, and many other new people).  I like the room config at this hotel MUCH more than the other one because it is so much easier to listen to stuff, but I was a little surprised that the turnout wasn't as big since the last one was so massive.  I think there are definitely different crowds with some that can make it only on a Saturday, and some that can only make it Sunday.
Jul 21, 2014 at 3:58 AM Post #65 of 127
First of all I want to thank @warrenpchi
 and @third_eye
 for organizing this amazing meet. I had been to a couple of meets before, but I had never been to one with so many people new to the hobby. It was a rather impressive and innovative idea to expand and enlighten others with our rather strange (in many peoples eyes) hobby.

As Warren mentioned, I was taking care of the Schiit table the whole day. Volunteering as staff and introducing people to one of my favourite companies of all time ended up being a lot more fun for me than even just hanging out. I am very passionate about Schiit and their whole no BS philosophy of just making good affordable products in the US. I was a bit sad that the guys couldn't be there as talking to Jason and Mike is always the most interesting and engaging part of these shows, but this gave me the opportunity to represent them myself for the first time.

The day - from setting up all the Schiit at 8:30 to taking it down at 4:30, just flew by. I met so many interesting and amazing people throughout the day. I didn't get to hear that many cans but I had heard most of them at the last meet anyways.

The biggest surprise of the day, which I had heard at the last meet but surprised me even more this time was the Sennheiser PX100 that the AMB guy had. His amazing DIY amps probably helped a lot but those PX100's sounded amazing even from my phone... I think if those PX100's were full size, revealing, isolating, comfortable cans, they would be the best headphones on the market.

The modified T5P's were great as well along with the Abyss. I think the last time I heard them I preferred the STAX 009's, but this time sound wise I preferred the Abyss. However, comfort and looks still need to be worked out.

I hope that at the next meet some people will have some of the headphones I've been meaning to listen to for the past few years: Ultrasone Signature DJ's, German Maestro's, Bushmill Grado's (the closed back ones Elijah Wood designed), JVC DX-1000, Audio Technica ATH-L3000, ESW11LTD, ESW10, etc... 

We finished the evening off with a wonderful dinner at Max's. I had an amazing time as always and almost wish that this would happen every month or two. Will try to make the LA meets as well when I can. Thanks again to all the organizers and everyone for letting me participate. Pictures I took of the day can be seen here: 

Hey! My face is there too :3 awesome, I'm just gonna save it hehe

awesome meeting ya!
Jul 21, 2014 at 4:46 AM Post #66 of 127
First time I've been at an event, so here goes ~ I think I was the youngest person there by a bit :d

Loved the Mad Dog Pros and Alpha Dogs. I think I liked the Mad Dog Pros a bit more for electronica, I was very tempted to buy them on the spot.

Tried the UE11s and was blown away, absolutely killed my UE900s. So jealous.

The Pendulumic Stance S1 confused me. I could not understand how wireless headphones could sound so good, and it was only $179 at the meet... wow. Also tempted to buy haha

The NOBLE 6 also had the best soundstage I've ever heard from a pair of IEMs. I haven't tried many though but my jaw dropped (well it dropped a lot this meet).

Also my first time trying out LCDs.... wowww, the guy at the Audeze booth (forgot the name sorry!) previewed an unnamed track on the new Odyssey compilation CD (didnt tell us the name of the track :frowning2: ) it sounded absolutely amazing

The red colorwared HD800s looked amazing in person.

I wanted to try out the Vioelectric V200, but they only had the V281 there... it was the best I've ever heard my T1s at, didn't get any harsh treble from the T1 and killed every track I played through it. I liked my T1s through it a bit more than the HD800s.

Finally tried out all of the Schiits in person except for the Asgard 2, they sounded great as well but it was harder to compare after listening to the V281.

I had a really cool time, thanks for holding the meet!

Hey there! It was me:
MikeMercer manning the Audeze booth as a favor cuz the Audeze team were down in LA for their first Twilight Sessions event at The Village !!

That track I played for you was off the up-coming Audeze LP! I couldn't share any info yet, but SO GLAD you liked it!!
Jul 21, 2014 at 5:08 AM Post #67 of 127
hey, a big thank you to Michael and Warren, and christen for having me along! glad to have been able to help fill in for UE. I need to buy a set of those, and am definetly going to buy some astell&kern goodies! I could not believe how much headfi goodies there are to choose from. a great croud, and I got to meet some great people. I am going to shoot for the l.a. meet so I can audition some  gear and see some of you guys again.  ( vacation pending). I want to bring some of this gear into my new hifi store as it will be great to show people that there is more than just an ipod and beats. I got to enjoy music on a much more personal level, and that's an experience that should be shared. I love my home system and its good to know that I can bring that sound with me anywhere! now comes the fun of audtioning and putting together a headfi system, or two for myself.  thank you everyone for having me along, much appreciate it! and thanks Michael for not killing me on the way home!

FINALLY brought you into our collective rabbit hole! And next time, lemme sleep til 9AM at least and I won't be so swirvy on the way home!!
Jul 21, 2014 at 5:28 AM Post #68 of 127
First time I've been at an event, so here goes ~ I think I was the youngest person there by a bit :d

Loved the Mad Dog Pros and Alpha Dogs. I think I liked the Mad Dog Pros a bit more for electronica, I was very tempted to buy them on the spot.

Tried the UE11s and was blown away, absolutely killed my UE900s. So jealous.

The Pendulumic Stance S1 confused me. I could not understand how wireless headphones could sound so good, and it was only $179 at the meet... wow. Also tempted to buy haha

The NOBLE 6 also had the best soundstage I've ever heard from a pair of IEMs. I haven't tried many though but my jaw dropped (well it dropped a lot this meet).

Also my first time trying out LCDs.... wowww, the guy at the Audeze booth (forgot the name sorry!) previewed an unnamed track on the new Odyssey compilation CD (didnt tell us the name of the track :frowning2: ) it sounded absolutely amazing

The red colorwared HD800s looked amazing in person.

I wanted to try out the Vioelectric V200, but they only had the V281 there... it was the best I've ever heard my T1s at, didn't get any harsh treble from the T1 and killed every track I played through it. I liked my T1s through it a bit more than the HD800s.

Finally tried out all of the Schiits in person except for the Asgard 2, they sounded great as well but it was harder to compare after listening to the V281.

I had a really cool time, thanks for holding the meet!

Hey there! It was me:
MikeMercer manning the Audeze booth as a favor cuz the Audeze team were down in LA for their first Twilight Sessions event at The Village !!

That track I played for you was off the up-coming Audeze LP! I couldn't share any info yet, but SO GLAD you liked it!!

Oh my god I just realized I've been pronouncing Audeze wrong my entire life

It was awesome meeting you! :>
Jul 21, 2014 at 8:22 AM Post #69 of 127
Oh my god I just realized I've been pronouncing Audeze wrong my entire life

It was awesome meeting you! :>

It happens 

Awesome meeting you too
and glad you enjoyed the track from the soon-to-be-releaed Audeze Comp LP!!!!
and here's my friend Ralph from Amarra!
I got to try the also soon-to-be-released Amarra Symphony 3.0 - and it sounded GREAT!
Thanks Amarra!
The folks who heard the pre-release Audeze album via Amarra Symphony 3.0 loved it!!

Jul 21, 2014 at 10:08 AM Post #70 of 127
I rarely go on Head-fi, so I don't really know most of you guys. If you saw me (guy in blue hoodie), nice to meet you! I just have no idea who you are! 

BTW, there was an older white guy who I inadvertently kept annoying by taking up the headphones he wanted to try out (both Alpha Dogs and later, the LCD3). Sorry!
If any of you are interested in some pictures my friend took and impressions from an audio noob, here you go: (The rest is copied pasted from my blog so sorry if a comment or two felt out of place for a Headfi impressions post.)
Little picture of stuff for sale in the meet from various Headfi members. They were giving out free stands?!​
This is the Audeze table. It's hosted by a very cool DJ/audiophile. On the table were LCD 2, 3, X, and XC. I prefer open headphones myself, so I was trying to hear the differences between each. These are the high end bass machines! A very different headphone from my HD800s. Mark and I both really enjoyed these. Favorite headphones on the show!​
 My biggest issue with the LCDs is that the leather doesn't really breathe. Long sessions of gaming in a warm room sounds bad. They are also a bit on the heavier side. Not ridiculous but not the best.
I take picture of you taking a picture of them! The guy is very passionate about not just audio gear - but music. It's something you don't see that often in Headfi-circles, believe it or not. Some lay the charge that audiophiles spend more time listening to their gear than listening to music. Then again, we can draw a similar parallel for overclockers spending more time tweaking overclocks and running Prime95 than fragging people at Battlefield 4. But this guy, he's a DJ, he mixes his own music. Interesting display of songs, unlike the normal stereotypical audiophile type of tracks. These tracks play to the LCD's strengths I think... I can actually hear the bass with these tracks as opposed to Hifiguy528's table. Cool, smoking, chill dude, rocking out to music! My only gripe is that he likes his music LOUD, as a DJ. You could turn the headphones into head-speakers at that point. Yes, they are open so they sound quieter than a normal person would assume from outside. But the volume was loud enough to cause issues to my ear, but not quite loud enough for me to quickly turn down the volume. (Turning down the volume affects his volume as well.) I wish I kept better track of which songs I enjoyed in the meet. The guy had a nice setup that allowed for many headphones to play at once. I'd like that one day. Nice for ABX tests, nice for minimal-hassle headphone switching.
(I just noticed the dude I'm talking about is one post above mine. How's that for coincidence?)​

 Just a random picture of peoplez. There are a total of... I think 4 women in the entire place. Why are my hobbies so predominately male? (Besides like clothing etc) What exactly do females DO?
 Entrance. $20 to get in. They had me marked down as "Dark_wizzie" cuz i'm teh wizzle.
This is Hifiguy528's table. He's a Youtuber. That's me trying out the Audeze LCD3. But the guy has very light songs, so I wasn't very impressed with them at this table. Mark is there trying out the HD700s. Why does EVERYBODY there have Macs or ipads? It's kindda creepy.
 Hifiguy528's Wooaudio amps, although not my cup of tea, certainly LOOKS cool.
 I was very excited to try out the STAX. As you might be able to tell, Mark there has donned the STAX 009, the most expensive headphone I know of - $4000! It is an electrostatic headphone, so its technology is different and requires a different amp. I really enjoyed the STAX 009. I think it does the sound better than my HD800s - but I think the soundstage is shrunk down. I'd still probably try my HD800s for gaming. But the electrostatics are LIGHTWEIGHT! It is way lighter than it looks.
 PHOTOBOMB! I made a solemn pact long ago in the Andes Mountains to never smile in a photograph, EVER.
Apart from the Audeze LCDs and the Alpha Dogs, I also enjoyed the Hifiman HE-6, even though they are a real dog to try to amp properly and is one of the few headphones that will make my O2 amp struggle. Mark enjoyed the AKG Q701s, but frankly I didn't like it. For some reason they sounded too harsh on the highs. Mark thought they were very comfortable, but my HD800s are comfortable enough as is. When I'm on the Battlefield, the map is wide open, so it should sound WIDE open. Gotta love the HD800s for that.
Mr. Speaker's table! He's a cool guy! My second favorite table behind the Audeze table! Mark and I both enjoyed the LCDs more than these but the price gap is huge. We also both enjoyed these headphones even though they were closed. We both preferred the Alpha Dogs over the Mad Dog. The Alpha Dog is the first headphone to be 3D printed! Mr. Speakers (love his name BTW) has a nice selection of tracks too. Nice down to earth guy. When we keep swapping between the two headphones, the wires started becoming more and more tangled. We had to manually detangle them!
 Little on-the-move shot of us walking from Headfi room to room in the hotel.
 Look at me, I am soo0o0oOOOo0o0oo Audi-O-File! I'm standing behind a water dispensing contraption that contains only melted ice! I'm drinking water from a glass cup! Come at me bro! SNOB SNOB SNOBBERY SNOB SNOB!!!111 
Why am I smiling while pouring water? Anyways, I like this water dispensing contraption! Really cool!
Come to SF, they said. It'll be cold, they said. Then it hit me that it's summer time and I'm in a hotel, not outside being hit by wind from the Bay. 
So to break it down, my favorite headphones from the meet (HD800s not counted): LCDx or LCD3, HE-6, and Alpha Dog. I wasn't expecting much from the HE-6... Reviews didn't seem to be that great and it's a pain in the ass to amp. But I enjoyed it. And the Alpha Dog, which are closed, meaning sound doesn't easily come out. I think open-backed headphones are typically nicer, allows for a more spacious, natural sound, but the Alpha Dogs were quite nice. Ultimate Ears had a table but the guy there said he was a replacement guy. He seemed like the most disorganized person in the room. He had a few earphones placed on a table with no device to try them out with on the table. My two favorite tables are the Audeze booth and the Mr. Speakers booth. Both had a fun dude at the helm and good tracks. I was pleasantly surprised at a wireless headphone table I went to. I forgot the name, but you could charge it via usb cable or use batteries. And the sound plus the wireless capabilities for a price of $175? I'd recommend it! Overall, it has been a fun day. I didn't get to try everything though, because I was time limited to 3 hours before my ride leaves without me.
3) The raffle. Why you ask? Because there is a disturbing trend where none of the numbers called are the one on my ticket! Seriously - the treasure hunt was a blast and made sure I saw some vendors I otherwise would not have visited, the prizes donated were fantastic, and it was a great way to cap the day.
Did they ever call my username? I had to leave early before the raffle, lol.

Jul 21, 2014 at 10:27 AM Post #71 of 127
Hi guys,
while browsing your really nice pictures of the meet, I encountered a pair of Denon AH-D600 lying around. (in AMBs gallery: headfi20140719_42.jpg)
Can anyone tell me, what cable is used on these (or whose headphones these are so I can ask him/her directly)? It does not look like the stock cable and I have been looking for a better cable since I got these cans.
Much appreciated,
edit: just saw it: that is the 3m stock cable.
Jul 21, 2014 at 2:03 PM Post #72 of 127
  First of all I want to thank @warrenpchi and @third_eye for organizing this amazing meet. I had been to a couple of meets before, but I had never been to one with so many people new to the hobby. It was a rather impressive and innovative idea to expand and enlighten others with our rather strange (in many peoples eyes) hobby.
As Warren mentioned, I was taking care of the Schiit table the whole day. Volunteering as staff and introducing people to one of my favourite companies of all time ended up being a lot more fun for me than even just hanging out. I am very passionate about Schiit and their whole no BS philosophy of just making good affordable products in the US. I was a bit sad that the guys couldn't be there as talking to Jason and Mike is always the most interesting and engaging part of these shows, but this gave me the opportunity to represent them myself for the first time.
The day - from setting up all the Schiit at 8:30 to taking it down at 4:30, just flew by. I met so many interesting and amazing people throughout the day. I didn't get to hear that many cans but I had heard most of them at the last meet anyways.
The biggest surprise of the day, which I had heard at the last meet but surprised me even more this time was the Sennheiser PX100 that the AMB guy had. His amazing DIY amps probably helped a lot but those PX100's sounded amazing even from my phone... I think if those PX100's were full size, revealing, isolating, comfortable cans, they would be the best headphones on the market.
The modified T5P's were great as well along with the Abyss. I think the last time I heard them I preferred the STAX 009's, but this time sound wise I preferred the Abyss. However, comfort and looks still need to be worked out.
I hope that at the next meet some people will have some of the headphones I've been meaning to listen to for the past few years: Ultrasone Signature DJ's, German Maestro's, Bushmill Grado's (the closed back ones Elijah Wood designed), JVC DX-1000, Audio Technica ATH-L3000, ESW11LTD, ESW10, etc... 
We finished the evening off with a wonderful dinner at Max's. I had an amazing time as always and almost wish that this would happen every month or two. Will try to make the LA meets as well when I can. Thanks again to all the organizers and everyone for letting me participate. Pictures I took of the day can be seen here: 

Hey Baronkatz, thx for manning the Schitt table while I was there.  I'm the guy in the Nike hat and the HE500.  You did such a great job of presenting the Lyr2 that I went ahead and ordered it last night! haha....seriously for the $ it was the right buy for me.  Thx again.  And that old Denon headphone you had, I'll take it off your hands for $40, great find.
Jul 21, 2014 at 2:20 PM Post #73 of 127
Oh man, looks like I missed another great meet in the Bay Area.  The pictures help though!
Jul 21, 2014 at 3:25 PM Post #74 of 127
Hey Baronkatz, thx for manning the Schitt table while I was there.  I'm the guy in the Nike hat and the HE500.  You did such a great job of presenting the Lyr2 that I went ahead and ordered it last night! haha....seriously for the $ it was the right buy for me.  Thx again.  And that old Denon headphone you had, I'll take it off your hands for $40, great find.

Hey FYL941. It was great to meet you and I'm happy I could help. That Lyr 2 is quite amazing isn't it? Especialy given the price it sounds like units costing 2-5x more! I'm happy I could be of assistance and introduce you to that and the Denon's. I don't think I will sell the AH-D950's since they are so rare  but keep a look out, they come up on eBay sometimes for around that price used or for around $100 or so new or mint. It's kind of a hidden treasure most people don't know about and beats out most of the modern Denon's IMHO, I think it's the semi-open design with those port slits, much more portable than the newer full size ones too. I'm sure you'll enjoy the Lyr 2 with any headphones you have, it's one of the best amps out there! :)
Jul 21, 2014 at 7:25 PM Post #75 of 127
Why am I smiling while pouring water? Anyways, I like this water dispensing contraption! Really cool!
Come to SF, they said. It'll be cold, they said. Then it hit me that it's summer time and I'm in a hotel, not outside being hit by wind from the Bay. 
So to break it down, my favorite headphones from the meet (HD800s not counted): LCDx or LCD3, HE-6, and Alpha Dog. I wasn't expecting much from the HE-6... Reviews didn't seem to be that great and it's a pain in the ass to amp. But I enjoyed it. And the Alpha Dog, which are closed, meaning sound doesn't easily come out. I think open-backed headphones are typically nicer, allows for a more spacious, natural sound, but the Alpha Dogs were quite nice. Ultimate Ears had a table but the guy there said he was a replacement guy. He seemed like the most disorganized person in the room. He had a few earphones placed on a table with no device to try them out with on the table. My two favorite tables are the Audeze booth and the Mr. Speakers booth. Both had a fun dude at the helm and good tracks. I was pleasantly surprised at a wireless headphone table I went to. I forgot the name, but you could charge it via usb cable or use batteries. And the sound plus the wireless capabilities for a price of $175? I'd recommend it! Overall, it has been a fun day. I didn't get to try everything though, because I was time limited to 3 hours before my ride leaves without me.

Hi, Dark_Wizzie, thanks for the mention and the recommendation :) "I was pleasantly surprised at a wireless headphone table I went to. I forgot the name, but you could charge it via usb cable or use batteries. And the sound plus the wireless capabilities for a price of $175? I'd recommend it!"  You enjoyed our STANCE S1 by Pendulumic. If you decide to pick up a set, send me an email at, and I'll honor the show special of $179, rather than the $199 normal price :)
Good meeting you, and glad you enjoyed them!
All the best,
Mike Johnson

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