Noble Audio - the Wizard returns!
Jul 10, 2015 at 8:52 PM Post #12,874 of 36,623
I haven't seen/heard someone use the word obtuse since Andy Dufresne told warden Norton off.

Guess I came at it from the wrong angle.
Jul 10, 2015 at 10:33 PM Post #12,877 of 36,623
Jul 11, 2015 at 12:03 AM Post #12,879 of 36,623
Hello :)

Considering Custom IEMs and since my wallet allows it, I got tempted by some K10.

Could anyone help me with the way to get a print of my ear canal for the shell?

I most likely won't have the chance to go to the affiliated prothesist in the UK (please consider expanding the countries in Europe!) so I will have to go to some specialist on my own.

Should I ask for some digital print to send you so you can 3D print it, or is it only 'old way' with sending the print by mail?

Thanks a lot for your assistance.
Jul 11, 2015 at 12:38 AM Post #12,880 of 36,623

Considering Custom IEMs and since my wallet allows it, I got tempted by some K10.

Could anyone help me with the way to get a print of my ear canal for the shell?

I most likely won't have the chance to go to the affiliated prothesist in the UK (please consider expanding the countries in Europe!) so I will have to go to some specialist on my own.

Should I ask for some digital print to send you so you can 3D print it, or is it only 'old way' with sending the print by mail?

Thanks a lot for your assistance.

Just follow the instructions on the impressions page.
Jul 11, 2015 at 12:51 AM Post #12,881 of 36,623
  Or anyone who works at a doctor/vet/dentist office with an x-ray machine?

Lol, please stahp!  Every time you guys post something like this, John bursts a vessel... AND WE NEED HIM!  

Jul 11, 2015 at 12:52 AM Post #12,882 of 36,623

Considering Custom IEMs and since my wallet allows it, I got tempted by some K10.

Could anyone help me with the way to get a print of my ear canal for the shell?

I most likely won't have the chance to go to the affiliated prothesist in the UK (please consider expanding the countries in Europe!) so I will have to go to some specialist on my own.

Should I ask for some digital print to send you so you can 3D print it, or is it only 'old way' with sending the print by mail?

Thanks a lot for your assistance.

The "old way."   AKA, the tried and proven way.     
One of the issues with 3d scanning is that the data must be useable by the equipment that companies have.  For example, a 3D scan taken by an audiologist, using a scanner provided by Siemens hearing aids, can only be used by Siemens Heaing Aids to manufacture the hearing aids.   You couldn't send the data to Widex or Phonak to have hearing aids built and I do believe the same situation applies to CIEMs as well.
Noble Audio Stay updated on Noble Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Jul 11, 2015 at 1:19 AM Post #12,883 of 36,623
Ok thanks for the replies.
Any advice on how to send them?

Silicone is rather resistant and has some memory foam but I was wondering if there were some liquid/gel to make sure no harm is done to the prints during their long and harsh journey.

The idea is to have a recipient with said neutral liquid/gel which would mitigate the shocks received, hopefully better than some foam.
Jul 11, 2015 at 1:23 AM Post #12,884 of 36,623
Ok thanks for the replies.
Any advice on how to send them?

Silicone is rather resistant and has some memory foam but I was wondering if there were some liquid/gel to make sure no harm is done to the prints during their long and harsh journey.

The idea is to have a recipient with said neutral liquid/gel which would mitigate the shocks received, hopefully better than some foam.

Some people send the impressions in a small Tupperware container and that offers adequate protection.  I advise you to send ear mold impression photos for Noble to review before you ship them.  As if they impressions are not adequate, then you will have wasted a lot of time and money.
Noble Audio Stay updated on Noble Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Jul 11, 2015 at 2:37 AM Post #12,885 of 36,623
As it is, we have many people stateing that our IEM/Universal carry case is too large and they would prefer a smaller carry case.  Some even state they do not use the carry case because it is too large, and prefer to use a carry case offered by our competitors.
A partition system would require a larger carry case....   which isn't the direction that people in the past, have indicated they would like us to take.

Personalized engraved case would be a bonus for customs. Just sayin' :wink:

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