Noble Audio - the Wizard returns!
May 17, 2015 at 6:18 PM Post #10,906 of 36,121
That's interesting, I wonder why they won't be making standard custom versions. Perhaps as a cost saving measure? Going from $1600 to $600 in the Wizard series is a big jump.

Going to a Prestige with the K10 adds $1000 also. K10 Prestige using the Pablo, for me would be $3130 and change with tax.
May 17, 2015 at 7:36 PM Post #10,907 of 36,121
If you're keen on spending 1600 or more, there is always the prestige custom. They're pretty damn hot.

Hah, I'm not exactly looking to spend that kind of cash, especially on an item I can't demo beforehand. If I had $1600, I'd just go for the K10.
I do agree, though, the prestige customs are absolutely amazing looking.
Going to a Prestige with the K10 adds $1000 also. K10 Prestige using the Pablo, for me would be $3130 and change with tax.

Oh, I wasn't comparing the Savant universals to the Savant Prestige, I was comparing the price of equivalent Savants to K10's. Making a $1600 IEM in the Wizard series then making a (apparently similar sounding) $600 IEM must have required some clever design and cost cutting. I was saying that making universals only (with the exception of prestige models, which cost far more regardless) may have been one of those cost saving measures. I'm sure hand-making CIEM shells is far more costly than making a bunch of identical universal shells.
May 18, 2015 at 8:52 AM Post #10,908 of 36,121

Very early honeymoon-phase impression:

I like the Savant. Coming from the mighty K10, you can definitely tell that the two are related, but the Savant has more treble presence than the K10 and less emphasis on the bass. Toying with the EQ, however, reveals that the Savant can go deep as well, it's just not tuned for it. Soundstage and separation is better on the K10, but with the Savant coming in at a cool $1000 less than the flagship... Color me impressed. For acoustic stuff and female vocals, I think I actually prefer the Savant. Stuff like this:

I prefer the vocals and the guitar from the Savant, but the K10 wins when it comes to the lows and the overall imaging. 
I've used the Savant from the balanced output of my AK120 II as well as with the BTS connected to my HTC M8 playing flac files through Poweramp. 
The BTS is nothing short of brilliant, by the way. Too bad that the average house plant has better bluetooth connectivity than my $1700 A&K dap so I'll keep using the cable while I'm at my desk.
May 18, 2015 at 9:13 AM Post #10,909 of 36,121

Very early honeymoon-phase impression:

I like the Savant. Coming from the mighty K10, you can definitely tell that the two are related, but the Savant has more treble presence than the K10 and less emphasis on the bass. Toying with the EQ, however, reveals that the Savant can go deep as well, it's just not tuned for it. Soundstage and separation is better on the K10, but with the Savant coming in at a cool $1000 less than the flagship... Color me impressed. For acoustic stuff and female vocals, I think I actually prefer the Savant. Stuff like this:
I prefer the vocals and the guitar from the Savant, but the K10 wins when it comes to the lows and the overall imaging. 
I've used the Savant from the balanced output of my AK120 II as well as with the BTS connected to my HTC M8 playing flac files through Poweramp. 
The BTS is nothing short of brilliant, by the way. Too bad that the average house plant has better bluetooth connectivity than my $1700 A&K dap so I'll keep using the cable while I'm at my desk.

Nice feedback, as the Savant certainly sounds like a winner.  When you consider the price of the universal, it will be difficult for Noble to keep them in stock.  Too bad about the AK bluetooth.  I've read that it's not great.  Time for an iPhone and Tidal for work!
May 18, 2015 at 9:24 AM Post #10,910 of 36,121
Glad to see the honeymoon impressions are still positive.  July can't come soon enough.
May 18, 2015 at 9:30 AM Post #10,911 of 36,121

Very early honeymoon-phase impression:

I like the Savant. Coming from the mighty K10, you can definitely tell that the two are related, but the Savant has more treble presence than the K10 and less emphasis on the bass. Toying with the EQ, however, reveals that the Savant can go deep as well, it's just not tuned for it. Soundstage and separation is better on the K10, but with the Savant coming in at a cool $1000 less than the flagship... Color me impressed. For acoustic stuff and female vocals, I think I actually prefer the Savant.

Thanks for the impressions. I am hoping Savant will complement my Kaiser, balanced vs fun.

The BTS is nothing short of brilliant, by the way. Too bad that the average house plant has better bluetooth connectivity than my $1700 A&K dap so I'll keep using the cable while I'm at my desk.

That's actually a thing you know, in real life...
May 18, 2015 at 10:39 AM Post #10,912 of 36,121
Joke of the day.
A lady sitting in the dentist chair told the dentist, "I would rather go through the pain of child birth than have you drill in my mouth." The dentist replied, "Well, you had better make up your mind so I can adjust my chair."
May 18, 2015 at 10:57 AM Post #10,913 of 36,121
  Joke of the day.
A lady sitting in the dentist chair told the dentist, "I would rather go through the pain of child birth than have you drill in my mouth." The dentist replied, "Well, you had better make up your mind so I can adjust my chair."

May 18, 2015 at 11:00 AM Post #10,914 of 36,121

Hehe, people seem to like the joke of the day thing.

May 18, 2015 at 11:24 AM Post #10,915 of 36,121
Living in a household of blondes, the blonde jokes fly fast and furious. Here's one of my favorites:
A plane is on its way to Los Angeles when a blonde woman in economy class gets up and moves into an open seat in the first class section. ​
The flight attendant watches her do this, and politely informs the woman that she must sit in economy class because that's the type of ticket she paid for. ​
The blonde replies, "I'm blonde, I'm beautiful, and I'm going to Los Angeles in First Class!" ​
After repeated attempts and no success at convincing the woman to move, the flight attendant goes into the cockpit and informs the pilot and co-pilot that there's a blonde sitting in first class who refuses to go back to her proper seat. The co-pilot goes back to the woman and explains why she needs to move, but once again the woman replies by saying, "I'm blonde, I'm beautiful, I'm going to​
Los Angeles in First Class!" ​
The co-pilot returns to the cockpit and suggests that perhaps they should call the police and have the woman arrested when they land. The pilot says, "You say she's blonde? I'll handle this. I'm married to a blonde. I speak blonde." He goes back to the woman and whispers quietly in her ear, and she says, "Oh, I'm sorry," then quickly moves back to her seat in economy class. ​
The flight attendant and co-pilot are amazed and ask the pilot what he said to get her to move back to economy so easily. ​
"Simple" he replied, "I told her first class isn't going to Los Angeles."​
May 18, 2015 at 11:26 AM Post #10,916 of 36,121
Hehe, people seem to like the joke of the day thing.

Keep 'em coming!  Everyone is starting to talk about Noble products again 

May 18, 2015 at 12:05 PM Post #10,917 of 36,121
Thanks for the impressions. I am hoping Savant will complement my Kaiser, balanced vs fun.

That's actually a thing you know, in real life...


The thing I like about my K10 is that while it lies on the thicker, lusher side of things, it remains close enough to a balanced sound that it can be well tuned to your liking with good system pairing and synergy. My custom K10 was a little too thick and warm and lacked sparkle for me, but I found a couple of third party cables which definitely helped make the K10 a more, in my subjective opinion at least, balanced sound. Most good after market cables actually do help the K10 get a decent bit more sparkly in the high end without getting sibilant, something that most people might find welcome :)
May 18, 2015 at 12:05 PM Post #10,918 of 36,121
Blonde receptionist starts at her new job.  It isn't long before the boss notices that she's wearing headphones (see it is related, just!) and ask's her politely to take them off.  The receptionist refuses saying that she'll die if she take's them off.  The boss eventually persuades her to take the headphones off.  Instantly drop's dead on the spot.  The boss then picks up the headphones to have a listen to what's being played.  "Breath in, Breath out, Breath in, Breath out"....
May 18, 2015 at 12:09 PM Post #10,919 of 36,121
Thanks for the impressions. I am hoping Savant will complement my Kaiser, balanced vs fun.

That's actually a thing you know, in real life...


The thing I like about my K10 is that while it lies on the thicker, lusher side of things, it remains close enough to a balanced sound that it can be well tuned to your liking with good system pairing and synergy. My custom K10 was a little too thick and warm and lacked sparkle for me, but I found a couple of third party cables which definitely helped make the K10 a more, in my subjective opinion at least, balanced sound. Most good after market cables actually do help the K10 get a decent bit more sparkly in the high end without getting sibilant, something that most people might find welcome

Agreed.  My DHC fusion cable adds just that tiniest bit of extra sparkle!
May 18, 2015 at 12:36 PM Post #10,920 of 36,121
Enough with the hacky attempts at comedy. It isn't funny. It isn't clever. Most importantly, it isn't relevant. Take it to an open mic if you don't believe me - you will hear crickets.

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