Noble Audio - the Wizard returns!
Nov 21, 2014 at 11:20 PM Post #6,736 of 36,135
[COLOR=141823]After one of the craziest weeks in recent memory, the weekend is finally here and we will raise our glass to that! But first, photos.[/COLOR][COLOR=141823]
[/COLOR][COLOR=141823]Pictured here is a set of Wizard-designed Kaiser 10 in a beautiful merlot with 24K gold nugget throughout[/COLOR]. The abalone faceplates have been colored to match the shell, however the edges were intentionally left untouched. The result is a border that depending on the light and viewing angle produces a rainbow of colors that serve to contrast the cool red center.

Take it easy this weekend folks, you've earned it!

Beautiful. Could I order this in a different color? This is a must have for me.
Nov 21, 2014 at 11:25 PM Post #6,737 of 36,135
Must hide them from kids....

Noble creates a very big problem for me... how many K10 I have to order in order to get all these beauitful designs?! damn you Brannan, John, Kaiser and the team!!! Damn you!
Nov 22, 2014 at 1:35 AM Post #6,739 of 36,135
Nov 22, 2014 at 6:00 AM Post #6,743 of 36,135

This is definitely one of the best Wizard designs, ever! A very nice combination of colors and gloss. Good inspiration for my own K10. 

Makes you want to try to eat them... Look like candy... Lol

Harder than Jawbreakers too, I reckon. 

Nov 22, 2014 at 6:04 AM Post #6,744 of 36,135
Nov 22, 2014 at 2:25 PM Post #6,749 of 36,135
I am not entirely sure but I think I am having some minor channel imbalance issues with my unit (K10U). It's noticeable on some tracks. Can someone tell me how one tells whether there's an imbalance or not? Of course, I am still in the ''burn-in'' stage process, so maybe that has to do anything. 
Nov 22, 2014 at 4:53 PM Post #6,750 of 36,135
  I am not entirely sure but I think I am having some minor channel imbalance issues with my unit (K10U). It's noticeable on some tracks. Can someone tell me how one tells whether there's an imbalance or not? Of course, I am still in the ''burn-in'' stage process, so maybe that has to do anything. 

Run a linear sine sweep.
While doing so, you should-
Try different insertion depths.
Try different tips.
Try switching the earpieces to opposite ears, if possible.
Try the same on different IEMS.
If you're using an iPhone, I recommend AudioSigGen (free).
Software that can generate a sine sweep is also available on PC and on Android.
You can also find one or generate one on
Be aware that most IEMs have slight channel matching issues which will sound pretty drastic via a linear sine sweep, but will be practically unnoticeable when listening to music, but you say it's audible in music so....
Joker also mentioned recently in response to one of my posts that you can also try converting a couple of tracks to Mono and listening that way for channel imbalances.
If its a serious channel imbalance, I sincerely hope Noble will, at the least, look into it. AND if there is an issue, I would expect them to refund you return shipping if it's a manufacturer defect and still under warranty, you know cuz they pride themselves on doing the right thing for their customers, *ahem*.

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