New TOL A&K DAP : the AK Ultima SP1000
Jul 28, 2017 at 12:08 PM Post #1,021 of 9,417
Anyone know any stores in the San Diego, CA/ North County San Diego area that I can audition/buy the Sp1000?
We currently do not have any dealers in the San Diego area to demo the SP1000. If you are willing to take a drive, we are having an event at The Source AV in Torrance tomorrow from 12 - 4 pm PT. Some Astell&Kern employees will be there and can answer questions and you can demo the SP1000 Stainless Steel and Copper.

Astell&Kern Stay updated on Astell&Kern at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Jul 28, 2017 at 12:54 PM Post #1,022 of 9,417
Surfratt- If you DO got to this, I'd be curious as to your feelings about the SP1000SS, as I know you previously owned a 240SS. I've been looking for folks who have had both to get an idea of differences/improvements in sound signature.
Jul 28, 2017 at 5:36 PM Post #1,023 of 9,417
Tonight, after serious clean-up of my 2 To music database, I finally load the selected 400 Gb into my SP1000, using "Android File transfert'

The first 30 Gb went well, but now, every 30 seconds I have this error message "Unable to create the folder - try to reconnecy or restart your device " ! GRRRRRR..... ( It seems that this happend when I have Sub-Folders. If I just transfert a folder with only music files inside, without sub-folders, then the process works well !)

The good thing is that, when this error message appear, I just have to click on . OK . and the transfert cary-on. I do not have to "reconnect or restart" but... this oblige me to stay in front of my computer during the few hours of the transfert ! Quite annoying to say the least.... :rage::rage::rage:

--> Did somebody else experienced this ? how to fix this ? (I use Apple MacBook Pro with macOS Siera 10.12.3)

PS : with my AK1000, I did not had to use "Android File transfert' , I just paste between 2 Finder windows. It was Sooo simple ! --> Do we really have to use "Android File transfert' to load music from a Mac into the SP1000 ?

Capture d’écran 2017-07-28 à 23.17.58.png
Jul 28, 2017 at 5:49 PM Post #1,024 of 9,417
Yes, AFT is the only option for the internal drive on all AK DAPs running Android connected to a Mac. It sucks and everyone seems to have a different level of problems. There are 3rd party apps that may be better, but none that I can personally recommend. Additionally, if you just copy files to a SD Card before inserting into the AK DAP, you should clean up all of the hidden OS files or use a utility Blue Harvest to automatically remove them. These hidden files will be visible under folder view and there will be a couple files for each folder/sub folder. Or you can install Windows Bootcamp and manage all your files from there.

I am quickly becoming a fan of Windows 10 which doesn't have any of these issues.
Jul 28, 2017 at 7:01 PM Post #1,025 of 9,417
Commander One will do the transferring quite easily (shareware, not freeware) and function as a substitute finder as well with current Macs. I've used it for six months with only one or two hiccups.

BlueHarvest will remove all hidden Mac files (again, shareware). There are free methods of doing this, but BH works automatically while you are working on files.

As to the warnings you are receiving, it sounds like an issue with how you have set up your file system (folders and subfolders). I have mine setup by Artist so that each Artist folder has subfolders of various albums by the same artist. It could be the way you have titled your folders/subfolders, or it could be a tagging issue with the files inside those folders.
I suggest you look at the problem folders when you get a popup and see what similarities there are, as opposed to the folders that just easily transfer to your device.

I'm not convinced that if you have filing issues simply using a mSDcard will resolve the issues. The device still has to read and populate the files internally. However, it is usually quicker to use a card reader and transfer files than to load up the internal storage on DAPs.
Jul 28, 2017 at 7:12 PM Post #1,026 of 9,417
Tonight, after serious clean-up of my 2 To music database, I finally load the selected 400 Gb into my SP1000, using "Android File transfert'

The first 30 Gb went well, but now, every 30 seconds I have this error message "Unable to create the folder - try to reconnecy or restart your device " ! GRRRRRR..... ( It seems that this happend when I have Sub-Folders. If I just transfert a folder with only music files inside, without sub-folders, then the process works well !)

The good thing is that, when this error message appear, I just have to click on . OK . and the transfert cary-on. I do not have to "reconnect or restart" but... this oblige me to stay in front of my computer during the few hours of the transfert ! Quite annoying to say the least.... :rage::rage::rage:

--> Did somebody else experienced this ? how to fix this ? (I use Apple MacBook Pro with macOS Siera 10.12.3)

PS : with my AK1000, I did not had to use "Android File transfert' , I just paste between 2 Finder windows. It was Sooo simple ! --> Do we really have to use "Android File transfert' to load music from a Mac into the SP1000 ?

I have this problem with a couple of daps but go around it by just have folders for the albums in side one main folder for genre. Just makes everything more simple. There isn't a single dap I own that doesn't have some sort of individual problem but I just work around it and enjoy what I am listening to.
Jul 29, 2017 at 3:17 AM Post #1,027 of 9,417
Thanks you for all your advice on AFT.

I found something interesting : After transfert (finaly) done, I saw that the displayed used capacity by the SP1000 was 10 Gb less than the total of the music that was stored on ly Computer !! I thought that some file have not been transfered !

but... NO, finaly I found that on the DAP, the files take less storage space than when stored on the Computer. This I guess has something to do may be with a more efficient FAT (file alocation table) on the DAP than on the MacOS computer ?

Anyway, this is good news, I have 10 Gb more space than expected :dt880smile:

See below, side by side, on the right the display of a directory on my computer and on the right, the same once transfered on the DAP (using AFT): Each track take 5 % less storage space !

Capture d’écran 2017-07-29 à 08.55.34.png

But... The bad news is that the internal total capacity is only 227 Gb, which may be normal ( I guess 29 Gb are eated by the system), and... my 200 Gb microSD show only 183 Gb available !! Where are the 17 Gb Missing ? There is no system files son the MicroSD !?

--> Are you also experiencing a loss of available capacity of almost 20 Gb on your microSD ? (and 29 Gb internaly ) ?

Capacité dispo SP1000.jpg
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Jul 29, 2017 at 8:35 AM Post #1,028 of 9,417
Thank you for pointing out the bad link. We are in the process of upgrading all of our websites. Here is the direct link to the SP1000 page on the website -

Which version of the SP1000 are you waiting for? SP1000 Stainless Steel should be available now from all of our authorized dealers. SP1000 Copper is shipping end of this week and should be at dealers around the first week of August. I can look into this for you if you want to send me a PM with the store info and when you ordered it.

Thanks and sorry for the late reply, but I'm on holidays. ☺️ In the meantime my SP1000ss was shipped, too bad I'll have to wait until I get back to home to start using it!
Jul 29, 2017 at 9:27 AM Post #1,029 of 9,417
It looks to me (based on your picture) that your file tagging may be partly at fault. Your music files should be identified with a song title, an artist and an album name. That way the AK can sort them properly. If you have files with no album name (or artist name), they often don't show up in the AK file system. They will be there in the folder, so if you open that on your AK screen (Folders) you will see the files and can play them, but otherwise not.

A small difference in size is not uncommon when going from Mac to AK. Again, make sure Mac hidden files have been removed as they can mess things up.

You also may have double-loaded some of your folders when you were loading up the device.

As to your card, either it's a bad card or you've got stuff on there that the AK can't read. Again, tagging. Go to Internal or Card on the AK while using AFT and see if the card has folders in it. If it does, then the device simply can't identify what is there.

I would also toss anything in those folders that wasn't a music file (in your case, FLAC), or album art properly sized (500x500 or less) and labeled (Front). No logs or other items should be in there. They can mess up filing.

A free tagging editor for a Mac is xAct, it's easy to use. A much more (non-free) robust editor is Yate, which is excellent and does things xAct doesn't, and easier. It may take some time to get your files in good shape, but it will be worth it in the long run.
Jul 29, 2017 at 9:53 AM Post #1,030 of 9,417
Thanks you for all your advice on AFT.

I found something interesting : After transfert (finaly) done, I saw that the displayed used capacity by the SP1000 was 10 Gb less than the total of the music that was stored on ly Computer !! I thought that some file have not been transfered !

but... NO, finaly I found that on the DAP, the files take less storage space than when stored on the Computer. This I guess has something to do may be with a more efficient FAT (file alocation table) on the DAP than on the MacOS computer ?

Anyway, this is good news, I have 10 Gb more space than expected :dt880smile:

See below, side by side, on the right the display of a directory on my computer and on the right, the same once transfered on the DAP (using AFT): Each track take 5 % less storage space !

But... The bad news is that the internal total capacity is only 227 Gb, which may be normal ( I guess 29 Gb are eated by the system), and... my 200 Gb microSD show only 183 Gb available !! Where are the 17 Gb Missing ? There is no system files son the MicroSD !?

--> Are you also experiencing a loss of available capacity of almost 20 Gb on your microSD ? (and 29 Gb internaly ) ?

1GB is not equal to 1000MBs in the OS.
It counts 1GB = 1024MBs and hence you will get only 183GB from the 200GB card.
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Jul 29, 2017 at 11:35 AM Post #1,031 of 9,417
I'm new to this so sorry if this is a common issue.

I have upgraded from an ak300 to sp1000, I have noticed when playing 24bit 44.1khz aiffs that when you pause from the touch screen there are 3-4 secs of hiss before the device seems to cut the power to the output and you get dead silence. It doesn't occur playing the sample dsds or on my ak300 with the same tracks.

I'm using noble djangos on the unbalanced output.

Is this something any other sp1000 users have noticed?
Jul 29, 2017 at 11:42 AM Post #1,032 of 9,417
I'm new to this so sorry if this is a common issue.

I have upgraded from an ak300 to sp1000, I have noticed when playing 24bit 44.1khz aiffs that when you pause from the touch screen there are 3-4 secs of hiss before the device seems to cut the power to the output and you get dead silence. It doesn't occur playing the sample dsds or on my ak300 with the same tracks.

I'm using noble djangos on the unbalanced output.

Is this something any other sp1000 users have noticed?

Usually hisses are the result of impedance mismatched. It could have been the issue between sp1000 impedance output when active. Vs your noble IEMS
Jul 29, 2017 at 12:06 PM Post #1,034 of 9,417
1GB is not equal to 1000MBs in the OS.
It counts 1GB = 1024MBs and hence you will get only 183GB from the 200GB card.

I agree that 1 Tb is not 1000 G b. But... 200 G b should be...200 G b
Jul 29, 2017 at 12:12 PM Post #1,035 of 9,417
I noticed the same issue as you @Spl82 with my SP1000SS and my SONY MDR 1000xx and specially when I'm using the headphone cable and not bluethooth.

Something also happened two times now :
When the DAP is playing paired with SONY headphones MDR 1000 XX via bluethooth at certain moment the DAP went off and I have to restart it again then pair to the headphone via bluethooth again and it start to play.

Has someone experience the second point ?
The headphones plays normally with other DAP I have.

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