New Member Introductions thread
Sep 27, 2014 at 7:32 AM Post #526 of 15,649
Hi all,
I'm Francisco, aka Kix. Quite recently was rediscovering headphones. I was just looking for something I could use to pass time in the bus going to work and one thing led to I can relate to the head-fi motto. Just glad my wife is happy for me and supporting me as well...for now... ;p
Sep 27, 2014 at 9:17 AM Post #527 of 15,649
Hi, I'm Stomba, I'm also a new member of this forum, though I've been reading for quite some time, like 3-4 months! 
Lots of informations here, but sometimes, too much! Can't blame that though as the community is very lively here!
Sep 27, 2014 at 1:14 PM Post #528 of 15,649
Hi, I'm chongky. Thought about joining this community after getting some wonderful advice from this website. At present very happy with my selection of audio equipment - low cost but very good indeed. I've just purchased a O2/ODAC combo and have a new Soundmagic HP150 (still burning in). Can't imagine bettering the gear for the cost.
Sep 27, 2014 at 4:38 PM Post #529 of 15,649
WHertz here...35+ years headphone experience, formerly working as jazz / rock / pop critic (ca. 5.000 concert reviews printed), coming definitely from an audio engineering POV (I always prefer laws of acoustics over any cabalistic blah blah 
), listening through various pro-audio gear (more bang for the buck!) almost exclusively with hp. I connect my various cans since years mostly via a pro wireless IEM transmission line (freshest system: AKG IVM 4), cause I HATE hp cables :wink: . Mixed homestudio / listening setup. I eq ALL monitors/headphones to my liking (deq2496s in the digital chains).

Sep 28, 2014 at 3:57 AM Post #531 of 15,649
Hey guys, my name is Victor
I'm a part-time producer/audio engineer/musician hailing from Toronto, Canada. I work primarily in the realm of metal and hardcore, but personally listen to a fairly wide spectrum of genres, ranging from metal to classical (classically trained pianist for a mother certainly got me started early on that count) to trance to hip hop.
I've lurked on Head-Fi for quite a bit, and used it for quite a bit of research when it came to making purchases, whether that was a new pairs of cans or the purchase and questions about my Benchmark DAC1, which remains my favorite studio toy (the honeymoon phase has yet to wear off, and its been 2 years now!)
I currently own two pairs of ATH M50s, pair of AKG Q701s and a pair of older K701s as well as a pair of Miller & Kreisel MPS-1611P and Adam A7Xs as mixing and tracking studio monitors, all running hooked up to my Benchmark DAC1 (monitor management and control is via my nifty NOS McOne, which is a passive studio monitor controller I cannot recommend enough!).
Sep 28, 2014 at 9:16 AM Post #532 of 15,649
Hello there~! Been lurking around for sometime but decided to register finally hehe...
I used to think Bose was the **** :p.. Back in 2000s i got a Bose Companion for my pc speaker and i was so proud of it. It has so much bass!! And i can play it loudly without breaking up much! 
 Naturally i progressed to having a Bose headset.. can't remember which one it was :p.. again i thought it was awesome ! 
Until one fine day i was walking around in the airport looking at audios. I was about to board a 8 hour flight and had no headsets. Randomly i picked up Shure 215 and a pair of adaptors and wow.. do i love it :D. I progressed to Shure 530 after and got myself a Cowon S9 and was happy with it . (Even though i was using low-source mp3s) .. Until a gamer friend of friend started raving about FitEar 334.. then im like hmm O.O.. how much better can it get ..right ?
Went to SIngapore's Jaben on one business trip... tried listening to my Shure 530 on an iphone and compared it with a FitEar 334.. hmm..its not very impressive 
. They gave me a Ak240 to test.. 
... my first reaction was OMG!!.. This makes my Shure sounds like some cheap-ass earphones!!!   
Never looked back since then ~.~ .. didn't manage to get the FitEar334 but experimented with alot of earphones , Xiaomi Piston, DN-1000 , etc, and started replacing my source files with flac.
Current Portable Setup is Fiio X5 + Vorzuge Pure II   along with Tranlucent Ref-1 :)).
PC Setup is B&W MM-1 
Hope to learn alot from here :).
Sep 29, 2014 at 12:03 AM Post #533 of 15,649
Hello All,

Another new member here. Not much to say. Music makes me happy. Currently I own the senn 650s, uber bifrost, burson soloist, and an oppo 103(this is NOT the audiophile edition with sabre DAC) as the source. I'm very happy with the soloist but can't tell a difference between the bifrost DAC and the oppo's built in DAC. Could this just be a limitation of my hearing abilities or would a better headphone reveal the difference in the oppo DAC and bifrost? I'm using the digital coax out from the oppo to feed the bifrost.
Sep 29, 2014 at 11:36 AM Post #534 of 15,649

I am Deyan from Sofia/Bozhurishte Bulgaria. I enjoy deep basses, coz I am a Bass addict xD. I graduated with master degree from technical university of Sofia and ever since I work as a C/ProC/PL-SQL Application developer. I currently own Canyon DJ Pro and A4-Tech MK-510 Tuned those by ear ... turned out to be quite good frequency response.
I enjoy squeezing the Bass out a speaker using equalizers :).

Watch my revide my oldie Car audio here.
Sep 29, 2014 at 11:57 AM Post #535 of 15,649
New member, long time lurker.
Just got a pair of AKG K702's as what I feel is my introduction to high-end audio. Thanks to everyone for the reviews and input that helped me decide which 'phones to get.
Now that I've got a good pair of headphones, I'm finally ready to take the plunge on some other equipment, and I'm sure I'll need help. Picking the headphones was easy
, picking a good DAC and Amp looks like it will be much more difficult.
I'm also taking the plunge on some DIY projects, and I'm looking forward to adding to the discussions in the DIY forums.
So, Happy to be here. I've enjoyed lurking, Everyone here seems knowledgeable and helpful. I'm sure I'm in the right place.
Sep 29, 2014 at 2:32 PM Post #536 of 15,649
I have been lurking among the forums for quite a while now and have finally decided to join the community. My experience with headphones is so far limited to the Beats Studio and Pro, (surprise, right?), the AKG K350, and the AIAIAI Tracks, which my sister owns. I decided it would be smart to join and talk to the people here before planning my next purchase, so here I am.
Sep 30, 2014 at 12:40 PM Post #537 of 15,649
Hi everyone :)

I am Grega, originally from Slovenia (Europe), but I currently live in Sweden. I am an audiophile and I am eager to learn as much as possible about headphones etc. 

I study entrepreneurship and have some interesting business ideas in my mind.

If here are any people from EU (especially Sweden) feel free to contact me.
All the best,
Oct 1, 2014 at 2:55 PM Post #539 of 15,649
Why won't this website let me post anything from my phone..

Check your browser and/or your browser settings. I am sending this to you from my iPhone 6, and have been able to post from my iPhone 5 without any issues as well. You may not have rights to post images yet as I know it takes a certain amount of posts to do so. Good luck!
Oct 1, 2014 at 9:33 PM Post #540 of 15,649
The Lovely Flea here! For me it all started with the HRT Microstreamer, then the Leckerton UHA-6s mkii. Now I'm addicted to purchasing audio gear. Currently enjoying Neulore's new album. Just stopping by to say "high".

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