Oct 8, 2010 at 12:00 PM Post #138 of 265
If your files aren't tagged correctly, finding them can be difficult. Go to newly added or something like it (my iTunes is japanese, so I have no idea of the English version). If you have them properly tagged, finding them by genre or title or author is as easy as pie.
If you drag, drop and still dont' find them, then the files are improperly tagged. iTunes handles files, nudging, organising, etc., better than any media system I've used. I don't like its speed when I'm in a rush, but everything else is great.
Either way drag or add, it doesn't work. I drag the folders into iTunes and it does absolutely nothing.

Oct 8, 2010 at 12:32 PM Post #139 of 265
Well I added 60 some CDs worth and my song count only increased by 72. I don't think it's sitting anywhere. All of these CDs were ripped and tagged by the same method, so if any of them are being picked up, they should all be picked up.
edit: OK this is weird. I took your advice and looked at recently added and they are all there some 900 songs, but they don't show up in my collection window. Why? They all have artist and album title and track name...
Wish iTunes would just have an option to sort by folder structure instead of only by metadata. Some of my compliation discs get spread out all over because the artists are different, making it impossible to listen to the CD as intended without having to piece together a playlist for it. Maybe my method of using folder structure is ancient, but I use it because it works. Sorting only by tags clearly DOES NOT WORK.
Another problem I'm having with iTunes is album artwork. I have the artwork for these albums, but it does not allow me to manually add the artwork at least that I can find. I've tried the iTunes 'get artwork', but it doesn't help. I now right click on the album or a song and I have the option of 'get artwork' or 'clear downloaded artwork', but I can't actually SET the artwork for the album. This is so dumb.
Oct 8, 2010 at 1:15 PM Post #142 of 265
Artwork: you are just missing it, that is all. Go to 'info' or 'get info' or highlight all the songs in the album, then drag artwork into the frame on the left for the artwork - that one one way. I just go to info and then to options tab (I think) and then drag artwork in there.
The reason you are having problems is just because you have come from a different system. Had you moved from iTunes, it would be the same way with the new software.
As for missing songs, you are somehow not tagging something, or have your sorting to work out to artist/album/genre and one isn't there. Just re-tag in iTunes and you will be fine. I've struggled with many apps over the years and actually begrudgingly started to like iTunes - it simply has the most extensive and easy to use interface, search, scripting engine that just works. Any more questions and I'll be happy to help, but others know more than me. KRmathis is probably one of the best.
Well I added 60 some CDs worth and my song count only increased by 72. I don't think it's sitting anywhere. All of these CDs were ripped and tagged by the same method, so if any of them are being picked up, they should all be picked up.
edit: OK this is weird. I took your advice and looked at recently added and they are all there some 900 songs, but they don't show up in my collection window. Why? They all have artist and album title and track name...
Wish iTunes would just have an option to sort by folder structure instead of only by metadata. Some of my compliation discs get spread out all over because the artists are different, making it impossible to listen to the CD as intended without having to piece together a playlist for it. Maybe my method of using folder structure is ancient, but I use it because it works. Sorting only by tags clearly DOES NOT WORK.
Another problem I'm having with iTunes is album artwork. I have the artwork for these albums, but it does not allow me to manually add the artwork at least that I can find. I've tried the iTunes 'get artwork', but it doesn't help. I now right click on the album or a song and I have the option of 'get artwork' or 'clear downloaded artwork', but I can't actually SET the artwork for the album. This is so dumb.

Oct 8, 2010 at 1:56 PM Post #143 of 265
I'll try it when I get home, but yeah my friend just told me it was in the get info submenu. When I see get artwork and remove artwork in the main right click menu I'm expecting all artwork related options to be in that same menu not an unrelated submenu. If they were logical about it they would simply have an "artwork" submenu with all 3 options instead of being spread out.

I know I'm getting used to a new system but I'm expecting things to be laid out logically and not finding them. iTunes seems to be a typical case of an art project instead of a properly engineered piece of software. Artsy people are rarely organized so I guess this should be no surprise coming from apple, style over substance.
Oct 8, 2010 at 3:06 PM Post #144 of 265

Well I added 60 some CDs worth and my song count only increased by 72. I don't think it's sitting anywhere. All of these CDs were ripped and tagged by the same method, so if any of them are being picked up, they should all be picked up.
edit: OK this is weird. I took your advice and looked at recently added and they are all there some 900 songs, but they don't show up in my collection window. Why? They all have artist and album title and track name...
Wish iTunes would just have an option to sort by folder structure instead of only by metadata. Some of my compliation discs get spread out all over because the artists are different, making it impossible to listen to the CD as intended without having to piece together a playlist for it. Maybe my method of using folder structure is ancient, but I use it because it works. Sorting only by tags clearly DOES NOT WORK.
Another problem I'm having with iTunes is album artwork. I have the artwork for these albums, but it does not allow me to manually add the artwork at least that I can find. I've tried the iTunes 'get artwork', but it doesn't help. I now right click on the album or a song and I have the option of 'get artwork' or 'clear downloaded artwork', but I can't actually SET the artwork for the album. This is so dumb.

Artwork: you are just missing it, that is all. Go to 'info' or 'get info' or highlight all the songs in the album, then drag artwork into the frame on the left for the artwork - that one one way. I just go to info and then to options tab (I think) and then drag artwork in there.
The reason you are having problems is just because you have come from a different system. Had you moved from iTunes, it would be the same way with the new software.
As for missing songs, you are somehow not tagging something, or have your sorting to work out to artist/album/genre and one isn't there. Just re-tag in iTunes and you will be fine. I've struggled with many apps over the years and actually begrudgingly started to like iTunes - it simply has the most extensive and easy to use interface, search, scripting engine that just works. Any more questions and I'll be happy to help, but others know more than me. KRmathis is probably one of the best.

I'll try it when I get home, but yeah my friend just told me it was in the get info submenu. When I see get artwork and remove artwork in the main right click menu I'm expecting all artwork related options to be in that same menu not an unrelated submenu. If they were logical about it they would simply have an "artwork" submenu with all 3 options instead of being spread out.

I know I'm getting used to a new system but I'm expecting things to be laid out logically and not finding them. iTunes seems to be a typical case of an art project instead of a properly engineered piece of software. Artsy people are rarely organized so I guess this should be no surprise coming from apple, style over substance.

iTunes is very powerful and refined through years of evolution, but it can be a bit daunting and unwieldy at this point if you are adapting to it for the first time. My only real complaint with it is that they periodically change the user interface seemingly for no real reason.
iTunes really wants to "take control" by making your folders for you. If the tags are compatible at all, you could try copying your tunes to one big folder and try to add that to the library, letting iTunes create the subfolders. If that doesn't work, you could try using a utility to convert to a more compatible codec (not sure which one you are using). You are definitely having your problems because your music (CD's?) were not ripped/imported by iTunes in the first place. If you have access to the original CD's, your best solution may be to re-rip.
As far as album artwork goes, the clipboard is your friend. You don't have to highlight all the songs, just highlight the album name and "get info"; then you just highlight the existing artwork (or click on the empty artwork box), and click "paste"; it will be replaced with the image in your clipboard. If you have albums that contain more than one disk, you can shift-select them to replace the artwork all at once and you can even consolidate the disks into one album if you want with this method. iTunes is very powerful.
Don't forget to research how iTunes deals with the "compilations" issue, for when there is more than one artist on the album. There used to be a global choice for this, now it seems to be  controlled with those same "get info" dialog boxes exclusively, on an opt-in basis. I avoid this, as I do not think it is helpful with a large library but YMMV.
Anyways good luck, I hope it works out for you 

Oct 8, 2010 at 3:56 PM Post #145 of 265
Yeah I finally did manage to get the rest of the CDs to show up in the collection. The CDs being added to iTunes are all standard mp3 either CBR or VBR.

We'll see how the art goes. I just never expected to have a wide array of tools within the get info option. I expected get info simply found artist, title, album information not manipulating artwork, compilation management and many more I've not heard of yet. It's just not very intuitive to have critical functions hidden behind unrelated function titles.

Anyways I'm at work and bored so I'm just kind of rambling.
Oct 8, 2010 at 6:42 PM Post #146 of 265
Perhaps we should get back to talking about the touch itself?
I've found no issues with mine, other than an occasional reluctance to connect to wifi (solved by reboot). The edge of the glass attracts dust. The camera is fun, but HDR apps are useless in practice because they take so long. Good synergy with the SR60.
That's all I have to say so far.
Oct 8, 2010 at 6:48 PM Post #147 of 265
Thanks for sharing semisight..
Perhaps we should get back to talking about the touch itself?
I've found no issues with mine, other than an occasional reluctance to connect to wifi (solved by reboot). The edge of the glass attracts dust. The camera is fun, but HDR apps are useless in practice because they take so long. Good synergy with the SR60.
That's all I have to say so far.

Oct 8, 2010 at 9:38 PM Post #148 of 265
No problemo 
Oct 9, 2010 at 11:19 AM Post #149 of 265
Semisight, could you tell me something about new Touch 4G playing together with RE0? I suppose that there is not too much bass, but it will be very good for me... Is the sound clear and wide? How about general SQ? Comparison with Sansa Clip would be very helpful, too. 
Oct 9, 2010 at 4:23 PM Post #150 of 265
The channel separation on the touch has always been good IMO. The RE0 does not have a naturally wide soundstage, and the touch doesn't really affect it either way. With the double flange tips it is pleasantly wide as usual. The mid bass definitely has more kick, but it doesn't add any warmth like the clip+ does. The RE0 do sound good out of the clip, but without the added warmth they sound more honest. The touch 4g is clearer than the 2g to my ears.
I'm kind of adjusted to the extra bass on the DDMs these days as they're more enjoyable all around, but the RE0s still get play time as relaxation earphones. Take this with a grain of salt. I'll listen to the RE0 a little more for a few days and see what I think then.

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