New Hidizs AP200 double DAC Android-based smart music player
Dec 6, 2017 at 4:40 AM Post #1,621 of 2,616
Please detail what you mean. Do you like the sound of Audio Technica M50x with AP200?

I think he means the ap200 unit does not get hot driving his sennheiser. Mine gets a little bit warm on high volume (low gain) on high gain it gets very warm but not hot driving my he400i
Dec 6, 2017 at 4:49 AM Post #1,622 of 2,616
Thanks, I will check it out later after work.

If some dude hadn't fleeced Hidisz we all might be getting better interaction with them.

There is some no B.S. right there. Who wants to get fleeced? That's another story for another day on another site though.

I am looking forward for a VE monk iems experience impressin with the ap200 :) your reviews helps a lot.
Dec 6, 2017 at 5:35 AM Post #1,625 of 2,616
How many hours do you think before the changes set in?

Since I got my AP200 (6-7 days ago) I have listened to it almost everyday (5-6 hours daily). So it is average almost 50 hours. I believe AP200 will need to break in more than that...

Thanks, guess it's gonna be a lot of hours like most good daps :D
Dec 6, 2017 at 6:06 AM Post #1,626 of 2,616
I'm having a problem with my unit. I'm hearing a very soft but high pitch beeping sound as well as some other interference/noise sounds when the volume is very low (or paused). I notice it more on a sensitive pair of in ear more. Anyone else notice this? Any advice on what I should do?
Dec 6, 2017 at 6:14 AM Post #1,627 of 2,616
I'm having a problem with my unit. I'm hearing a very soft but high pitch beeping sound as well as some other interference/noise sounds when the volume is very low (or paused). I notice it more on a sensitive pair of in ear more. Anyone else notice this? Any advice on what I should do?

What iem are you using? My most sensitive iem is my andro and i don't notice it.
Dec 6, 2017 at 6:35 AM Post #1,628 of 2,616
That was the same with my AP200 several days ago. It came with really musical sound but then it changes in a couple days later with little bit analytical sound then it’s getting better and letter. I don’t even care to listen to my DPX1 and Fiio X5 III anymore...
That's a nice comment to read for someone still waiting for the thing to arrive. What headphones/IEM did you use ?
I'm positively surprised after reading many negative comments (not especially on the sound quality, though).
Did the sound change for the better (or for the letter :) because of firmware updating ? or is it your ear and/or the burn in ? Why do you prefer it to the Fiio X5 III ? (if you can put words on this feeling). Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

I'm having a problem with my unit. I'm hearing a very soft but high pitch beeping sound as well as some other interference/noise sounds when the volume is very low (or paused). I notice it more on a sensitive pair of in ear more
As Kervsky already asked, what kind of sensitive IEM did you use to notice that ?
I'll test with my Custom Art Harmony 8.2 as soon as possible (that will be tomorrow with a bit of luck).
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Dec 6, 2017 at 6:42 AM Post #1,629 of 2,616
That's a nice comment to read for someone still waiting for the thing to arrive. What headphones/IEM did you use ?
I'm positively surprised after reading many negative comments (not especially on the sound quality, though).

Sorry for butting in, I've used it on akg k553 pro (flattest sound quality, nicely separated, still musical)
Hifiman HE400i, some bass, mids are forward, guitar strings are plucked like in front of your eyes, highs are clear a bit extended.
Tennmak Trio (balanced filter) more bass, mids more forward, treble clear.
Andromeda lovely bass, beautiful mids, very clear and more spacious music, voices, instruments, highs are extended, near sparkling.
Dec 6, 2017 at 7:16 AM Post #1,631 of 2,616
Tomorrow my Noble Audio Sage will arrive, oh man I am looking so much forward to pair it with my AP200 :L3000:
Dec 6, 2017 at 7:22 AM Post #1,632 of 2,616
Thanks for butting in, Kervsky.
I see that you have choice of quality headphones to test with.
Did you compare the AP200 to other DAPs in your collection with such headphones, and was it positive ?

I tested it with my A35, phone with pha-1a, xduoo xd-05, wm1a. Aside from the wm1a, it's a lot better than the rest that I have. The musical quality is engaging, more fun to listen to but at the same time it's not overly colored. Low/bass is good, clear, not basshead quality as bass is heard if the track isnt thumping, but when it does, you can feel it. Mids are clear, intimate but not crowded, a bit forward, the vocals are nice, strings can be heard being plucked, hammers hitting piano strings can be imagined (that clarity is minimal with the tennmak, but beautiful on the andro) highs are clear, a bit extended but not sparkly.

Overall I'm very satisfied with this sonically, so much i wont miss my wm1a when I'm out and about.
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Dec 6, 2017 at 7:57 AM Post #1,633 of 2,616
I’m more of a lurker than a poster, but I’ve listened to the AP200 now for a few days and I have to say that I’m impressed.

Sonically crisp, clear and somewhat unique. It’s exceeded my expectations.

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