New Beyerdynamic T1 (2nd Generation)
Dec 15, 2015 at 2:20 AM Post #841 of 3,926
  Are your HD800 or HD650 modded? Makes a world of difference!

No.  Neither of my Sennheisers are modded.  That's a good point.  I'll have to think about the HD-800s.  I'm not too keen on "modding" brand new $1500 headphones just yet...  I think that I will need to work up to that.
Out of curiosity, which mods are you referring to that made a difference for you?  Seems like there are a few now that I am looking....
Thank you for putting that out there.  

Dec 15, 2015 at 3:37 AM Post #842 of 3,926
  To answer your question directly:
After 100 hours of burn-in, NO.  My iFi iDSD Micro does not sound too bright on the T1 ver2. headphones OR on the HD800.  They don't sound quite as good as with the iCAN, but they are pretty close.  Larger difference between them when listening to the HD-800 though.  It seems that the T1 Takes just about any amp I have and sounds good.  Passable with the FIIO e17, better with the iDSD, slightly better with the iCAN, and just a little more "refined" with the ASGARD 2, but the GOOD quality tracks never get too "bright".  Now if you pull low quality streams, then it shows.  (Again, not as much as it does with the HD-800s, but you can definitely tell.)
Truth be told, I'm considering not keeping the HD-800s.  I'm not in the market for a $3-6K amp, and the ones I have don't make it sound appreciably better than the T1 ver2.  Perhaps if I had a Luxman or the like it would make a difference, but I'm REALLY happy with the T1 ver2 and the HD-650 as my "ahh" headphones, and my specialties like my AKG K550/K545 for "fun", and my modded JVC HA-SZ20000 for BASS SLAM pretty-much round-out everything I listen to.
OH!  If you get the chance.  Mario Lanza's "Oh Holy Night" is AMAZING on the T1s!!!  It's a fairly poor recording overall, so the HD-800s make you pay for it, but the T1s are absolutely angelic! You get all the power, detail, and even more "energy" than through the HD-800s, (One way the Suuuuuuper-wide soundstage can work against the HD-800s I'm finding.) but none of the harshness.
Oh, and Mahler's Finale 1 (DSD256 2 channel OR 5 channel)  Wow...

Thanks! Great read. 
I Think I may have to pull the trigger on the new T1. I have heard them and they sound great. I just haven't heard the with ifi micro idsd that I have and will be using. And having read all this about being careful with what amp you drive the T1's with - well, nice to hear that the ifi and T1 is not a terrible combo. Thanks again!   
Dec 15, 2015 at 3:50 AM Post #843 of 3,926
  No.  Neither of my Sennheisers are modded.  That's a good point.  I'll have to think about the HD-800s.  I'm not too keen on "modding" brand new $1500 headphones just yet...  I think that I will need to work up to that.
Out of curiosity, which mods are you referring to that made a difference for you?  Seems like there are a few now that I am looking....
Thank you for putting that out there.  

For my HD800 I did the reversable anax mod. Just requires you cutting up stuff and pasting it. You can use various materials. The two published versions have foam, rug liner and felt in some combination (pick two of three). Personally, I did thin cork + thin rug liner + thin felt. Then I removed the dust cover. Cork at bottom, felt at top, rug liner in the middle. I used the 'warmer' version for the cork and rug liner, and the more 'neutral' version for the felt. Don't forget the triangle part. Here's a link to a video on the process. Huge difference- beforehand I thought the HD800 was basically unlistenable (which led me down this path). Now, I love them to bits. I was seriously thinking about selling the HD800 and buying the S; but right now that's not necessary at all. The HD800 went from last in my stable to first with these mods.
PS, every HD800 is different, and everyone has a different pairing (amp, etc) as well as preferences. You may need to experiment with different thickness, different materials, different shapes, leaving the dust cover on vs off, and so on, until you find something that fits your ears. And it's all reversible btw- just remove the cutouts, and you're done.
As for HD650, I did the two mods here: after removing the foam at the front, though, I used my leftover cork and rugliner (same order, cork at the bottom and rugliner on top) and cut a replacement 'foam' and put a quarter in the middle to cut out a hole for the driver to 'breathe'. (I did this partly because I had some leftover materials, but also because I did not want to do a irreversible mod). Finally, I also did the dynamat mod except I used blutack instead because I had that readily available. I'm sure dynamat will work better but I'm lazy to go buy some, and blutack still dampens vibration somewhat to help the bass.
Note: after I wrote this, some of my links were removed from my post for 'myriad reasons (some of which you may or may not be familiar)' (I'm just quoting). So if you wish, you can google these mods and find the images yourself :D
Dec 16, 2015 at 3:08 PM Post #845 of 3,926
Dec 16, 2015 at 5:18 PM Post #847 of 3,926
oooh i did something wrong .....the hole is bigger in gen 2   :-/

habe es wieder entfernt
I'm having a little bit of a hard time understanding your Engilsh, but I translated that German sentence to English with Google. "have it removed" Did you remove the black dampening in the middle inside the hole?
Dec 19, 2015 at 8:08 AM Post #848 of 3,926
I own the T90. Was wondering if anyone thinks it a worthwhile endeavor for my ears and wallet to upgrade to the T1 2G. I am very satisfied with the T90 but they do have me craving more of that Beyer awesomeness. Any thoughts are appreciated.
Dec 19, 2015 at 8:46 AM Post #849 of 3,926
I own the T90. Was wondering if anyone thinks it a worthwhile endeavor for my ears and wallet to upgrade to the T1 2G. I am very satisfied with the T90 but they do have me craving more of that Beyer awesomeness. Any thoughts are appreciated.

While the T1 2nd Gen sounds a fair bit better than the original and is a lot less picky on source, I still wouldn't throw that amount of money into them personally. You can get better (I think, depending on your sound preferences) at that price range and the T90s are pretty good performing cans already.
Dec 19, 2015 at 8:49 AM Post #850 of 3,926
I own the T90. Was wondering if anyone thinks it a worthwhile endeavor for my ears and wallet to upgrade to the T1 2G. I am very satisfied with the T90 but they do have me craving more of that Beyer awesomeness. Any thoughts are appreciated.

This kind of question is hard to answer... The T90 is a very capable headphone and if you like its signature, why not stay with it?
To me the difference between T90 and T1 is mainly, that the latter is more refined and has a less aggressive treble and more precise imaging with a bit narrower soundstage. I think the T1.2 moved even more in that direction, i.e. away from the T90, which, to me, has more of the classic Beyerdynamic sound.
Dec 19, 2015 at 9:27 AM Post #851 of 3,926
Given the choice of less assertive treble or a touch narrower soundstage, I'd prefer reduced treble presence. My hearing is treble hypersensitive from years of hearing abuse at work. I now wear hearing protection while working but the damage is done. I am craving more detail, sharper focus of instrument separation and overall midrange body. T1.2 could be my personal game changer. Thoughts greatly appreciated. 
Dec 19, 2015 at 9:33 AM Post #852 of 3,926
I wouldn't say that the T1.2 has a reduced treble presence but I guess every ear and preference differ. If you have demo'd a pair and like the sound, then go ahead. Don't see the harm other than your wallet :p
Dec 19, 2015 at 9:54 AM Post #853 of 3,926
  I wouldn't say that the T1.2 has a reduced treble presence but I guess every ear and preference differ. If you have demo'd a pair and like the sound, then go ahead. Don't see the harm other than your wallet :p

Mis-worded: I am looking for smoother treble. If the general consensus is correct, it, for me is likely a go. Trying to peace-meal my wallet together now is typically the only hang-up. 

Dec 24, 2015 at 3:06 AM Post #855 of 3,926
  @hanselmann The T1 2nd generation sold on US Amazon does not include the "Optional 5-pin XLR cable". So in US where can I buy this balance cable?
Really don't understand why the T1 2nd generation sold on US Amazon does not include the balance cable.

Neither does the T1.2 sold in EU... its just an optional accessory (and XL4 btw.). You may want to ask Beyerdynamic US:

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