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    • knorris908
      Hello, Fellow Audiophiles! This morning my comparison video of the HEDDphone 2, HiFiMan HE1000se, and Modhouse Tungsten DS went live on...
    • knorris908
      knorris908 reviewed the item iFi audio NEO iDSD 2.
      5.00 star(s) Disclaimer: I was loaned the iFi Neo iDSD 2 directly by iFi. (Many thanks again to Lawrance for the past 5 years or so of sharing “neat...
    • knorris908
      knorris908 reacted to Mr BubbaHyde's reply to a review on item iFi audio GO link with Like Like.
      Thank you. very much for taking the time to make this review! A very enjoyable read, and as an owner of the GO Link I wholeheartedly...
    • knorris908
      knorris908 reviewed the item iFi audio GO link.
      5.00 star(s) iFi Audio iFi-Go Link Portable Earphone Dongle I’ve seen a million reviews about the specs and what the dongle can power, so I thought...
    • knorris908
      knorris908 reacted to SHOOTINGTECHIE's review on item NuPrime DAC-9x with Like Like.
      NuPrime DAC-9x - The nearly All in One DAC-AMP 😎 NuPrime is an entirely HIFI audio manufacturer. It started in 2014 to provide the best...
    • knorris908
      knorris908 reacted to Law87's post in the thread HiFiMan Susvara with Like Like.
      I found the bass is so satisfying with vioelectric 281. matter of fact I sold my woo audio WA6-SE because the Vioelectric does it so well.
    • knorris908
      knorris908 replied to the thread HiFiMan Susvara.
      @devilboy While I can't speak for others, I don't take issue with your experience. It's YOUR experience based on your equipment, so...
    • knorris908
      knorris908 replied to the thread HiFiMan Susvara.
      Okay, I've officially lost my Susvaras... While my wife has been "tolerant" of my getting them, she would sort of side-eye me whenever...
    • knorris908
      knorris908 reacted to Ninja Theory's post in the thread HiFiMan Susvara with Like Like.
      I pulled the trigger on an Arctic Magnus S cable for my Sus (copper). Looks quite stunning with the transparent sleeving on the Litz...
    • knorris908
      knorris908 reacted to SuperBurrito's post in the thread HiFiMan Susvara with Like Like.
      Congrats! Susvara is still my favorite headphone!
    • knorris908
      knorris908 reacted to DeweyCH's post in the thread HiFiMan Susvara with Like Like.
      I’m thinking of ordering either a Black Dragon or a Senn CH700S for mine. Interim I’ve got some decent cables from AliExpress I bought...
    • knorris908
      knorris908 replied to the thread HiFiMan Susvara.
      Waited for them to thermally-stabilize from this afternoon since it's so cold here in NJ. Struggled with myself for what my first...
    • knorris908
      knorris908 replied to the thread HiFiMan Susvara.
      Yes! And I thought that the unboxing experience of my HEDDPhone was over the top... I have to hide the book, or my wife will try to...
    • knorris908
      knorris908 replied to the thread HiFiMan Susvara.
      It has taken FOR-EVER, but at long last, I have finally joined the fraternity of Susvara owners!
      • Susvara Arrives!.jpg
    • knorris908
      knorris908 reacted to FiGuY1017's post in the thread HiFiMan Susvara with Like Like.
      I always have to give my buddy over at M2 Tech my highest recommendation. His Young Mkiii and MkIv along with his Vandergraf Mkii is...
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