New Beyer DT1350
Apr 13, 2012 at 11:29 AM Post #1,516 of 4,010

I was to lazy to do a FBD, that's why it probably didn't work the first time lol...

Ahh no... Me no mech engg :frowning2:

iPod Touch 3rd gen, Fiio L9 LOD, Leckerton UHA-4 using opamp AD8610ARZ (gain setting is on, cross feed setting off), DT1350 with Sennheiser HD25 pads mounted on cups, source Apple lossless 16bit
First the great news,the lows now have a little more authority and body and they can now punch quite nicely meaning percussion is very very nice now. Although I'm finding the bass has a touch more body note decay is still very quick and tight in the low end. The highs aren't as splashy and the upper treble is now clearer and not as grainy. Sound stage seems to have slightly expanded and instrument positioning has improved. The upper mids are now controlled and although still energetic sibilance has been almost eliminated. The mids for me is where the big difference is specifically the vocals. Vocals on the DT1350 I've always classed as excellent but with the UHA-4 vocals now sound heavenly. I was in awe when I heard Melody Gardot or Anette Olzon from Nightwish sing and it felt like if I closed my eyes they were there. String instruments are no longer blurred and the listener can practically pick out each individual string as their plucked. Electric rock guitar tonality is now better and I'm hearing more detail throughout the whole sound spectrum. I used to amp the DT1350 using a DIY amp I called Marilyn and the presentation on that amp I could only describe as fluid. With the UHA-4 the word fluid goes out the window and the only words I can use to describe the presentation is quick, detailed, refined and natural. Another word that comes to mind would be attack because the DT1350 takes fast aggressive passages and hits the listener in the face with it.
The bad news, this amp paired with the DT1350 has shown me how important source can be and has showed me how many of my favorite songs are junk. Badly recorded music with this combo will sound like complete garbage. Tonality will sound off sound stage has little or no depth etc. and vocals sound forced and very unnatural. This can is definitely not the can to use if all you have is mainstream low bit rate songs with little or no quality behind it. Some other bad news, although the bass now has more authority these cans for me personally still don't perform to my satisfaction with bass heavy electronica music. When I have more time I'm going to try throwing some trance and hardhouse at them but from the little I've experimented with this combo bass heavy music still doesn't work, The DT1350 just doesn't rumble on the low end for a satisfying listen with bass heavy music.
Looks like I'm eating crow, when I first got my DT1350's a few months ago I was of the opinion amping wouldn't bring a noticeable difference. I've never been so wrong and I now feel quite foolish I jumped to such an assumption. Overall I'm really happy with the results and I'm loving these cans the more I listen to them.

Velour or pleather pads? Also do you rest the hd25 pads over the plastic cup of the DTs or do they creep into the gap between the DTs cup and their original pads?
And yes DT1350s are lovely cans with beautiful mids and they are so unbelievably quick! I use them amped with my FiiO E17 or my home setup (Keces DA151 -> Meier Arietta).

Nice comments digital freak. Don't worry about the early negative comments and thoughts about the DT1350's. I auditioned them locally after reading so many reviews and even with my Alo rx2 driving lossless tracks into the Beyers I still found them to be particularly average. Well perhaps not average but certainly lacking in bottom end in a big way. I was almost tempted to buy some audio technical esw7's instead. I am glad that I ignored my initial views and relied upon the many glowing headfi reviews. These cans paired with the iBasso pb2 with balanced wiring are heavenly. I am loving them.

Apr 13, 2012 at 7:26 PM Post #1,517 of 4,010
My god the bass in The Tree of Life film almost blew my speaker out lol. You cannot EQ really for headphones and bluray other than tone on the Denon from what I know and I had to dial the bass down to -5. The segway into the lava bit is ridiculous low end for a film. I now know not to put films up anywhere near that volume which is already way lower than I do for music in media classic player. Films are mastered a lot differently obviously.
I have also stopped caring much about EQ. Everything kind of needs a tweak here or there to sound its best. In some recordings I like them brighter in others not as much. I guess I like a less bright sound overall but definitely not all the time. It needs to be lively. EQs are such a timesink.
Apr 15, 2012 at 2:13 PM Post #1,518 of 4,010

Nice comments digital freak. Don't worry about the early negative comments and thoughts about the DT1350's. I auditioned them locally after reading so many reviews and even with my Alo rx2 driving lossless tracks into the Beyers I still found them to be particularly average. Well perhaps not average but certainly lacking in bottom end in a big way. I was almost tempted to buy some audio technical esw7's instead. I am glad that I ignored my initial views and relied upon the many glowing headfi reviews. These cans paired with the iBasso pb2 with balanced wiring are heavenly. I am loving them.

So you're saying don't listen to any review that's less than glowing, don't trust your own initial auditions, just listen to the positive hype and everything will be dandy?  Interesting philosophy... 
Apr 15, 2012 at 2:21 PM Post #1,519 of 4,010

So you're saying don't listen to any review that's less than glowing, don't trust your own initial auditions, just listen to the positive hype and everything will be dandy?  Interesting philosophy... 

Whose hyping anything, I've owned my DT1350's for almost a year and have been playing around with them off and on to see what I could squeeze out of them. If I like what I hear then I like what I hear end of story. If you don't like what you hear then you don't like what you hear also end of story. Why get upset concerning an alternate view? Such things aren't worth the energy in my opinion but that's just my own philosophy.
Apr 15, 2012 at 2:24 PM Post #1,520 of 4,010


Velour or pleather pads? Also do you rest the hd25 pads over the plastic cup of the DTs or do they creep into the gap between the DTs cup and their original pads?

I use the extra pair of white velour pads that came with my HD25-i-ii and I rest the pads over the DT's plastic cup.
Apr 15, 2012 at 2:26 PM Post #1,521 of 4,010
That's not what I'm saying at all.  And I'm not upset.  I just don't agree with the idea that someone should ignore the less than positive impressions of something.  Those are often the most useful because then you can decide if the phone's shortcomings, which it clearly will have, are things that will likely bother you or not. 
Apr 15, 2012 at 2:38 PM Post #1,522 of 4,010

That's not what I'm saying at all.  And I'm not upset.  I just don't agree with the idea that someone should ignore the less than positive impressions of something.  Those are often the most useful because then you can decide if the phone's shortcomings, which it clearly will have, are things that will likely bother you or not. 

My thinking on such things is quite simple. You add up the positive and negatives and make a decision whether or not it's worth the gamble and go from there. Most people on here are smart enough to not spend 300 plus bones on a can without at least having an idea what to expect. The poster you were talking to had a chance to listen to the DT1350 with his own ears and although not overly impressed with it he saw enough in it's sound to warrant him investing the bones and his time to find a happy medium.
When I first bought mine I experienced new toy syndrome and was impressed with the vocals this thing could do but not the bass. I messed around with source, I messed around with amping, I messed around with different genres etc etc etc and had both positive and negative results. What I'm driving at with this post is I had fun along the way experimenting which ultimately is the point of this hobby. That is the point of a hobby isn't it?
Apr 15, 2012 at 2:49 PM Post #1,523 of 4,010
It's obviously much better for your wallet to read ALL the info you can, good or bad and figure out if a headphone will match your preferences based on everyone's feedback. Especially if you can't go audition them yourself. It's why I still haven't bought the DT-1350 and from the QC issues I keep hearing about, it's certainly steered me away. Still hope to try these some time, granted I get the 'right' pair.
Apr 15, 2012 at 2:58 PM Post #1,524 of 4,010

It's obviously much better for your wallet to read ALL the info you can, good or bad and figure out if a headphone will match your preferences based on everyone's feedback. Especially if you can't go audition them yourself. It's why I still haven't bought the DT-1350 and from the QC issues I keep hearing about, it's certainly steered me away. Still hope to try these some time, granted I get the 'right' pair.

Whoa, you changed your avatar and I just realized you were the roma I met on the armaegis shootout thread, sorry about that. Hope you're still enjoying the M-80 and HD25's?
Apr 15, 2012 at 3:09 PM Post #1,525 of 4,010

My thinking on such things is quite simple. You add up the positive and negatives and make a decision whether or not it's worth the gamble and go from there. Most people on here are smart enough to not spend 300 plus bones on a can without at least having an idea what to expect. The poster you were talking to had a chance to listen to the DT1350 with his own ears and although not overly impressed with it he saw enough in it's sound to warrant him investing the bones and his time to find a happy medium.
When I first bought mine I experienced new toy syndrome and was impressed with the vocals this thing could do but not the bass. I messed around with source, I messed around with amping, I messed around with different genres etc etc etc and had both positive and negative results. What I'm driving at with this post is I had fun along the way experimenting which ultimately is the point of this hobby. That is the point of a hobby isn't it?

All i'm saying is that I don't agree with the idea of ignoring negative reviews.  That leads to the fanboy FTOM hype that is pretty common around here. 
For me personally, experimenting by buying stuff isn't really the point for me.  The point for me is purity, so I can just enjoy music without annoying gear colorations.  I have fun modding stuff though. 
Apr 15, 2012 at 3:10 PM Post #1,526 of 4,010
Haha, yeah same guy in the photo (Michael Hutchence) just a different photo. I do enjoy both cans indeed, although I have thought about the 1350s from time to time. Not sure if the sig would match my preferences though. It's too bad there's no place to audition them, but if I have the extra $$ sometime I would love to try them in the future. These days, I'm getting more and more interested in the M-100 and Z1000. I've always been looking for a nice portable circumaural. 
Apr 15, 2012 at 3:26 PM Post #1,527 of 4,010

All i'm saying is that I don't agree with the idea of ignoring negative reviews.  That leads to the fanboy FTOM hype that is pretty common around here. 
For me personally, experimenting by buying stuff isn't really the point for me.  The point for me is purity, so I can just enjoy music without annoying gear colorations.  I have fun modding stuff though. 

With all due respect there's no such thing as true purity. To get true purity gear would have to be neutral and there's no such thing as true neutral. There will always be some sort of coloration in some form or another. For me the fun in all this is getting to play around with different types of sound signatures and seeing what they can do. Guess we approach the hobby from two different perspectives.
Apr 15, 2012 at 3:32 PM Post #1,528 of 4,010

Haha, yeah same guy in the photo (Michael Hutchence) just a different photo. I do enjoy both cans indeed, although I have thought about the 1350s from time to time. Not sure if the sig would match my preferences though. It's too bad there's no place to audition them, but if I have the extra $$ sometime I would love to try them in the future. These days, I'm getting more and more interested in the M-100 and Z1000. I've always been looking for a nice portable circumaural. 

I've been keeping an eye on the M-100 thread myself and I'm rather curious what Val has up his sleeve. I've also mused over where I should go as far as cans are concerned. I've teetered over the Z1000 the PS500 and the ESW9, maybe even the M-100 if first initial impressions are positive. In the mean time and in between time I've been collecting some cool sounding IEM's and having a good old time doing it.
Apr 15, 2012 at 3:36 PM Post #1,529 of 4,010
Yes, very different perspectives.  I have no interest in playing around with different sound signatures.  There's nothing I enjoy less when it comes to listening to music.  And of course there is no absolute purity.  The point is to get it close enough where the mind is tricked by the illusion that speakers and headphones create.  Different sound signatures just remind me of the illusion and that's not what I'm interested in because the sound sig/headphone is just the medium, not the point.  The point is the music. 
  I'm interested in creating that illusion to get the sound sig out of the picture, not make it a part of the experience. 
Apr 15, 2012 at 5:05 PM Post #1,530 of 4,010
I have had M80, HD25 and now only keeping DT1350. For me, DT1350 is a better can but it might not be the right can for you but I think you should definitely give it a go. It is not those cans will wow you from the very start but after a period of time, you will start to appericate it. I think a lot people haven't had enough time with it.
I still think for a headphone. Review and feedback are just a very vague reflect on what you might hear from the headphone, too many factors that will change it person to person. Anyway, give DT1350 a try. The bass may not have the same thump as HD25 or M80, but to my ears it is clean and deep.

Haha, yeah same guy in the photo (Michael Hutchence) just a different photo. I do enjoy both cans indeed, although I have thought about the 1350s from time to time. Not sure if the sig would match my preferences though. It's too bad there's no place to audition them, but if I have the extra $$ sometime I would love to try them in the future. These days, I'm getting more and more interested in the M-100 and Z1000. I've always been looking for a nice portable circumaural. 


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